1. cunt

1. cunt
2. do you guys like refrigerator bread, or stale bread?

I don't like cold bread

I think it's retarded that people put bread in the fridge. Sure, it keeps the mold away but it'll stale more easily.
Bread when it's cold and gets reheated is unpleasant.

>tfw I get to leave my bread out in the winter

>americans literally put their bread in the fridge

you don't?

How long do you keep bread, a week?

sometimes I keep it for a month or two before finishing it.


I could believe it desu

I like hleb from hlebnitsa

>not making your sandwiches with frozen bread and letting them defrost through the morning


Normal bread shouldnt last more than a day or 2

hey. I only use it to make sandwiches, and I only have sandwiches like once a week you damn bic-needer!

Here's a little heads up: Bread goes on the counter, ketchup goes in the fridge, not the other way around. If you ketchup doesn't need refridgeration, it's not ketchup, it's just chemical waste with a hint of tomato. If your bread goes stale or moldy, buy bread more frequently and in smaller amounts.

who eats finishes their bread two days after buying it? how much bread do you eat?

why put ketchup in the fridge? a single bottle will last at most 5 days.

How the fuck do you use up a drink glass worth of ketchup every single day?

what the FUCK am I getting trolled all over again, like the thing where people put their shit and toilet paper in a fucking bin instead of flushing them down.

who the FUCK puts BREAD in the fridge?? is this really a thing?

c'mon cunts, there are only two ways:
1. store in room temp and dry, eat within few days from when it's baked.
2. instantly put into a freezer, and then warm up pieces which you gonna eat. stays fresh for a few weeks.

but fucking FRIDGE? what the Actual FUCK ? triggered

could eat a whole baguette in a single meal desu
If your bread is well made you should feel like it.

slow room temp defrosting is bacteria heaven.

how much ketchup do you think a single bottle holds?

also this

I can use the same for two or three months

1,5kilograms is the normal size
= 3,3 in retard weight units (america, that's you)

that's a shitload of ketchup

>eat within few days from when it's baked.
how am I supposed to get bread right after it's baked? hell it probably takes at least a day the get to the store.

Approximately way too much to be eaten in a single week

Just for (You) I went and had a look, and the answer is 500 ml. A packaged serving of ketchup at McDonald's is 10 ml, so a bottle of ketchup holds approximately 50 servings.

>3,3 in

all the things about the americans are true
all of them

why would i, i dont buy 429394293 loafs of bread, i usually just buy 1 small one and finish it in 1-2 days before it goes dry/moldy/etc

Probably a cultural thing, but in France we usually always have a bakery within 300m in the cities.
Mine is literally next door, I can go there and order bread in my pyjamas.

Mate, even our discounters bake the bread themselves from delivered dough dumplings.

>the answer is 500 ml
you still haven't answered my question.

you can't, but your stores should. efficient supply routes? here in stores the bread is usually made within the day.

but yeah if you get a day old bread from the store, it's only good for a couple of more days on the counter. so freezer is your best option. slice before freezing if its not sliced, so you can easily pop the bread in microwave/toaster/oven depending on what kind of texture you like.

what i don't understand is how cannot you know this. it's like not knowing how to tie your shoes, this stuff you learn at age 4

Directly goes to my "retarded America" folder.

>not buying white bread in bulk and storing it in your fridge until you need it to avoid having to drive to the store every week

1.5 litres is a shitton of sauce
Anglos usually store theirs in 500 mL jobs

3.3 what?

this desu. and I use it almost every night to go with my fries. it typically doesn't last more than a week.

>Not enjoying frozen, defrosted loafs
Lmao Europoors

a-are we being memed?

The fridge and the freezer are the same thing in the US

Mate I live 0.17 miles from the next store, that is 920 feet, and I pass another three stores directly and two more in close approximation on my 2.2 miles drive to work. It's called mixed use development, you should try it sometime.

>not refrigerating perishables
oh hey, what's the weather like there in 1549?

I only freeze bread for later but never put it in the fridge

oh what now?

so car and motorcycle are also the same things there?

sun and moon are the same?

this shit can't be real

>2.2 miles drive to work
why would you drive such a short distance? If I lived that close to work I'd walk there every day.

>American bread
>ever going off
The amount of preservatives will keep it better than bog butter.

>white bread

Dark bread is better anyway.

Frozen is OK to store your bread for a while. Still it ruins texture and taste.

Same here, but you have two different compartments with different temperatures. You don't use them for the same cases, do you?

The fridge and the freezer are one in the same appliance, so we just say 'fridge' to refer to both.

I Can't Believe It's Not Bread

As usual, nordics like it dark

what are you talking about? if you want to freeze something you just change the settings on your fridge. why would you buy a separate deep freezer for that?

>Finnish """"""""""bread""""""""""


that looks like that disgusting flat bread shit

Man, if you want to freeze a little compartment of you fridge, wat do ? You just freeze all of your fridge ?
You're not clear.


>French """"""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""

ah well that is just dumb. so you basically ask your wife to put the meat in the fridge, then telepathically project to her whether you mean the fridge-part or the freezer-part. i think it would save the cost of the telepathy classes if you just asked either to put the meat in the fridge, or to put in freezer.

>You don't use them for the same cases, do you?
We use the colder portion for storing things long term and the warmer portion for things like milk, fruit, vegetables, leftovers, eggs etc. We usually put bread in the freezer when it doesn't go in the pantry and warm it up at room temperature.

>then telepathically project to her whether you mean the fridge-part or the freezer-part
We're not autistic like Finns, so we know where things are supposed to go.

Because when I drive I can close the front door at 6:15, get my car out of the garage and so on and so forth, and sit at my work desk at 6:30.

If I walked I'd have to leave at 5:45, which means I'd have to get up half an hour earlier and go to bed half an hour earlier, and I already hate sleeping as early as I do.

I've been thinking about getting an e-bike so I can pedal to work at 28 mph but it would take me the better part of a decade to even start saving money over fuel. The car really is the best choice here.

To prevent stale bread, I'd consume them before expiration date or bake it until it's hard and become crackers

But how is she supposed to know whether you want to grill it tomorrow or in a month?

Moldy, of course.

not that user but, I also store my cereal in the fridge

not surprising considering finns ate unprepared grains, roots, berries, animal droppings and twigs for thousands of years before we gave them agriculture and showed them how to prepare grain.

Which is totally normal.
Just be clear when you talk pls this whole thread is a mistake.

stop the meme pls

You tell her before hand?
Now that's fucking weird, what's wrong with you user?

the most common setup here exactly is separate full-size fridge and freezer in the kitchen next to each other. of course there are like combinations half-size fridge and half-size freezer on top of each other. then also these budget versions which only have a small ""freezer"" compartment but its not a proper solution.

>starting work at 6:30
what are you in high school?

Why don't you just tell her whether to put the bread in the fridge or the freezer? What's so hard about saying freezer instead of fridge when you're talkin about the freezer?

No, I'm a draftsman in a steelwork company.

>the most common setup here exactly is separate full-size fridge and freezer in the kitchen next to each other
then how do you have room for anything else in your kitchen?

you work at a steelwork company and have to drive to work? what the hell?

yeah and while we keep on eating prepared grain foods, you have evolved to eating nigger cock.

you always ahead of your time sweden and evolving. will you teach us the magic of eating nigger cock also, please sweden

why wouldn't you have? it's only 60cm x 60cm per appliance aka 2" x 2" in retard length.

" = inch
' = feet

yeye whatever I said that in retard length

>his fridge doesn't have a freezer compartment and a refrigeration compartment

>duh imperial system be da dumb
>dat why I cat understand it

That's what people generally do to reach their workplace.

none of the thing on pic need to be kept in a refrigerator

why would you work in a steelwork company that wasn't local?

yeah using the wrong " mark because no fucks given = cant understand it.

yeah, triggered

How much more local than a 2.2 mile drive is it going to get?


in what world?

borderline walking distance tbf

in the real world user, you're welcome to join it

maybe he means the steelwork factory must be in your basement?

>americans in charge of identifying disgusting bread
Don't even like non-white bread but I'd take that over American "bread".

A true craftsman works on the ground floor and lives on the first floor desu

>A true craftsman works on the ground floor and lives on the first floor desu

straight into the medieval nostalgia benis