

any more of these?

From the thumbnail I instinctively though the guy on the right was CIA




get help

why did these guys get busted back to being uniforms?

what the fuck



>yfw you are reading all those captions in his voice



This thread is better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack


this is a pretty good new meme desu

Thank you for this thread, OP. Many keks




Are those actual lines? Those seem to be the newer episodes so I have never seen them

is this what happened to steven seagal?

I think they were undercover.

I actually like this guy.

The guy shot a kid that he thought had a gun but didn't. I don't remember what the girl did.

I thought it was really lame that they gave this guy a gay son.

they call his son brown christmas

civ 5 expansion pack pls

i dont get it
is civ 5 a bad game?

procedurals for the general public are so fucking trash that I can't tell if these are fake or not

Post more

No, but he read on Kotaku that it's better than Civ 5 with the BNE expansion pack

>going undercover
>in a police uniform


We have to wait until reddit comes up with more.

Not too bright, this one.

The best disguise is no disguise at all.


Is this some new dank meme?
I like it. It's like Christopher Moltisanti killed that J.T. Dolan guy and took his place writing dialog for Law and Order.

I remember the ep, they were busting an undercover prostitution ring but when they got the evidence they were told to hold off by homeland security because a terror plot was involved, so in order to try and break up the prostitution ring they dressed up as normal officers to try and get the hooker on a routine stop over.

Are you retarded? It's a screencap from Law & Order.