Eternal /got/ general

literally anything edition

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Highgarden and

>Promise me, Ned!


First for jonautist

who /vaguebusiness/ here?

I no longer want to do lewd things to Bran
He's too fucking old

How mad are you if this happens?

>Umbers promises Bolton to bring them Rickon
>Umbers give them a kid dressed as Rickon
>'Rickon" turns out to be Lyanna with a boy's haircut
>Lyanna screams "Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is STARK"
>Stabs Ramsey in the chest

All men must die.
lol not a man tho :^)


Sophie's new Twitter header

I would smash his boipucci

Reminder that this board is Sup Forums and as such this is a place to discuss the TV show, not whine about the books. Whining about books makes you a bed-wetter.

Examples of bed-wetting behaviour -

Genuinely believing Stannis is still alive (delusional beyond belief)
Mentioning "Darkstar" (whatever that is)
Trying to cast characters that will obviously not even appear in the show
Referring to the White Walkers as "Others"
Crying about some goofy zombie Cat Stark story being removed
Calling the Three Eyed Raven "Bloodraven" like a complete oaf
Not realising that saying "frogfu" is as beta as it gets
Whining about 104 year old Barristan Selmy being outnumbered and killed
Bringing up Reddit in any context
Using terms like "bookfag", "showpleb", "normies" or any cringeworthy variant

Please stick to discussing all the good and bad aspects of the TV show only. No bed-wetting.

lyanna is canon dead

Promise me, Ned

>lyanna stark was a trap
>lyanna mormont is a reverse trap



hes alive in Season 5 and 6, even in the books

Are British girls legit retarded?

literally anything?

Khaleesi this episode?

>Davos making the eight

was bobby a cuck?

i just want to lick her ass so bad


she should have taken this one

I want her to fart in my face

First of his name. The greatest cuckold of 7 kingdoms.
>there is mention of at least one Andal house uniting the Riverlords under them

No Emilia nudity this sunday

Ellie Kendrick tits next week tho

nth for Azor Ashort, the Manlet that was Promised, the Warrior of Low Height, the Midget of Fire.

Who's the dom in their relationship

or this one

Are you fucking hyped for Lyanna anons?

>Who I’m saying that to is a fabulous young actress who you haven’t met yet, who’s about to come in, who’s Lyanna Mormont,” said Cunningham. “He’s explaining the situation to her because certain other individuals are making a mess of their parlay. He’s very good at lateral thinking and explaining the situation, as we know.

>catering to bookfags by leaving in shitty dialogue


pic related

Taylor of the House Swift, the First of her Name, Queen of /hr/ and the First Posts, Lord of the Seven Imageboards and Protector of the Waifus

He's talking about Lyanna Mormont

Literal buttslut

Who do you think?

probably sophie

I want her to take a whit while in that pose, having it run down her pussy and hit her face




Sophie is bigger and stronger.


then explain how Bran stands

Without the censor please?

fucking cute, who's this sex t-rex?

Where did you get this. Her tits look a lot bigger there than show/pictures.


face is shooped

perfect boipucci.


Promise me, Ned

>where the FUCK is that ROBB CUNT?


I think it was part of the fappening

also not her

Lets fuckign discuss soomething anons

So R+L=J is def true

but who would anyone literally prove it? why would everyone believe a crannogman?

it isn't and that pic isnt even Sophie

poor shops

Promise me, Ned

and better looking

No Sophie in the fappening. All the "leaked" pics of her are either very tame stuff she has posted or fakes.

Jon will not be king regardless of parentage.

I don't understand why Bran needs to know this.

I get that WE want to know it but why Bran?? poor writing

[citation needed]

>It's a bringing back a character from two seasons ago to kill them off episode

where is this taken from?

Kstew Zathura would ahve been ok. these times, not so much

I Disagree, if anything He'll be the new Mance, the king outside the wall and unite the Wildlings and live with them

you don't say

four seasons nigger



>grabs his right arm with the right arm

would risk meeting Chris Hansen and get buttraped in prison for

you shoud see someone about that

>[citation needed]
fuck off underager

do you think she's ever taken it in her bum? i would pay a lot to lick her asshole after her first anal

The first trailer.

>TargAryan fucked by every black and brown man in the world
Why does miscegenation turn GRRM on so much?

Promise me, Ned


I like to think that this scene goes like this

>Bran sees a vision of the NIght's King
>NK notices Bran and touches him
>He gives Bran a vision of their side of the story
>Bran is now conflicted

I initially thought that thing laying beside her said "DABID DABID DABID" instead of "DIVA"

Look at her face. Work Cited
Muss, user E. Common Sense. 1st ed. Vol. 1.
Internet City: Sup Forums, 2016. Print. Ser. 1.

she's so anime

>yfw they're 14 years apart

brann looks cute with long hair

>Lyanna is a Paki
>Jon Snow is a white boi

He's of age

>Promise me, Ned
>or whatever

Because he's a beta neckbeard who marries cunt-tier feminists and gets cucked by them repeatedly.

is sophy lesbos?

>but who would anyone literally prove it? why would everyone believe a crannogman?

It's not actually relevant politically because Jon will never sit the Iron Throne, rather the point is that it makes Jon a Targ so that he can fulfil some more criteria to become Lord of Light because Jon is part of the magic storyline, not the political one.

I'll bite. Who is it

Lyanna isn't supposed to be a disgusting,smelly, man beast... Eww, what is that thing?

>you will never be this normie ;_;

i hope not because i want to see her asshole get ravaged by tyrone

haha nice one
