What are your worst fears Sup Forums? Why?

What are your worst fears Sup Forums? Why?

Mine is deep water. When I was younger I was in a deep sea boating accident. To this day I avoid water that I can't see the bottom of.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=fear of large under water wikipedia

Pretty much this. Not much freaks me out, but deep water is fucking terrifying to me.

I went surfing in Costa Rica near where a stream enters the ocean. The water was all brown and muddy and had branches and shit floating in it. Leaves and shit were brushing me constantly. Can't do dark/cloudy water ever again.

Can't stand deep water. The murkier the worse.
The open ocean scares me too. Can't stand the endless horizon.
Whale songs are also kinda spooky

getting old to the point of no longer being self-sufficient
>can't drive any more because cataracts
>can't write or type because arthritis
>can't hear music anymore because deaf as shit
>can't go anywhere because i will piss or shit myself

fucking scary, man

Read my mind. Whale songs are spooky as FUCK, but nobody seems to agree

Deep water and spiders

a world run by liberals

Large water tanks/towers. Reservoirs. Water with industrial equipment like pipes, pumps, etc...

Heights, get vertigo like a motherfucker.

I got Kenophobia

I hope by the time I'm old LSD and shrooms are legal so I can just sit on my porch tripping balls in my wheelchair while my black home care nurse rifles through my shit looking for something to steal before realizing I have nothing worth stealing anyway.

that panic when your foot touches some seaweed

Underwater chains, huge shipwrecks, etc - there is a clinical term for this fear.

I thought that was a cancer treatment.

It's a fear of keno

Yeah those too. What's the name??

It used to be moth's but it got a lot better - still find them especially disgusting. Besides from that - nothing too weird.

Same op

I can't even really watch underwater scenes in movies, although I am getting better.

I once fell into some crazy hole in a lake bed and my aunt had to dive in and save me. I never had a problem with water until that.

lmgtfy.com/?q=fear of large under water wikipedia

Could be a reality pretty soon : /

Had to look it up again - Submechanophia

That a drawing of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre?

Try skydiving, also got vertigo at the mountain edge but no vertigo jumping out of the plane, probably brain overload "fuck this im out"

Actually there are studies going on that those drugs might combat dimentia and altzheimerz so you'll be able to catch them even in your old age

my fear of the ocean started with just what was in it, now just the thought of going out to sea trips me out

i fell off a ferry in the atlantic 5 years ago. they sent a small boat back for me.

the 20mins whilst i treaded water were the longest in my life.

You should play the game Subnautica, incrementally confront your fears, start with something completely safe like a video game.

I fear having a panic attack. It actually makes things worse sometimes. I have to avoid going to the movies and I can't get on an airplane without medication. I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack and can't do anything until we land and by then, I'll be rip.

>listen up kids, today we try to prove that drugs that heavily fuck with the chemicals in your brain are actually good for you so we can get hammered when we're old

Also I just got back from the beach and spent most of that time swimming or boating in the ocean, you are missing out bro.

Fuck no, I've got a swimming pool. Going to the beach is for poor people.

weed is proven to help those with spastic attacks, there are even youtube videos of people getting an attack and calming slowly down with it's help.

That of course doesn't mean normal people should take it but there might be more entertainment drugs that could be usefull as medication.


That's chemotherapy

Heights kinda mess with me, but my ultimate fear is probably getting jumped by a group of people or having a gun pulled on me. I've been held up before.


yachts are for poor people




Falling in love with a nigger
Being cucked by niggers
Being a nigger

Yeah I am not a fan of deep water or the ocean. I live in Australia, can swim great and go too the beach a lot, but if I go out far I get pretty creeped out.





to get kill by a alcohol


My worst fear?

As it shows in OP's pic.
Choking on some slut I tried to eat.


Idk if that's been touched up but the lighting would make it less scary.


I can't even walk around on grass with my bare foot


>just enjoy yourself

Not wishing death upon likes
Being gassed by kikes

we comin fo yo gurls whit boiiii

A slow, painful death. Im just as afraid of having to witness a family member die this way

The opening sequence of Das Boot is better

What is this, 1867?

heights and death

Climbing in my window?

that's great. could you elaborate on these accidents ? love deep sea accident stories.

I agree. It's the murk and the not being able to see potentially giant shit that scares the fuck outta me.

In a perfect world (ran by white master race)

not knowing what year it is

The dark. If the lights suddenly go out and I'm in pitch black I just freeze up and can't move until they come on again. I don't even sleep with all the lights off, I always keep a hall light on.
I am also afraid of loud thudding/stomping/knocking noises. There are Mexicans painting my apartments, the thudding of their ladders against the side of my apartment got me nervous I just left.

There are no yachts at the beach. They're either in port or out to sea.

Poppa, is that you?

I find this shit equal amounts fascinating and terrifying.

>tfw when you accidentally swim past this point and are now floating above the black abyss

i am afraid of heights and flying with plane.

Walking around in an abandond asylum and suddently see some brain dead downsyndrome guy running towards me

death by meme

I have a fear of being as much of a fag as op is

Sleep paralysis. Happened to me once and I swear to god that something was in the corner of my room watching me.


pretty sure that's a truck with a homemade bathtub in it


Whats it like to face your fear??




Being watched

Kill yourself you nigger loving summer faggot.


As someone who experiences SP regularly I can assure you it never gets any less terrifying.
I'm lucky enough to have my eyes closed when it happens though.


I love water but I know where your fear comes from. I literally hate everything that lives in water and god help the ocean if anything in it touches me. One of these days I'm gonna burn the whole thing to the ground.



There's a difference between being brave and being stupid. That guy is just plain stupid.

Ever see Idiocracy? Thats me biggest fear.

This is what I'll be doing regardless of them being legal or not. If I'm 86 years old and some 20 year old fucktarded police officer comes up to me and tells me I can't take all the fuckin drugs I want I will tell him to fuck off and come talk to me in 60 years


I do not believe in afterlife, ghosts, god, etc. I think the most creepy creature the Earth carries is human. The creepiest thing I could encounter would be waking up in the middle of the night by myself when someone, just a normal man was watching me. I'd get a heart attack. Then he'd lean on me and grin and say something that'd make it sure that he's a madman. The tension would kill me.

>using your legs for a pull-up

moar underwater pics pls

right there with you OP feel that

deep water and deep water creatures

Especially anything with tentacles I fell into a pool of jellyfish when I was 11 it sucked a big bag of dicks.

Also now pretty scared of people peeing on me but I think that's normal.

There aren't very many beaches that drop off fast enough for a large shit to get that close

or a ship even