This was the moment when warcraft haters knew they f*cked up

this was the moment when warcraft haters knew they f*cked up

>f*cked up
Delete this. Sup Forums is a christian board.

....she needs no1 to protect her....not evn herself...............

Wait is this for real? Because orc chicks don't look like that at all.

Feminism has to be inserted in all facets of media now

>strong independant womyn who don't need no man

strong independent green woman who don't need no man

They do now

Women eat this shit up. They're completely fine with being shamelessly pandered to and patronized

She's a half-orc.

Garona was originally half Orc, half Human. This got changed to half Orc, half Draenei, but she looks humanish.


She is a half orc.


they're trying too hard


It's funny because the same womyn who eat this shit up are the type that love being dominated and abused in bed.

>implying this bitch won't be LFM tank as soon as elites show up





You couldn't tell that by how awful everything looks?

You're fucking retarded

so she's a tank?

stupid, stupid character. can't believe they didn't take the opportunity to retcon her out

She needed someone to protect her from Cho'gall



is that fucking jlo?


Paula Patton

It's her non-union equivalent.


Sup Forums isnt a board



I'd never see this video game shit anyway, but the growing culture of female characters in spectacle movies that aren't allowed to be at all vulnerable is starting to piss me off.

Are we gonna see Grommash? Warsong did not partake in first and second wars but he was around.


Why are his nipples pierced?

aren't the orcs CGI?

oh shit nvm thats his actual model.


wait they rebooted superman again ?

"this is just one big computer"


real orcs are cheaper



I could accept Ripley in Aliens because it was a comedy film. You see like 3 women in every action movies now. I mean what are they going to do? Nag people to death?



nah this is a screenshot from the Warlords of Draenor cinematic

top zozzle

>She's a half-orc.

she'd have to be 1/8 Orc for that to work. She looks human.

that's not how biology works, Metzen

Does anyone even doubt this movie will be absolute shit?

oh boy here we go

You fucking nerd faggots

Not really.

You'll still have male driven films, and by the time Hollywood realises that the audience doesn't like the stronk womyn protag anymore, they'll find a way to stop it.

They know, that's why she's half-orc.

So half-orc = just painted green?

Chyna looked more like an half orc when she was playing She Hulk in that porn.

She's a rogue.

The movie starts before the orcs go through the portal so we'll get to see Grommash for a little.

Tanks need infantry support or they're sitting ducks silly

H*lla F*ckin Epic XD

post yfw this flops harder than BvS

yeah that makes sense

Better question would be "why the fuck are his /teeth/ pierced?"

This won't even make the 20% on rt to be honest.
>people think said this will be better than lotr
Oh I am laffin

Critics will love it, Blizzard is the Marvel of videogames

except that she will in the movie. she absolutely will.

>fictional half orc creature dont need no fictional orc non man, right human non fantasy ladies?

>people think said this will be better than lotr
Who is even mentally deluded enough to think that?

I swear Ive read that in at least a couple of these threads

On Sup Forums any opinion can be stated and people will unironically believe it.

jesus christ that looks like a real creature.

That nose and the top of her hair makes her look like that ugly cunt out of the third LotR movie. Fucking hard to look at.

Took you this long to see how hard this garbage is getting shilled?

A notion that women in the real world can not relate to at all so who is this even aimed at? Women love having someone protect them. Like guys like having 10 bro's that are willing to fight for them. EVERYONE NEEDS AND LIKES SOMEONE TO PROTECT THEM. Fuck women are retarded.

? Did you see the post I was replying to?

Final warcraft; The Spirits WIthin

Your not a board

What did he mean by this?