Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:



Best type moon claimed.

>Hamakaze claimed

Hello everyone

Glenn Beck's neck fat.

Bronze level Arby's trainee reporting in.

Miho claimed

BBL going to see if i can make some money.

blackie chan

Thank you for consistent threads kyouko



Have fun driving





How's your day coming along?




Aren't you supposed to be dead?

Really? That's all it takes?

discount azusa



>claiming yume
Why is she such a good cosplayer?



Great hair that works with every outfit


What brings you around?
Having fun outside of neet life?

I've decided to spend it watching GuP.
I must fulfill my duty to weaboohood
Did you know a chicken can see daylight 45 minutes before humans can?

All OC is welcomed


I already am

I like clicking on people until they die.

Yes you must, started watching yet?

No I want to die. I came here for Moogdick. How are youko?


L4D2 is done bb



I am on the third episode.
>Yukari best girl

Great as always!
And it's good to see you're still muddling through your days. Did you ever finish any of your autistic projects?

Space balls

Kill yourself my man.

Hell yeah mang
I fucking love you dude
no homo tho

You mispelled Mako

Autism: The Movie is done. All I do now is Arbips and Vidya. I can't tell if you're really good.

Risk of Rain time.

I'm actually dead inside


Let me go to the bank real quick


I'm always the same.
Which is good? I think.

Arms falling off would be a lot more painful if you weren't

Konata here

I'm going back to my roots

Haruhi claimed




Hung over today?

Yeah, today was a difficult workout

How did you know?


Just don't post boipussy


I don't usually get any hangovers unless I got too little sleep
How are you doing?

How's work been?
Maybe later :p

I work out 1 arm everyday~

Saber claimed
I'll marathon KnK on Thursday then since I have a totally free schedule that day

You are going to scare me straight better than my religious grandma


I read that as 1am :0
Just fucking watch it you nub

The Phantom Pain is such bullshit but I love it.

Hello people.

>Best idol claimed

My grandma hates the gays :(

>Mission 22ish
>Mother base emergency mission
>Fail and lost 3 (THREE) S+ soldiers 2 of which were RnD
>Mfw I'm already a demon

My family hates black people m8

Hey Saber~

>Snake...? What took you so long?
Hey Maki

I'm alright, still in the waking up process.

Aren't you and shinoa black?

Well I'll be


My family hates me ~

Still drunk?

She has also said a few things about the blacks and Muslims

Yay southern US!


>My family hates me ~
And you hate your family

Get out nigger

>aren't you black
I'm white as fuck

My parents hate me

The greatest! /s


It's a vicious cycle

Waking up sucks
A cold shower might help ya

No, I woke up 2 hours ago

Karen and Shinoa
Weird hand


>I'm white as fuck
That's not white you mulatto.

I don't know why my veins were poking out

I'm pretty white

Poor them

Glad I moved out to the godless north

At least tan

>3 S+ soldiers

Did you re-do it? Failed too but I wasn't giving up my combat unit.

>Kept you waiting huh?
Heyo Amatsu.



of course you're white. You just have an all year round tan

Yeah I'm a little anned but I'm still white


It said I couldn't redo it
>Why do we come back just to suffer



Oh silly Mugi
You can't just decide you're white

Don't listen to that Karen. We know you're a dune coon
That's a lot of tiers above niggers

I'd post my hand but my nails are gross, maybe later :0
How you been cutie? :3

Gif too good not to post

>Just one thing, Maki... This isn't about the past...We're fighting for the future
How's MGS going for ya?

here's a picture with better lighting goddamn

You're one of the good ones


Yea okay that's white enough to not instinctively hate
I like how your nails are as short as mine
You a nailbiter or do you trim them that short?

I been good Konachan
Are you Haruhi now?

Are we talking about arabs? I just saw my name

What's going on...

He's a nail biter
me too

I'm a hardcore nailbiter
I was actually scared to get my nails trimmed when I was really little

Goddamnit Mio

Nothing's going on I just found that gif super cute


For a while I suppose

Straight into my folder, I'm always lurking for these pictures

and the ugly people losers like the ugly guys losers is pathatic cause the popular people has proof that the ugly people losers has to hurt the popular people the ugly way cause is a little pussy and smell like dog shit like beyonce and is ugly and try to hurt the popular people the ugly way cause try to be better then the popular people but is too ugly to hurt the popular people with looks and cant hurt the attrative loser people and the popular people so thats why the ugly people losers like the ugly guys losers is pathatic and smell like dog poop like beyonce and is ugly and try too hard and smell like dog shit like beyonce and is smart and is ugly and smell like dog shit like beyonce and is a little pussy and is selfish and smell like dog poop like beyonce and is ugly and smell like dog shit like beyonce and try to hurt the popular people the ugly way and is ugly so fuck the ugly people losers like the ugly guys losers on tv and movies and facebook and school and thats why the ugly people losers like the ugly guys losers smell like dog shit like beyonce and is ugly and pathatic and is still going to cock block the popular people and attrative loser people in the future
so fuck the ugly people losers like the ugly guys losers that smell like shit like beyonce and is ugly and is a little pussy and try to hurt the popular people and attrative loser people the ugly way and is desperate and smell like dog poop like beyonce and is ugly and is smart and is selfish and smell like dog poop like beyonce and is ugly and try to be better then the popular people and everybody and thats why the ugly people losers like the ugly guys losers is pathatic and ugly n plus smell like shit like beyonce so fuck the ugly people losers like the ugly guys losers or future ugly people losers like the ugly guys losers that smell like dog poop like beyonce and is ugly that is on tv or at school or on facebook or in movies
and the ugly people losers outnumber the popular people

While on Mother Base select the mission from there. It's going to be highlighted just like the tutorial one with Ocelot.
>The world calls for wetwork.

>Amatsu... I'm already a demon.
Bittersweet. Going for the 100% while doing Traitor's Caravan Extreme is sucking the life out of me. Other than that the story has been progressing nicely, too bad the ending won't live up to the story.