Stuff is only racist if you make it. Like this poster for example...

Stuff is only racist if you make it. Like this poster for example. Please show me ONE little kid who would look at this poster and go, "that's racist!" But all it took was one nig nog to flip out and now the Red Cross is in trouble. I hope that bitch needs a blood transfusion and they say fuck you ho.

I bet you could flip the races too and no one would say a thing.



He dindu nuffin

He's horse playing mang

>Please show me ONE little kid who would look at this poster and go, "that's racist!"
Why should it matter what kids think. Kids don't know what's racist and what isn't.
And any adult can clearly see that poster is racist. Chinese people are not all drunken pedos.

What's the problem with the kid diving into the pool? Isn't the board kinda for that?

Or are swan dives for some reason prohibited?

It could have been a shallow pool

Then why put a fucking diving board there? It's just poor design and you deserve to get sued.

>Chinese people are not all drunken pedos
Lol silly user. We all know they are.

I think the assumption is that the kid jumped of the edge of the pool and not the board

This made me laugh. They obviously tried to be inclusive by adding other races to the mix rather than have them all be white and still managed to be labeled racist. Can't fucking win.

That and the divider for the deep and shallow end.

"Thats racist, all the blacks are being bad!" Real life - blacks always being bad.

The problem is that he jumped while that girl is in the way

Isn't that kid in a white shirt and glasses white?

The Red Cross should agree to change the picture once niggers agree to lower the crime rate for their skin color and cities I think the picture is a good message
>non racist here

hat's a chinese/korean/japanese dude
yellow asia in any case

>yellow asia

Honestly it's a pretty shit poster anyways, all the supposedly uncool people look like they're having tons of fun and that guy walking around with the drink looks like the coolest dude in the place.
It was clearly designed by some out of touch folks.