“Inside Amy Schumer” Ratings Fall From Last Season’s Premiere

>According to national data posted by Showbuzz, Thursday’s episode drew a 0.4 adults 18-49 rating and 0.77 million total viewers.
>The numbers trail the 0.6 rating and 1.01 million viewership tally posted by the third season premiere, which aired on Tuesday, April 21, 2015.

Is her time finally up?

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She puts that on Facebook?

How else will people know that she's a cuhraaazy funny woman who don't need no dignity

That cunt has zero shame.


Call me a nigger if you like (I am black), but that's sexy right there.

this is marilyn manson tier shit. just shock people into ratings. at least manson made a few decent songs.


Who else /despise Amy Schumer but would still creampie her shithole/ here



I would, and gladly. her shithole I mean. She's okay so I don't despise her.

And don't you forget it. No need to lose your balls whitey, meet a black man, dub him a nigger. What's the worse that can happen.

Be sure to do so with a crew just in case the black man attempts to injure you.

All 21st century womyn

Fat, unfunny, talentless, joke stealing, gun grabbing kike.

>ywn fuck Amy Schumer

You are a nigger, and your tastes are predictably pathetic.

SJWs only care about their meme opinions not the product.

Her face is beat, her body is kinda gross, and she says about smelling enough to the point where I honestly think she does smell bad. But some shots she's kinda hot enough to fuck.

>you will never be Anthony Burch


She still has a million dollar book deal, unfortunately.

>I am such a slut, you guys.
>I am such a fat pig, you guys.

>slut shaming
>unrealistic beauty standards

here's your reply




It is what it is. Like how I'm afraid of the water. Loved it as a kid when I used to swim like a fish, but after nearly drowning I fear the water. I love chicken but would prefer boiled or baked. Fried is my favorite but I stay the hell away from that. Amy lights a fire in my cock, so am I to feel grossed out because a chubby girl makes my dick hard?

Which of her staff wrote that?

what a disgusting pig cunt.

Fellow black man here,
Shut up coon.

Just kill me already

Is there any male comedian that goes "haha my dick!" or just makes jokes about sex?

>no pics

There's something about her man, that's kinda nice. You know what I mean? It's like buying fried chicken and fries from some road side vendor and you're a bit apprehensive because you know nothing about this person but damn, the chicken smells really good and so much so that the spices are literally sexing your nose.

it's kinda like that.

>0.77 million total viewers.

>literally less than a million viewers

>on Comedy Central in a prime-time slot

Usually I'd say she was done but if Dunham can keep Girls going then I just don't know any more.


disgusting nigger

Yeah but no one watches Comedy Central anymore so she's probably one of the highest rated shows.

does anyone else notice that she moves like a toddler

just in general

this is the most disgusting shit I have ever seen, what the fuck

She does have weird movements. I think it's because she wears something like spanx to keep her tummy from sticking out, so she has to move her limbs a bunch, but never her midsection.

Which comic did she steal that from?

I fucking cringed. Fat chicks tend to have a BO problem in general, so I get it, but fuck it's almost enough to trigger a gag reflex.

>not a single memorable moment from the 3 last episodes.
>celebrity cameo bonanza
>interviewing a retard

She moves like a truck driver desu

you don't even have to say you're a nigger, it was obvious once you made that statement

I'd bet you people don't even know why you hate her as much as you claim you do. Tell me what makes her so toxic that you wouldn't put your dick in her.

How is talking about sex, and your private parts throughout the majority if not all of your set comparable to a man pulling out his cock?

No one would say that "he's a thinker". In this day and age his career would get ruined and would be forced to make a public apology.

On the other side of the coin. Tig Notaro went topless in one of her shows, showing her breast cancer scars and people called her brave and brilliant.

These double-standards are slowly killing me when it comes to comedy. If male comedians weren't such fucking pussies we wouldn't have women like Amy Schumer doing comedy. Seriously, male comedians just circle jerk these female comedians so much its horrendous.

Who the fuck watched Comedy Central anymore?

They don't even have shows, as far as I know.

Fat hack that doesn't deserve any accolades the media been trying to push for her.

>Little miss muffet
>Sat on her tuffet
>Eating her curds and whey, OHH

>The came the spider
>who sat down besider her and said..


*entirety of the 80's laughs*

Nathan For You
Broad City

Real a-list shit, amitight?

I get she's not as funny as guys are, that i get. What has any of that have to do with putting your head between those lovely thighs of hers and smelling her sweetness though?

Guessing you weigh about 140.

Always skinny black dudes that love pasty hambeasts.

Except that's incorrect and not a smart observation. If she's referring to CK or that ilk, unlike her, they make jokes about things that are not fucking and eating.

300lbs. 6'5"

Only good things that came from him are Jim Norton and Anthony's impression.

>women aren't funny
>SJW cucklords think this is hate speech
>put unfunny women on TV to show those hateful people how wrong they are
>women are still unfunny
>show gets pulled
>instead of admitting that women aren't funny they blame it on muh soggy knees

Why do SJW cuckboys deny all quantifiable reality?

I thought blacks hated anything that had to do with eating the pussy or being near it? We're all those rap songs just BS?

Fuck that makes me hard
She isn't even hot

Patrice, is that you?

To be fair, there are funny women, they just get underplayed for unfunny cunts like Silverman and Schumer.

Exhibit A: 95% of the female cast of MAD TV


Because they literally can't find another woman to try to fug

>Silverman and Schumer.
Gee, I wonder why that is?

Dice Gottfried is my fav

I know plenty of guys who eat and I've spoken to a lot of girls, and dated some who got eaten by their guys, so I guess that's probably true for whoever doesn't and not true for those that do. But eating's rather magical and could be a fascinating moment especially when your lovely love's a solid bodied girl. There's something about that end of day heat funk that eminates from between her thighs. That inner thigh gunk that can be grayish but it's the same mixture of oil, dead skin and sweaty grime. Then there's the smell of piss and sometimes smell of shit but what's magical about it is what it does to her.


Guy was dope, that's for sure.


This will never cease to be funny to me

>Not "bad goy"
>When the original pic was "bad ass" and it would make perfect sense in context

I wish ill on whoever made that fucking image. What an incompetent FUCK

Jews are such disgusting creatures.

Andrew Dice Gay is the topper for me.


what does anthony jeselnik see in that monster

I'm mixed, that bitch nasty and I like thickums

my 13yo sister has a cooking youtube channel with more views than amy jewmer
and all her recipes are also stolen
she credits every single recipe tho

Hahahahaha she's so funny how does she get away with it?

Bait. We all know negroes cant computer

You know people aren't watching for the cooking right?

how is virginity not a virtue


schumer is terrible but you're seriously a fucking moron

she's related to a sitting powerful democratic Senator, she was never in any trouble ever, even if her career completely disappeared.

Schumer's father is Jewish and her mother is from a Protestant background.[7][15] Schumer was raised Jewish, and experienced antisemitism as a child.[16][17][18]

>my 13yo sister is pedo bait on Youtube, hehe, fuck Amy!

>I am black
Okay whitey.



Hit me up with the link mate, I've been meaning to extend my knowledge of cooking


> experienced antisemitism as a child.

Thinking that jews are oppressed in any way is utterly ridiculous. There is no more privileged category and their privilege is never taken away because it's politically incorrect to point it out.

There's no way she actually said this

Please let there be no way she actually said this

You guys are just threatened by a strong woman comedian. Guys can make raunchy sex jokes and it's funny, guys can make jokes about their weight or physical appearance and it's funny, but as soon as a woman does it you'd think it's the end of the world. Pathetic.


Dex looking swag as fuck

Not b8 at all. I just don't understand the double-standard.


Sexist misignaingaidsnfiasdnistic


I am also black and I think you have deplorable tastes in fat white women. You are a detestable negro. At least choose one of the many stacked Jewesses.

>stacked Jewesses
A man of taste right here.