Which do you prefer and why?

Which do you prefer and why?

The Sopranos because I think it's more ambitious in that it depicted modern American culture and the post-9/11 era filled with anxiety and existential angst. I love Mad Men but The Sopranos is a show we'll probably never see again.

Walter White

I could give a shit about some fat greasy wog or some rich cunt in the 60's or 70's or whenever decade they were in.

gabagool.. who the other cuck?

we'll never see anything like mad men's first 3 seasons again.

But the first 3 seasons are the worst of the show. Still great though.

>Walter White
jesus, you are a sad, sad, pathetic man

Tony because he does more than piss himself and change his name when they send him to a gunfight.

Friendly reminder that the Americans is better than both of these shows

And I say that with full consideration that the Sopranos is one of the greatest achievements in television history


Sopranos was a well made, excellently crafted character study and break down of a cliched but iconic genre, while paying homage and cameoing actors from said genre. A 9/10 show.

Mad Men was a period piece soap opera or gossiping secretaries and "who is sleeping with who", it has almost no intellectual content. It was a 6/10 at best.

Mad Men. Tighter, more well planned out. Weiner's creative control and the fact that he wrote the overwhelming majority of episodes, to Chases like 5, made it more of a singular, auteur vision. Theyre both GOAT but the Sopranos was a little more meandering.

>Mad Men was a period piece soap opera or gossiping secretaries and "who is sleeping with who", it has almost no intellectual content. It was a 6/10 at best.

So cute when people judge Mad Men without ever having seen it. Same naive conjecture every time.

hes not wrong

No shot, although it is very, very good. Pretty great actually. This last episode was fucking staggering, a real achievement. It's top tier but not absolute Trinity tier w Mad Men/Sopranos/Wire

>I'm 17 and my taste is superior

Saw the entire thing, cover to cover.

The Carousel was the most impacting scene, and it was cheap, appealing to emotion garbage.

The rest was marriage drama / securing or losing business drama, that absolutely nobody really cared about.

When Lane hung himself I actually felt happy for him that he escaped just a bleak world. I don't even know why I finished that trash to be quite honestly, it certainly didn't pay off in the end.

cmon first 3 seasons have all tha slowburning drama and none of the soapiness. and obviously the stronger plot (prolly due to setting)

Mad Men isn't in the Trinity

Not saying the Americans should be there, but Mad Men fags are delusional if you think Mad Men belongs in a Trinity with The Wire and Sopranos

I'd put True Detective, Rome, Deadwood in the Trinity faster than the mediocre AMC shit that Mad Men was

hell I'd throw Breaking Bad in there quicker than Mad Men

Sopranos > Rome > Deadwood
Never saw the Wire, not interested in a show about niggers.

why not?

I just have no interest in the plight of the ghetto negro. I do have interest in the gold rush Frontier west, the modern day mafia and Italian americans, and ancient rome.

so instead you went for le nerdy show for people who wear zelda tshirts and have star wars posters

kill yourself redditor

Sopranos doesn't have a single bad episode.

Bet you think that and GoT are the best shows of all time right?

I like that they somehow complete each other, as a study of masculine character throughout the 20th century.

Whatever happened to Gary Cooper, asked Tony, weak, in front of a therapist. Then you see that the strong, silent type was always a fabrication, just another part of America's mythology.

why cant u be cool?

A Hit is a Hit is terrible.


So is D-Girl, and the episode in Season 1 with Meadow's coach.

Cant blame you

it's a bit overrated anyway

>he doesn't understand the incredibly rich symbolism that is in mad men
I bet you just thought it was a soap opera. Being a pleb must be difficult.

Mad Men is not a soap opera, you idiots. MM and Sopranos are the best two shows ever made.

The Wire and Deadwood are great but not on the same level.




Don for sure. He was a much better character.


No, YOU'RE reddit.


Fuck off and die, faggot.

I think Don is objectively a better person because he's not a sociopathic murderer. But i think i would get along with Tony eating gabagool

>A hit is a hit
>that one episode where tony fucks gloria in a museum or whatever

Hmmmmm A Good Question.... Difficult Question...... Hmmmmmm, I Think I Have To Choose Moltisanti Thread

They were both brilliant. Mad Men probably had better side characters though, based Roger and Pete in later seasons.

>all plot and violence heavy shows
p-pure coincidence

D-Girl is based, user
>dat Moltisanti Thread bullying Favreau scene
>dat pessimistic Livia speech to AJ
>dat Pussy background story
>dat ending with "Vedi Maria"

Mad Men was a boring piece of shit that was sexist towards men and isn't accurate of how things were in the '60s. Every male character is portrayed as a complete monster.

If Sopranos is either a 9/10 or 10/10, what is Game of Thrones? A 6/10?


confirmed for never watching the show

nobody on the show was a "monster" certainly not Don. He was a broken man who slept around because he could never fill himself

>sexist toward men

Objective tv series rankings coming through
>Sopranos: 10/10
>The Shield: 9.5/10
>Mad Men: 9/10
>The Wire: 9/10
>Breaking Bad: 8/10
>Deadwood: 7.5/10 (0.5 pts reducted for incompleteness)
>Rome: 7.5/10 (same as Deadwood)
>Game of Thrones: 5/10
>The Walking Dead:2/10

ok let's for a second assume you're not a troll and not from reddit

Walter White himself was a good character. Bryan Cranston was absolutely based.

Breaking Bad itself without him would be cancelled in the first season. But it doesn't make it a good show.


Game of Thrones S1-S3 -7.5/10
Game of Thrones S4-Present - 4.5-5/10

don't make me choose, recently rewatched mad men again as well

both are my favs, deadwood being third and i just finished watching it for the first time a week ago, i was really surprised how it was cut off at the end, no big showdown with hearst nothing, it went on like a "regular" episode, damn shame

It is not better than either but it is certainly great and it is the best currently airing show.

hello rebbit

I love true detective but c'mon man

Usually these rankings are shitposts, but this is actually very good. I would switch The Shield and Mad Men but that's just my opinion familia. How would you rank Six Feet Under and Boardwalk Empire (If you've seen them)?

Haven't seen SFU, Boardwalk I'd rank a 7

Literally fucking reddit show

You really missed the nuances of the show, then. Its not a simple or easy series, it asks a lot of its audience.

Don because despite his personal flaws he was still a romantic idealist and also respected the laws of our great nation

What about desertion, fraud, etc?

what about it?


Don broke him some laws is what I'm saying

Rome is just a time waster though. Sometimes fun, but no-one takes it seriously.

Deadwood is two orders of magnitude better than BrBa. It has real, unique characterization and thematic weight. BrBa is nothing more than superficial entertainment. Rome's much better than BrBa as well.

I think I like Mad Men better.
It's so close though.

The Americans has A LOT of flaws.

I prefer Deadwood you cocksucker

Identity theft and desertion in order to get away from the physical and emotional trauma of his childhood is a bit different to murdering and stealing for your own personal gain (at least ethically, if not legally).

>Don broke him some laws is what I'm saying

>Sopranos was a well made, excellently crafted character study and break down of a cliched but iconic genre
sopranos is full of cliché, especially through the psychiatrist.

>tfw you find him. The biggest pleb on Sup Forums

>it asks a lot of its audience.
Yes, the audience needs to have deep thoughts about a big 40 yo baby who never ever reflected on his life which leads him to whine that ''he has no one''.

Mad men is a show for the normie with low IQ

>He was a broken man who slept around because he could never fill himself
This is deep according to 20 yo TV-repressed-homosexuals

Don>Tony>Soprano's>Mad Men

please name them

good post user


theyre trained to speak slow (to be non-threatening)
some are totally into freud\jung
theyre never as objective as you would want someone in that position to be

Impossible to choose. The Twin Towers of the Golden Age of TV

it was more about the why than the who but you gave it a shot

Good argument desu

>Then you see that the strong, silent type was always a fabrication
Oh hi I didn't see you there I was too busy making millions and having sex with a titcow.

v nice.
Although they do approach this in the sopranos
>"He was gay, Gary Cooper?"

They're both great. Undeniably two of the best works in television, ever.

But Mad Men has Roger and Pete so Mad Men is GOAT

this is a great metaphor, and fitting for his character.

>as a study of masculine character throughout the 20th century

As well as the American Dream. Its orchestrated fabrication in Mad Men, and its modern bastardization, or remnants in the Sopranos.

Had a heart attack while banging a girl.
MFer couldn't stfu. Loudmouth pos

yes, trying to be noticed by women and earning money is what a strong silent type does.

When will summer end?

madmen has given us more memes so



I think he said it was cliché in that it uses a psychiatrist as a plot device in order to explain things

>Could give a shit

You fucking Americans

He inherited everything he owned from his dad, he was insecure about that

Tony. Don only seems to care about his family on a superficial level. It's almost like they're only part of his disguise. Ton loves them for who they are, and for what they are to him.

If that's a cliché, The Sopranos is responsible for it.

Why didn't Gandolfini use the eagles to fly out of Jersey?

>contrives sexism from unsubstantiated evidence
>actually triggered

Why don't you grow up. You're worse than tumblr