Post your current location, Sup Forums

Post your current location, Sup Forums

>inb4 CIA

I am in Transylvania because I am Transylvanian

central croatia




Nothing happens here

Does it even matter? What meaning does "location" serves when the the tiny earth spins with the avarage speed about 30 kilometers per second around the little sun in the sea of vast cosmos.








I'm so sorry

For what?

why do you call germany nemetorszag

what the fuck

Because Nemetors live there



kill yourself

Has sri lanka healed well since the war?

I'm in Buenos Aires but I live in Córdoba


passably well for less than a decade I guess


literally the worst part of russia, congrats


Gee, you sure are close to North Korea

don't tell


>t. kurva anyátok

Why do you give Romanian and Slovakian cities such odd names?

why poland has no name?

because Germans are mute niggers

All West Slavs call them "Niemcy"

because thats their actual names

why do you call the Italian cities with their original name except for Venice?

but most of it all why everybody call you Hungary except yourselves?

That's part of the curse.

You mad?

The other Italian cities were irrelevant to us, also not just Velence but Róma and Nápoly too
The surrounding nations call us magyars


a little bit

this guy gets it

my condolences
