Wow, a HOT female comedian?

Wow, a HOT female comedian?

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Why isn't she as popular as that other fat blonde one? Amy something?


More cave women available to relate to that Amy slut

Ugh, I can't even. She's setting an unrealistic standard for beauty. Real women don't look like that. This level of irresponsibility really needs to be outlawed.

why are all female comedians Jews?

She only appeals to normies in the flyover states because they don't care about her jokes, they just care about her looks. Listening to her struggle to fake having a personality on Comedy Bang Bang a couple months ago was painful.

>you'll never have a sugar momma jewfu who goes to the gym with you.

Some of them are Italian.

I fucking hate that chipmunk shit she does.

Damn I just want a big tittied Jewish gf, don't even care if she's unfunny or murdering Palestinian children

Most successful female comics are hot, and also Jews.

Not complaining, though.

JLD is God tier though. I will snatch any mother fucker who disagrees with her talent.

How can goyim even compete?

posting a non-Jewish, non-Italian female stand up comedian who is both funny and hot

Nikki will always be best girl when it comes to comedy.



>"So the guy takes off his pants... and he has a foreskin!" [laugh track]


this is now a German-Irish thread

She has a very delicious tummy.


One of the few female standups that I actually find funny.

>God tier Germanic genetics meeting shit tier genetics

I don't know, seems very zero sum


>iliza schlesinger






same but iliza isn't big titted, I want a fertility goddess not cute girl next door in high school
>I like arts and crafts

Alright user, you've done good today.

just fuck a guy and get it over with

what's that jew chick from brooklyn 99 with the huge ass nose and the huge ass ass?

>15 minute explanation of why some random autist doesn't like a woman


Chelsea Peretti?


What are you new? She's okay, but is kind of full of herself.

Sweet Christ.

Life does gt easier, in general, when you realize there's a top percentage to both genders.

Doesn't take the resentment away, though.


>female comedian
>talks about her vagina
What a surprise.

nice midriff, shame about the fake tits tho

Jesus Christ

Not funny

>ilza Shlesinger

>Wearing tight pants to distract me from how unfunny you are

Works desu, she's got a sweet ass



I wanna rekt her

Hahaha, that's a hilarious photo of her completely buck naked.

Has anyone else got more hilarious photos of her like this? I need a good hard laugh.

She likes to have her pinkie toe nibbled. Do with that what you will.

But they're not fake.

that gap between her tits tells me otherwise


Kind of depressing. She's been a hot cock tease her whole life and now she's getting older and it's starting to show. She tries to compensate with exercise but it won't stop father times cruel game. She'll be a crazy cat lady in no time

any pics of her pusy slit?

>15 minute explanation

It's part of a podcast she did it's not some vlog idiot, watch it and judge for yourself idgaf

the midriff is the worst part senpai. Imagine your hands running up her hips towards her tits and you feel a rock hard six pack. Boner would be instantly gone, I might ask her about her ab work out and protein intake but I am no longer interesting in banging.

Some people have work and shitpost on their phones to make the time pass, why does that trigger you so much?


You posted it as part of an agenda'd character assassination. You clearly give many fucks.

>doesn't like abs
wtf sempai

You do know womens' breasts come in all different shapes/sizes/positions right? In fake tits, no matter how good, you can spot where the fake ends and the real parts start. They lay naturally as well. They're real.

Source: I used to work the desk at a plastic surgery office.

>he's still raging because someone posted a youtube video of her he didn't even watch

k then

she needs to go naked to people to care. how pathetic.

This desu. The best part about a woman is how soft they are to the touch. Who wants to grope some hard, veiny work-out fiend. It would be like groping an adolescent boy

i'm too tired to discuss why you are wrong so i'm just going to tell you to google how to spot fake tits

>It would be like groping an adolescent boy
Sup Forums is a gay board. didn't you know?

>working on a Saturday

>me on the left

she's terrible

I dated a chick who was an 8/10 cutie who got super into fitness, not the good cardio bunny kind but the 'womyn who lift' cross fit kind. Believe me, as someone who has experienced it, abs and muscles that pop out are disgusting to touch.

And I've seen you post that video many, many times.

So which one of us has a chip on their shoulder?

i'm sorry you're too insecure to like abs on women

But is she funny?

That's an interesting way to spell "straight"

boring as shit fampai

No, not really.

No, of course not.

Here since you're too lazy to google "celebrity name, fake boobs" and find a site that normally shits on people who haven't even had surgery:

I know I'm being a hypocrite trying to say I hate the fucking know-it-all culture here on Sup Forums where 99% of the people have absolutely no life experience and think Google is a worthy teacher, but you're absolutely talking out of your ass. I've seen fake tits and real tits in real life. If this chick has a plastic surgeon that can make her tits look this real and still have differing sizes he should either be commended for going for authenticity or be fired for being a fucking retard fucking up the symmetry.

She's just a very lucky girl with a weird fucking mouse face with huge tits and a tight tummy that probably makes her vagina hug that dick like it's the last time it'll see it.

if you're so straight why can't you fuck a woman with abs, you impotent or something?

Literally first time I've ever posted it. Welcome to Sup Forums.

You do, you weird dumb fuck rofl.



>too hot for women to like
>too female for men to find funny
>too white for the SJW audience
>too jewish for the WASP audience

Iliza is suffering.


Never seen that video before and it wasn't even negative to iliza it seemed mostly negative to that porn star. you seem like a complete raging autist desu fampai.

I've only heard her on the Hollywood Handbook podcast and she was literally the only one of 100+ guests not to get the joke

>>too female for men to find funny

Is that another way of saying she's unfunny?

I never said I couldn't. It's just that if I have the choice between a woman built like a woman and a woman who feels like a man, it's not a hard decision to make.

Autists hate women 101.

>dem saggy hangers

so she's so unfunny she has to strip naked and look good to get any viewers?

superior YOUNG girl comedian 8===D

What happened to her face? Was she in an accident?

that is dried cum on her right breast

Her jokes are funny because she's unconventionally hot for a female comedian. You can't deny it.

Amy is undoubtedly hot