Who do you choose Sup Forums?

Who do you choose Sup Forums?

Who are those girls OP?

two hotties

Left. Right is ok but has an odd shaped face/head


I have a thing about noses because it's in the middle of the face. If it's ugly or weird, I can't date them. So it would have to be the girl on the left cause the girl on the right has a weird fucking nose.

But the girl on the right looks like she genuinely would be a funner fuck.




Left. Right has a nice body but face is a bit wonky



>Take beautiful picture
>Don't include the toes

Whoever took that pic should be shot.




Would bang no questions asked

Make that 2500 for a threesome


i was going right in the thumb but when I opened it left definitely has a better face. neither have a worse body. would fuck both.

I would eat her ass for sure


I'm thinking the blonde now.

Oh wow 3k cash today


Sup Forums would fuck anything
Sup Forums would fuck your sister
Sup Forums would fuck your mom
Sup Forums would fuck your cousin
Sup Forums would fuck you
Sup Forums would fuck your daughter
Sup Forums would fuck your grandpa using lemons as a condom
Sup Forums would fuck your aunt Jessie with the squint
Sup Forums would dig up the corpse of your dead uncle and fuck that
Sup Forums would fuck your ex-girlfriend
Sup Forums would fuck your current girlfriend
Sup Forums would fuck that chubby redhead at 7-11 with the glass eye and clubbed foot
Sup Forums would fuck you up the ass with a strap-on the size of your ego
Sup Forums wants to know why the fuck you keep asking it if it would fuck something when you already know the fucking answer
Sup Forums would fuck your dog
Sup Forums would fuck a donkey
Sup Forums would fuck a squirrel
Sup Forums would fuck the hole in a tree trunk
Sup Forums would fuck a horse, a midget, a goat, twin lesbian sisters, and Joan Rivers without her makeup on a liferaft while playing Moon River on a badly tuned ukulele
Sup Forums would fuck an electric eel on its period
Sup Forums would fuck a dead kitten
Sup Forums would fuck a lactating shark
Sup Forums would fuck an octopus til it inked
Sup Forums would fuck mud if it thought it would wiggle
Sup Forums would fuck a grapefruit peel left on a Las Vegas sidewalk for 3 weeks
Sup Forums would fuck anything it can see, think, or imagine
Sup Forums is tired of hearing you wonder if its standards have somehow magically improved in the last five minutes, five hours, five days, five weeks, or five years
Sup Forums s most of all tired of you using an excuse to dump pictures of some chick that you like in order to get communal approval of your horndogginess
She is substantially less objectionable than half the shit Sup Forums would fuck given the chance.
Are you happy now, OP?
Sup Forums would fuck a drunk camel if it pushed back

Of course.

If it's longer than your dick, they can't blow you.


As the HR manager for b/ I am throughly disappointed in you. We will be reviewing your membership

omg moar




any nudes


>As the HR manager for b/ I am throughly disappointed in you. We will be reviewing your membership

Sup Forums would fuck its own HR manager

Post anus for evaluation. We don't care about your gender, just your orifi, and we can enlarge them with tools if necessary.

Oh shit, I used to live near Columbia. Hated SC's teams though.


come on OP dump the nudes buddy!!

I think I know these hoes, USC/Charleston ??

yep, the blonde one goes there

Id like to know them user


she is cute

love her freckles and eyes

looks really good in this one


Im in love would marry

Do you guys want blonde's nudes?

I would treat her like a princess


I would buy her and give her whatever she would want treat her like the queen that she is!


fuck yes

yes pls

>Do you guys want blonde's nudes?

No. We want the HR manager's nudes. I didn't even know Sup Forums had one, and now I want to go balls deep in da booty. BALLS DEEP I SAY!

Prepare dat anus.

Any idea how old they are OP?

I like the nips

>Any idea how old they are OP?

Irrelevant. Old enough to pee, old enough for me and thee.

nice nipples would suck on them for days

I hit them so hard their trailer would rattle.

got more?


> i choose you pikachu

Ew, she bites her filthy nails.

both 19

Right up my alley how can we get in contact with these beauties OP

Move to charleston, sc and hope to see them on their college campus then kidnap them

underrated post is underrated

Would hook up to a milking machine/10

It's not underrated. It was just obnoxious as shit so nobody acknowledged the loser who posted it.

Left, right has insufficient chin and jaw

Post nudes!!!

I did

Is anything in that post less than perfectly accurate?

Remember where you are.

You posted one nude

how do we know this is her. the belly button ring is similar to the blondes but we have no face for proof

One on the left has the last name Morgan. I know her sister Katherine.

nope, you would be wrong

I would so bang both of them beautiful

This but who puts their face in nudes anymore