How will those films be remembered in 20 years?

How will those films be remembered in 20 years?

CW won't.
BvS will be regarded a masterpiece.

hopefully CGI will continue to improve and in that case these films will all be forgotten

what movies

the only capeshit movie anyone will ever remember is the inncredible hulk starring Edward norton



how? CGI today is REALER THAN

Both will be forgotten

>Civil War
Considered to be the most shameful part of human history, every copy of the film is burned. The directors and writers of the film are serving a lifetime prison in Guantanamo Bay.

>Batman v Superman
Being sent to the cosmic as a diplomatic gift to the first alien civilization we encountered, as an example of the highest form of art and a symbol of greatness of human kind.

>Civil War
It'll be seen as one of the top Marvel films but be overshadowed by Winter Solider.

Forgotten. Laugh at. It will be considered one the films that could have been GOAT, but didn't. Man of Steel will actually be remembered better and be given praise that it deserved



They will be forgotten about in three months

This is what DCfags actually believe

people won't remember Civil War
but they will remember how shit the BvS was

did you need to see winter soldier for civil war to be good? because it was pretty fucking bad.

anal nigger prolapse

Civil War will be remembered for the capekino it is


Capeshit is this generations 'Western', none of them will be remembered.


More like 28 years

No,not really. Winter soldier is better though.

>Will likely be remembered as a highly divisive commercial disappointment that at the very least didn't feel completely generic and at least took risks

Civil War
>Another cookie cutter quip filled Marvel flick that will be forgotten by the time the sequel comes out

>implying people won't laugh their asses off STOP INVINCIBLE SON


The movie which gave us more memes

>Quipvil War

The same way Airport and The Towering Inferno are remembered today.

Civil war will be remembered as the movie with horrible cgi probably

Regarded as a movie that should have been a prequel instead of the startup of the DCU.
>Civil War
Remembered mainly for having Spiderman and the only good Marvel villain in the MCU.

>>Quipvil War

did that seem funny in your excuse for a head?

Just ignore them bro. So who was your favorite character, Captain Quips or Iron Quipper?

CW will be forgotten as just another marvel movie.

Three years from now we will still see threads about BvS, just like we do with MoS. BvS will not be forgotten, whether people remember it fondly or not is an entirely different thing, but everyone will remember it and have a definitive opinion about it

More like

BvS will be forgotten pike Green Lantern


BvS wasnt risky

It was ya mum riding a rotary saw

>whether people remember it fondly or not is an entirely different thing, but everyone will remember it and have a definitive opinion about it

Just like Vietnam!

>it ain't me starts playing

Green lantern wasn't polarizing. BvS on the other hand has very much split the jury

Everybody agrees that the Green Lantern was the worst film of the last 50 years, so bad it's not even 'so bad it's funny'.

BvS was an artistic masterpiece.

western is still great though

it was never good

They won't be remembered at all. All capeshit is disposable entertainment not meant to have any longevity. Not only that, but in 20 years film itself will be truly dead and buried as a medium, anything not related to social media VR augmented reality will be considered obsolete.

Pretty much goes like this:

DC films get remembered and will be guilty pleasures for adults

Marvel movies people roll their eyes and say "Oh yeah, I remember that.."

>Civil War
typical forghettable mcu trash
ambitious but very flawed movie that tried to do more in a stale moment for a stale genre