Civil War Friday Box Office Can't Beat Batman v Superman

>There was never any doubt that Marvel's Captain America: Civil War would be a hit. But just how big a hit wasn't immediately clear. This monster blockbuster has pulled in $75.3 million during its first day in release. It is now estimated to have an opening weekend between $172 million and $178.8 million. If it can soar just a little higher than 2013's Iron Man 3, which earned a first weekend total of $174.1 million, it will be the 5th highest opening of all time. Anything lower will slide it into 6th place. That said, Civil War's Friday numbers fell short of Batman V Superman's opening day earnings of $81.5 million.

How can these Marvelcucks even compete against us bros?

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you think it will fail to compete with BVS's sharp earnings decline a week in too?

>this thread. Again

I cant do this sam...

Global number one 2014: Transformers, Age of Extinction. Why are you guys pretending box office take is some sort of measure of quality?

In other news, DC and Marvel both suck.

If it drops big today then Civil War won't stand a chance

Number 1, baby.




It'll have a much lower drop off next week dccuck



Daisy ;_;

>Have to deal with quote of the day every time someone links it
>Now it wants me to to turn off ad blocker

Piss off

>a boatload of presale tickets
>opened simultaneously worldwide
>two of the biggest superheroes ever
>on a week LITERALLY everyone had off
>implying boxoffice matters in the least when fucking Furious 7, Harry Potter and Jurassic World are in the top 10 box office of all time unadjusted
Wew lads

add first day numbers of 20 million from UK, Mexico and all other countries it opened for last week.

>simultaneous worldwide release vs just USA and Taiwan and co release

it's quite pathetic that BvS BARELY beat Civil War by that much.

Again, BvS dropped everywhere at the same time, wanting a Boom. Cap didn't.

Delete these.

Piss off

I knew it, only a retard can enjoy evansposting

hahaha marvelfag BTFO

>forgetting the second poster who had a low iq and didn't like BvS
you fucked up user

Duly noted

>likes marvel movies
How bad is your autism?

Watch as the Marveldrones blame Dawn of Justice for Civil War's lower box office by saying "DOJ was so bad that it turned people off from cape movies, so CW didn't make as much money as it deserved!"

Yeah, I'm sure Captain America is going to be a real big hit in Commieland.

DCucks, lets have a chat after next weekend shall we?

People who hate capeshit have been saying that DoJ's shit reputation has caused CW low BO and that it is "the end of capeshit". Fuck off with your shit DCuck

When I finished watching Civil War, my first thought was not "I can't wait to see it again," but rather "I can't wait to watch Dawn of Justice again."

Seriously I'm thinking about going tonight. I'll watch the Spider-Man bits in Civil War again when the Blu-Ray is out but that's probably about it.

We are talking about domestic only user
Civil War isn't even beating BvS domestically right now

You mad senpai? DoJ was filme and CW was a flick

Yes i'm super angry


Fuck you, you fucking diseased bitch. You cuckney fuck couldn't act your way out of a three way with a gorilla and Betty Davis' mumified lady bits you disgusting slut whore you. Fucking mary sue much? You impetuous slut whore!
I want to see Disney repeat it's success with their follow up. And hopefully Civil War will die.

Don't you ever talk about her like that again.

Dawn of Justice finished its run in my city already.

>conveniently forgetting my post, where I had 140 and said BvS was a piece of shit

So how was it having the theater all to yourself on your repeat BvS watches?

I'm fairly confident I'm one of the only people on Sup Forums that saw both Civil War and BvS in theaters.

I fucking love Batman, second only to Spider-Man, and even I will tell you BvS was nowhere near as good as Civil War. CW felt like a slick drama film that happened to be about superheroes. BvS felt like an amateur filmmaker was given two iconic characters, a huge budget, and decided to make something that was "cool" instead of something that would be a good film. It was overloaded with CG, complete with a CG Batman fighting Henry Cavill while CG rain pours down on a CG Gotham City. It just felt fake, and the saturated filter didn't help at all. There was no escapism, nothing at stake, no conflict, and no consequences. The trio of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman didn't fight as a team until the very, very end of the fight when Wonder Woman lasso'd Doomsday, Batman shot his canister at him, and Superman stabbed him with the Kryptonite spear. Up until that point, Batman did literally nothing while Superman kept bouncing into Doomsday, with Wonder Woman the only one actually holding her own.

Seriously, both Superman and Batman were fucking retarded in this movie.
Why didn't Batman retrieve the Kryptonite spear? He wouldn't have gotten weak from it and almost drowned.
Why didn't Wonder Woman stab Doomsday with the spear?
Oh wait, Snyder wanted to have Superman die to try and elicit a reaction from fans.
It didn't work.

the capeshit bubble has finally burst

That's alright son, if you wish upon a star and draw on the power of her tiara princess feminine femininity like she did when fighting Ren, you too can get to put your dick in her diseased fungal patch.

Why you so mad fampai

Snyder wanted to kill Superman so he would have a reason to have Batman as the leader of the Justice League.
That is literally the reason he went with the Death of Superman storyline in BvS.

I've only gone once so far and it was the opening Saturday night after opening. The only movie I've seen in theaters more than once this year is Zootopia and I got an empty theater with my last one, which was fun.

Yiff in Hell, faggot.


Probably not but XMen and Alice both out in 11 days

Who schedules movies like this?
Deadpool BvS CW Xmen SS

Back 2 back 2 back

Seems like bad planing


>Captain America: Civil War hasn't quite managed to top The Avengers or its sequel, but Marvel's first Phase 3 movie effortlessly beat Batman v Superman! Hit the jump for details..

Stop Pulling news out of your ass user

>tfw high IQ
>tfw really love Evans/Slutposting
>tfw retarded with high IQ

Just, just make it end, bros.
The cognitive dissonance is depressing.

Slut Evans are fine in my book

batman couldn't get the fucking spear because he was being chased down by a god; he was spared only through the intervention of another god.

also batman didn't know the exact location of the spear. superman only discovers it through his saving of lois. timing is essential; batman uses his last kryptonite gas grenade, ww has roped the fucker for mere seconds before her footing collapses, and superman is the only one quick and strong enough to deliver the finishing blow. the scenario works perfectly fine as it's written.

jesus fuck these marvel, cerebral lightweights. and i say this as someone that's been more of a marvel fan over the years than dc. marvel movies are flicks; turn off your brain to enjoy. technically they're good movies, but they fall short of having anything meaningful to say. given marvel's characters, this failure irritates me without end.

Can't wait

Jesus. BvS was so terrible I don't feel like rewatching it. Its literally like Batman & Robin, but Superman in it. Its like the reason why Clooney said "This is why Superman works alone"

But I loved Civil War. Whatever bananas you have, I want some of it

You sound rather american, if the only other place besides USA you can think of is China or Russia.

This post reeks of leddit shit

This is both funny and sad. Funny due to his condition, sad due to a studio doing some mk shit on manchildren


If BvS makes less money in the long run, what then? You would say it succeeded because it did more in its first 3 days? Today is Saturday, all we have right now are guesses.