Now that the dust has settled, what's the consensus?

Now that the dust has settled, what's the consensus?

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Too soon, user. Too soon.

Massive inside job.

stay pleb anons

>a movie with beautiful white people is the first to make over a billion dollars
>yet people still want niggers in their movies

Human degeneracy knows no bounds.

pretty bad, not even sure how it managed to make so much money

The nude scene

basically a good movie, great at times but Cameron fucks it up just like in Avatar later by putting too many cliches in it like the generic bad guy, heroic sacrifice etc

Taft did 4/14

If you can tune into the fantasy life of an 13-year-old girl, you can make a fortune in this business.

Pretty good. CGI still holds up

>got obsessed with the ship in 86, after discovery, built in interest
>laid out of school to see flic related in theater with girlfriend
>got laid


It's obviously a classic by now, and I'm not even a particularly big fan.

i love this movie. people who criticize it for having a by the numbers love story don't get that it's the impending doom that makes it more than that. some kind of complicated unconventional love story wouldn't have worked as well.

as far as middlebrow popcorn movies go it's close to perfect, up there with Jurassic Park and The Silence of the Lambs.

all 3 of those movies are terrible

Titanic is embarrassingly awful

you are trying embarrassingly hard

it is so pathetic that on a film board there is actually the consensus that people who hate on Oscar horseshit like Titanic are being contrarians

this place is so fucking embarrassing

Well I'm sorry to hear that...


It's shit. It's a boring chickflick.

A modern classic that will be remembered long after capeshit is forgotten.
Average at best though.
Great nude scene.
Story is fucked up.
Cal did nothing wrong.

amazing vfx, soundtrack, screenplay, historical accuracy, set design and attention to detail.

shit everything else.

Fucking awful.

I french kissed for the first time while watching this movie.

I liked the french kissing, the movie not so much really.

>ywn see a real movieset like this anymore


At first sight, it looked like Bane?

Shiet, what's my fucking problem?

one of my favorite films.

don't give a fuck


One guy responded to you. Do you even know what that word means?

Also he was probably reacting more to the fact that you said Jurassic Park and Silence of the Lambs are terrible, which yeah is pretty contrarian when you don't bother to back that claim up. I think you got the exact reply you wanted.

Watch full movie here: