Rumor: Ben Affleck Was ‘Humiliated’ By Batman V Superman Response

>My sources have told me that Affleck was incredibly unhappy about the reception of BvS. He felt humiliated after spending so much of the press tour saying how much better this film would be than Daredevil.
>On top of that his agent was furious when Kevin Tsujihara jumped the gun and announced him as the director of The Batman – there were still negotiations happening.
>This move seems to help placate Affleck while also edging Zack Snyder out of a controlling central position in the DC Movieverse.

Other urls found in this thread:

>edging Zack Snyder out of a controlling central position in the DC Movieverse
at least one good thing came out of BvS

You guys think he's gonna be humiliated about the news of him being humiliated breaking out?

Is was WAY better than Daredevil though.
This 'critics are gospel' nonsense has to stop.

BvS flew over the pinsized Marveldrone heads.

This world failed you prophet Al-Flecki

good. marvel & DC are both nuevo-culture bar-lowered shit-content-pushers. they're both idly entertaining the absolute scum of movie audiences with their frivolous movies. what about BADASS MAVERICKS like TIM BURTON? remember that intelligent individual? shit, man, he had a warehouse of specialfx goodies that they drew from, they'd build some awesome stuff on his own accord cause he's a fucking genius. and then they'd get some A-list actors, roll the cameras and MAKE FILMS. THAT'S the VIBE, man. THAT'S where it was AT. not these two culture-demon coorporations making green screen movies from writers stuck in their phony dusty pseudo-retro dying-corners. look at the fucking goof in pic related. barging into the trailer for views. that's not my hero. shouldn't be anyone's hero. what losers you people aremarvel & DC are both nuevo-culture bar-lowered shit-content-pushers. they're both idly entertaining the absolute scum of movie audiences with their frivolous movies. what about BADASS MAVERICKS like TIM BURTON? remember that intelligent individual? shit, man, he had a warehouse of specialfx goodies that they drew from, they'd build some awesome stuff on his own accord cause he's a fucking genius. and then they'd get some A-list actors, roll the cameras and MAKE FILMS. THAT'S the VIBE, man. THAT'S where it was AT. not these two culture-demon coorporations making green screen movies from writers stuck in their phony dusty pseudo-retro dying-corners. look at the fucking goof in pic related. barging into the trailer for views. that's not my hero. shouldn't be anyone's hero. what losers you people are

literally none of these labels make any fucking sense

Why's every tweet and blog is now making "Rumor" about the DC movies nowsdays?

Stopped reading when you hailed Burton. 90% of his output the last 16 years has been trash.

Holy fuck Snyder is legit ruining this franchise. Even Ben is embarrassed. Get him out of there already. He's done so much damage

>Ben Affleck feel humiliated
No wonder he looks so sad

now I feel bad for all that Bin-Afflecki meme that I posted.

That picture is just full of autism

>He was really sad.
Makes me sad too.

Ben is a mega nerd so I bet he was excited at playing batman
He probably feels bad because he knows BvS is a masterpiece but Disneydrones hated it because of company loyalty

Has meming gone too far?



Why do people keep hiring Snyder when it's clear he runs everything he's involves in into the ground? He always collaborates with the same cinematographer, right? So just keep him around and sump Snyder in the trash. There, you got the same pretty visuals without all the stupid bullshit baggage.

>He probably feels bad because he knows BvS is a masterpiece but Disneydrones hated it because of company loyalty
Or he probably thinks it's shit too and knew it but had to put a happy face in order to sell the movie

>Devin Faraci
Does he earn a living by writing DC "rumor" every weekend?

Is there even a picture of the DCEU actors being happy? They always look so serious and glum. Contrast that with Evans who's like always all smiles.

Nepotism. His wife is a producer.

There has got to be higher ups that can force her to fire both of them.

Hopefully this will help to make better movies out of the DCEU. Shit has so much potential but it is squandered almost every single time.

what a fucking mess

>Devin Faraci

>literally everyone in Warner Bros is wanting Snyder out
The dude can't take a hint i guess

No surprise, the same gullible retards will fall for it again.

>Devin Faraci

Not yet, we have to try harder.

It was fucking shit, accept it. Maybe there is a good film in there somewhere, because the directors cut is supposed to be significantly longer, but the editing was nauseating, lex luthor was annoying as fuck, there were random teasers for justice league sprinkled throughout and it was just fucking boring as hell

Not enough quips, got it.

>user gives valid points
>hurr n-not enough qips huh!
Like clockwork

> (OP)
>edging Zack Snyder out of a controlling central position in the DC Movieverse
You'd think they'd straight up terminate him but then again they are DC

Do you think Devin Faraci is actually paid up by Disney or he just genuinely hates DC?
This guy uses the same trick everytime and yet people still believe him.

>she with you?
>oh shi-
>Dont pick a fight with him;)

Yes. The same way he was ashamed of having slave owning ancestors.

god damnit Snyder is such a fucking hack

but mall of the dead was p. kino

There's definitely a good movie in there. The biggest, most blatant clue to what it is comes from understanding what those "random teasers for the Justice League" reveal about Luthor's real endgame. Argue their placement if you want, but I really believe that they're integral to the plot.

>Batman himself even embarrassed with BvS.
How DCucks going to Damage Control this ?

he feels bad because not everyone loved his shitty Batman fanfic.

>valid points
>"it was boring wah"

yeah true

Probably not, Ben is a true artist and understands cinema more than 12 year old capeshit fans and hacky critics



I won't watch a comic movie not made by Snyder, and I can't imagine I'm the only one


Hilarious if true:


Eh, I watch them all, but his are definitely a cut above, by a rather significant amount,

You fuckers are missing out on the most important part of this 'article':

Bob Chipman writes for Screen Rant. Bob 'I Skipped My Grandmother's funeral To Play Video Games' Chipman.

If someone has a link to his hilarious pathetic book to download, please share.


as great as affleck is, snyder is better

Thanks for the laugh. I needed that.


The original post was written by Devin Faraci

Devin "Age Of Ultron will change superhero movies forever" Faraci

Devin "Deadpool will be a shitty movie and a flop" Faraci

Devin "people saying mean things on twitter are literally worse than IS" Faraci




Why doesn't Ben smile anymore bros?

First result on Google.

Brick by brick Bob Chipman download.

You forgot the Devin "Jane's Wan is quitting" Faraci from last week.

He sees all the fitnah around him.

Yes, the source the article quotes is Faraci but the article written at Screen Rant was by Chipman. Jesus Christ, reading comprehension people.

Devin "Source: My Fat Ass" Faraci


Why they're not kicking him out?

Kino is the stupidest jargon created in Sup Forums. It made some sense and had some consistency early on, but now every single retard is putting random words with -kino.


I'm hoping for a synergy of talent. Affleck appears to be good at concise story-telling. Snyder is stunning with visuals but seems to need a really big canvas to tell a story. The amalgamation of those two things could create amazing things.

>this post
>this whole thread
I don't know how this board gets stupider and stupider.. but it does somehow. And it scares me.

Affleck was great, the film just had insanely shit editing and mediocre writing.

>leave postkino to me

How about Affleck writes, edits and directs the movie and Snyder directs people to their seats.


>music is too loud
>my feet hurt

the worst thing about this is that faraci has seemingly no consequences for his actions, yet people believe him every single time

Honestly, after seeing civil war, I perfer BvS

Except he has nothing to be ashamed off. His Batman is the best thing that ever happened to live action DC movies.

t. dc drone

t. evansposter

>Watching BvS leak
>1 hour and 30 minutes in
>Nothing has happened yet



just kill yourselves

>not turning your kinosenses on first

He has everything to be ashamed about. This isn't Cavill where he's just just some dude that got lucky in life with no talent. Affleck could do whatever he wants right now desu.


His face is all plastic now

You forgot the epic grip reverse.


I like that file name.

nice bait there sport

Maybe it's not your speed.

Nah, he knows this classic is catching on.


Iq tests are only important to slightly above average people.

I think so, too. Outside of Watchmen, MoS and BvS are the two most comic-fan-friendly comic book movies I've ever seen.

I genuinely don't understand how MoS got shit on, it's what every capeshit should strive to be

>first day on the set of: The Batman
>Ben stomps into the room and slams down a frothy energy drink latte
>Henry cavill is already in tears
>"but Mr, Affleck, nobody is talking now" he says faintly
>Ben crushes the can between his knees and flares his nostrils
>gal gadot stuffs a plate of bagels
>henry is in the fetal postion shaking
>ben throws his cape over his shoulder and kicks a cardboard superman promotion
>henry's baldness increases

Does anyone else feel genuinely sad for the Fleck? He was just about the only good thing in BvS. It should be fucking Snyder repenting before the masses, not Ben.

That movie inspired the fuck out of me.