What do you niggers think of this

what do you niggers think of this

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I like it. It's good at the right times and it's a good kind of cheesy.

Just want to say thanks to the user who posted that hot lesbian scene with Harper's actress

highlight of the entire show was right here

Pretty good first season.

Second season started to stagnate pretty quickly, IMO.

After that it was straight downhill.

i'm starting to think #murphamy will never happen.

murphdog needs to bulk up

he looks scrawny as shit in the bunker scene

Octavia needs to stop being a useless grounder whore.

she atleast has her beautiful straight hair back.

Thats a start. Also OctaviaXClarkeXLuna.

i'd pound his ass anyway, i bet he's really good in bed, wipe that smug off his face.

>best commander is an AI cuck now

What a waste.

Her and Murph could have had a great arc. Shit writing desu.

I dont watch the show, why is the blond in the middle always so fucking smug

She gets aroused by committing genocide


>le clarke genocide meme xD

stop touting this, it's misleading. It makes people think she's some badass, strong, or cool character when in reality she's weak, cries a lot, and is generally very boring

her only assets are her tits


This looks australian even with the sound off.


>grounder pounders

you have to go back

First two episodes were trash, then it got better, but I lost interest towards the end of the second season. Too many alliances and backstabbing, "muh people," and kids who are smarter than adults. I fucking hated Jaha, too. Had no interest in where that plot line was going.

Why does she look straight out of an 80s sitcom?

The ratings have gone to shit because Jroth started to override the actual writing talent with his half-baked arc ideas.

It's funny because CW basically told him to shut the fuck up and stay off of twitter.

The show's world building and character development is phenomenal.
It's a post-apocalyptic world that actually feels real. Even the main characters are constantly dealing with basic aspects of survival like food, shelter, and defense against their enemies.
At the beginning of season 1, everyone on the space station is clean, well-dressed and fresh-faced. Now in season 3, the people who have come down to Earth from their space station have been forced to adapt to the harsh reality of the world, and are basically indistinguishable from the native tribal folk, wearing practical patched-together outfits made of scavenged materials, bearing scars and wounds of their battles, dirty faces, and matted, unwashed hair.
The ruins of the old world are utilized by the surviving aspects of humanity in interesting and believable ways. One of the only remaining skyscrapers is fortified as a sort of castle where the ruler of the loosely allied tribal societies holds court. Secure places like underground bunkers are closely guarded secrets that often hold important necessities such as safe shelter, supplies, information, or weapon caches.
The moral and ethical decisions characters are confronted with usually boil down to survival. Although there is a fair share of relationship drama because after all it's a CW show about teenagers, this drama takes a backseat to the overarching plot of the story for the most part.

Plus Clarke, Olivia, and Raven are really fucking hot.

boring drama shit set in post apocalyptic setting where everyone at some point goes full edgelord. no better than Revolution (TV series) but waifuists and casuals love it

she is the Tris Prior of the story

>post best girl

>fallout setting with meme gangs

>indistinguishable from the native tribal folk

keep telling yourself that, grounder fucking shit

I bet you loved "realism" of this too

Is that the book equivalent of these movies

yes but people will call it realistic because the MC is an asshole

Will we ever see another jar dropping performance from Jasper?

>coal burner
>learning the consequences the hard way

Only way to redeem herself is becoming Clarke's sexslave.


Remember Raven's boyfriend?
Remember Bellamy's girlfriend?

The writers dont....

> Somebody unironically spent hours editing this


>Bellamy's girlfriend?
The one who got stabbed and caused Bellamy to go full retard?

I thought Harper was Bellamy's gf???
Am I high?

Season 1 - good
Season 2 - great
Season 3 so far - I can't really say, but it's worse than Season 2

Harper is everyone's gf

I'd say

S1, first 4 episodes = trash
S1, everything after ep. 4 = great
S2 = good
S3 = meh

she looks like some middle aged mom they found on the street, gave her a discount nosejob, some botox in the wrong places, and then just caked on makeup until she looked like a teenager.

What I'm saying is that she looks awkward and unattractive.

best girl is ded u fucc

>someone unironically spend hours watching this absolute garbage show

Shut up

Harper a cute

There's something really amusing about the idea that if anyone on the space station is bored or frustrated they would just go fuck Harper

I bet there was always a queue outside her door.

second best grill after clarkefu.

really was scared for her dying in the airlock

I just wonder how they would have done the story if Lexa hadn't left the show. I can't figure it.

When the 80s came to Australia they never really left.

Lexa > Jasper's waifu's tits > Clarke's tits > Ontari > Raven > Octavia > Lobsterfu > Harper > Jasper's waifu > Clarke

With enough make up and slut-colored platinum blonde hair, anyone can be made to look passable in a selfie, user.
She's a 4/10 at best.
You're just suffering from the cheerleader effect because all the other girls in this show are actually attractive.

I think if Lexa didn't die she would still have been overthrown and exiled

>god tier

>great tier

>good tier
finn s1

>okay tier

>shit tier

>fuck off and die tier

probably forgot some but you get the idea

This list is so wrong it hurts.

write a better list familia, that's why we're here

The world building is not great and that's the problem. I was pretty interested in the show at first because I like post-apocalyptic stuff and the idea of exploring Earth after it's been abandoned seemed cool, but the whole grounders thing just sucked. We've seen the post-apocalyptic gang of savages who "return to the old ways" done to death. The mountain people or whatever was interesting, because it was a normal society that had all these moral dilemmas. The grounder shit is just lame to me, especially the whole Octavia part of it.

I know there needs to be conflict because you can't have a TV show only about people trying to find their daily rations or whatever, but the whole modern society v. tribal warlord society thing is really played out.

Then again, I'm an adult male, so clearly this show isn't aimed at me.

Harper is best girl. video very related

In terms of hotness:

Clarke>Ontari>Lexa>Raven>Finn's Ashes>Octavia


Season 1 - barely watchable
Season 2 - watchable
Season 3 - unwatchable

>>god tier

>fuck off and die tier

World's Biggest Faggot Detected

>Season 3 - unwatchable

it's not that bad

they just wanted too much this season

I still don't understand how jaha has an unlimited supply of chips.

>post-modern fantasy


>liking octavia
>hating bellamy
>hating based murphy

you should really just kill yourself

>this opinion

do you actually watch this show?


is that slut dead?

stopped keeping track

[urge to go undercover intensifies]

I have never seen this show. Is it about like a group of elite soldiers or something? They are all wearing uniforms.

I can't understand people who think like this.

Season 1 was literally unforgivable trash. Based so closely after the godawful books. Season 2 was when it started to take a step in the right direction and 3 has meandered between competent and a complete shitshow.

Funny enough, I'm pretty sure Raven's boyfriend (Wick?) was supposed to die in place of Bellamy's girlfriend at the beginning of the season. He was kicked off the show for racist jokes on Twitter. He got a one line write off early on this season.


Imagine working on this sort of show as a young adult.
You can make life-lasting friendships. Imagine how much fun they have


I'm really digging where this show is going this season contrary to what others seem to feel.

>Getting some backstory with the first commander and the AI
>Grounders religion and culture formed from pre-apocalypse mankind
>skycrew "descends" in a pseudo-biblical way back down to reclaim their lands
>The grounders are more or less dealing with their own gods so to speak

I don't know, I like it. It's pretty interesting. Still waiting on that Ape war they hinted at back in season 1.

i'm just hoping against hope that the CW doesn't fuck it all up by having the grounders and arkers make up in the end and assimilate

if there was one thing Pike was absolutely right about it was that the grounders have nothing to offer the sky people except stagnation and prevention of forward progress

What'd The Ico all about?

Pike pissed me off for most of his time in charge, but now, he's being more reasonable. I understood his views and I don't want everyone to make up in the end, but I want to coexist so we can move on and tackle a newer conflict.

nah, i'd rather conquer and kill all the grounders. they're nothing but backward savages.

That's not the show Steve Talley, you retards.

Gee user! That sure is violent! We humans have to be better than them savages don't you think?

gas the grounders

race war now

The show runner followed him and tweeted at him you fucking mongoloid.

through us they will learn civilization

Yeah I really believe that LOL

Jesus that was... explicit

Did Harper actually get a mouthful of twat there or what

>could there be more no tits

>octavia still isn't dead
Can we just get this over with already?

Yeah I mean Lincoln ;_; is dead so why not

god i hate her

My nigga Monty finally gettin some action!

worst part about this show is when characters in an argument with another character bring up some point against them that is about some event, and then use it wrong and are generally retarded...and then the other character just takes it


>kane tells bellamy that pike's plan of taking the fight to the grounders got monroe killed
>except it was octavia that did that
>bellamy just takes it

>pike berates kane for handing over finn
>when he gave himself up
>kane just accepts that and looks ashamed

>jasper tells bellamy that when he's angry people die
>references the grounder army
>bellamy wasn't angry or emotional when he made that decision, he was as calm as he had been at any other point in the season
>he take it and looks sad

>octavia yells at bellamy that it's his fault lincoln is dead
>when she was the one that refused to let him help her even though he was in the best situation to make everything go along smoothly and possibly prevent pike from making his threat
>he takes it and feels bad

>octavia yells at bellamy for people dying because he lashed out
>again, he never lashed out or was more or less emotional then than at any other point in the past two seasons
>he just takes it

i hate this so much it needs to stop

Those are all just Bellamy being a bitch.

there are a ton more examples though those were just off the top of my head

plus i wouldn't mind it if it were bellamy just taking it because that's who he's been forever now, but it seems more like the writers want us to think Bellamy is being swayed by such bullshit reasoning

makes me really worried theyre going to have him "seeing the light" of grounder assimilation by the end of the season, which would be horrible