What does Sup Forums see?

What does Sup Forums see?

A uterus farting a blood cloud

female reproductive organs

Two deer standing on rocks with a vagina in the middle of the rocks.

Two laughing douchebags at the tio sword fighting with their noses, 2 pigs making out ans at the bottom, a guy shoving his dick into all the chaos


Feminism and black lives matter.

Orange = Two Deer or Moose
Teal = Pelvis
Pink = Pussy

^My post^

You see the deer too. I had the vagina's top half in the grey and bottom half in the red though.

A deer-fox riding a rabbit riding tulips

yellow - opposing shrimp locked in eternal war
green - female elven virgin uterus
red - alien sleeping on top of a door

seahorses peeking out from behind a coral reef

I saw death rising from the earth, from the ground itself, in one blue field, in stubbled color.

Bomberman in a forest fire while standing in a pool of blood.

seahorses fucking each other

Top is Cyndaquil
Middle is Bulbasaur
Bottom is an aborted human fetus.

Two oxes, a sword and a chalice

Going from top to bottom: two seahorses, two dogs heads, and two penis'

Two bears high fiving

If you dont get this, then you haven't lived

Two blue doggos with sweet flaming fohawks about to have a thumb war while wearing boxing gloves

what does your rival choose if you take the aborted human fetus?

Blue:a manatee and an elephant
Read: apples or human hearts
Yellow/Orange: Member's of the KKK with that treebark skin disease.

You failed the test by saying something about the "white color" there is no white, it's just empty space

Two deers flying hippos above a pair of nuclear explosions.

You failed to not give a fuck.


you failed the test by being judgemental of anothers answer, guess i did too


Two women dancing

I don't know who this rorschach guy is, but he sure likes making paintings of my mom beating the shit out of me when I was a kid

You cant " fail" the test you fuckwad.

Op being a faggot

Your mom

lobsters wanting to fuck

a mushroom cloud

A unicorn being fucked by a bear who is being fucked by barney the dinosaur.