Remember this idiot?

remember this idiot?

His fall was funny. A shit movie that triggered his feminazi buddies. Glorious.

what an ugly faggot

RIP Joe Sweden

Which one? The one who doesn't do her job properly or the one basing disposition on second hand butthurt?

They won't fuck you, Joss.

Sensitive Joss Whedon

She's made like 3 videos in 2 years. Why are people so poopy and dumb?


>3 sets of dubs

>mfw she got fat I cant be bothered to fap to her any more

Something is wrong.

>avatar is literally fedora tipping
>tweets about the evils of "mansplaining"

What an utter faggot.


>shaved bald head
>betaboy beard

his head looks like a hairy chode

I liked Buffy.

I liked Firefly.

I liked Avengers 1 and 2.

>another 3 set of dubs

what the fuck

>I hate men

>I am the virgin.

>I am the beta.

>I am the male feminist.

>getting offended by things is now a normie social activity
I'm not long for this world.

Nah. I just liked those two shows (plus Angel was alright) and those two movies. They were all fun and enjoyable.

No, no, the joke is that she doesn't just sit on her ass and look for things to be offended by.

Now stay tuned for another great Fem Freq video in which she is furious about a video game that oppresses her by existing (again).

You aspie. They were joking. They were mocking the idea that feminist get offended about everything.

And then avengers 2 happened.

i can't my evens

>caring about whedon beyond the quality of his works

Quality thread, Sup Forums

Fuck you, Firefly was great. Didn't see and don't care for all the other shit.

Yeah, Firefly was pretty good.

Firefly had potential but you are only imagining how great it could've been.
It never had a chance to be truly great.


I thought what we got of it was great. A big part of that is that the series ended before it could suck. A lot of TV shows unfortunately go on too long (like Buffy, or Dexter).

it would've gone like this
>season 1
>Season 2
>season 3
Not great not bad either
>Season 4 and up

Honestly just one more season would have been perfect

I am the walrus, coo coo cachoo

I sill can't believe they made it all the way to the UN, world hunger, wars, refugees and finally they get to hear a real outrage


Joss does it again

based joss giving zack some leeway

The women's UN
and they got laughed out of it.

Seriously they are not nearly as relevant as you think they are.

Good comic, thanks mein.

UN is a fucking joke. Who would ever want to work for it if it wasn't to virtue signal.

Their case / talk was all but laughed out.

This is the funny thing about all this SJW drama, is that outside of the internet, twitter, tumbr, reddit and Sup Forums it has literally no visibility to normies.

Companies need to start fucking realising that Internet drama will never affect their bottom line.

Oh no, Dr Who is being played by a white man again? better complain on twitter and tumblr, 99.99% of the audience doesn't care.

Oh no, They're thinking of making the lead of a Star Wars film a white guy? Better post stuff on my tumblr, 99.999999% of the films intended audience will never see it.

When Internet drama is presented to normal people with real problems it's embarrassing and pathetic.

The biggest issue we have is that some companies, paranoid about their web presence with overly paranoid community liaisons / managers tend to react to this shit when they really should just ignore it.

its an age old problem. Back in the day it would only be a hand full of retards writing letters to TV companies and scaring them, when really 99% of the viewers were OK or didn't care, and therefore didn't write letters.

As much of a joke as the UN is and the even bigger joke that is the Woman's UN.

You had muslim girls talking about female genital mutilation, Indian women talking about the hourly struggle to avoid rape and murder at the hands of the male populace, Women that will get stoned to fucking death if they so much as flash a single millimeter of flesh.

but then you have these two fat American girls turn up "Sometimes people are mean on the internet, and that's misogyny and I get bullied online by anonymous people"

you can't make it up. that's why it was ignored because it's irrelevant and embarrassing.

And don't forget the research they presented to back their claims was so faulty or outright lies, they had to retract everything.



christ you sound like an asshole


This killed so much of their remaining reputation that femfreq now needs to buy views on youtube. Being attached to work that correlated Pokemon and satanism was amazing.

>let me just jump into this thread an hour later to call someone an asshole
>I am not an asshole though

we must never speak of this again

Age Of Ultron had to be a mascot for incompetence and over sensitivity.

>Movie is a mess
>People he pandered to by slamming others turn on him
>Blames all of the movie's issues on the producers
>The stuff he claimed was his was just as awful, if not worse

I like Angel and Avengers 1

What exactly were the feminist complaints?
That Black Widow wasn't as stronk as the Hulk even though she was a wymeon?

how do I get repeating digits?

Buffy was okay
Angel was good
Firefly/Serenity was great
Dollhouse was meh
Avengers 1 was GOAT
Much Ado About Nothing was great
Avengers 2 was weak

grievance feminism is one of the most legit scams going. i wish i were sociopathic enough to practice it and rake in the easy money and admiration from useful idiots

i mean, get called mean names and go the UN and make hundreds of thousands in donations?

I think it was the convo between BW and Banner about being sterilized. It makes sense in context because BW was raise as a cold heart Soviet assassin.
Many crazy Fem couldn't understand that context and just went apeshit over it.

Her dialogue implied that being a sterile woman made her "a monster".

What she *meant* was that she, like Banner, was a) a monster and b) infertile in an attempt to relate to him, but her words came out poorly.

I vaguely remember something about that, but it wasn't that hard to understand she wasn't saying she's a monster because she couldn't have kids, but that she was basically made into a inhuman killing machine.
On the other hand I don't watch movies solely to find something to get offended by.

there was a period of almost a year where he called various studio execs and literally begged to continue firefly

i remember someone posted a screenshot of anita sarkeesian's armpits and made me wanna fap. i wish i could get that video

Underrated post

Someone post the comic with the walrus'. You know what I'm talking about.


The walrus' what?

The whole "I can't have kids thing" didn't make much sense to me. Why would they bring it up? Kind of a weird detail. Seemed out of place given the movie.

Oh fuck I'm retarded never mind.



>on the other hand I don't watch movies solely to find something to get offended by
And yet Whedon tried to make a career out of identifying with, catering to, and appealing to people who do *exactly* that. And was shocked when they turned on him.

Natasha was expressing romantic interest in Banner. He said that he would disappoint her, because besides being a monster some of the time, he couldn't provide her with a family, which he imagines many women would want.

Natasha replied that she can't have children herself anyway. So that wouldn't factor in for her, and she's pretty monstrous herself at times.

It makes logical sense, but I thought the romance was unconvincing.

She's a slut.
What really threw me off was the whole Hawkeye family scenes. Which were to let the audience know BW was never into Hawkeye because he was married.

That's still a weird detail to include, especially given the somewhat disturbing footage of having the surgery done to her (somewhat against her will).

She could have just said "I'm a spy, I've never had a normal life and never will" and not brought up her infertility and created problems.

>women, especially sluts, aren't into married men

Despite what most feminists pretend to believe having a child or at the very least the ability to do so is pretty important to women. We are still biological creatures, and one of our main drives is to reproduce. She isn't a 19 year old girl who just wants to have fun, she's probably hearing the clock ticking when most women would already have a family.

WHY would they attend that meeting wearing that shit in their hair? Atleast look fucking professional.

>It makes logical sense, but I thought the romance was unconvincing.

Not many people were interested in Whedon's self-insert.

They look like professional feminists to me.
>crazy hair
>Jewish features
I guess they could stand to gain a few pounds tho.

It wasn't the real UN, it was the woman's one.

I loved how they tried to say Japan needs to change their manga, games and anime and the Japanese woman's right representative said they are idiots who don't care about real women, just cartoons that don't exist and don't matter.

I'm not calling you a liar or anything but do you have the quotes of them getting BTFO?

Which is why it's kind of weird and was awkward for me when they brought it up, because I know people who are struggling to have kids and suddenly it reminded me of those people and their hardships. Kind of a shitty thing to do in the middle of what is supposed to be a light-hearted film.

Not saying I was personally offended or anything. Was it out of place? Did it take me out of the movie? Could they have done it better? Yes, yes, and yes.


I wonder why they made it that far.

Well not having an arm or having lost in an accident would seriously suck IRL, having a character willfully removing it for your job is pretty insane and drives it home how devoted they are, and doesn't really insult the people who lost theirs by no fault of their own.
Honestly, watching it I didn't really think much about it.

The translation of japanese representative's response is on leddit.

>Opinion Summary:
>We are absolutely in agreement that the protection of the rights of women in Japan is important. On the other hand, we think it should be carefully and seriously evaluated whether the measures taken to ensure those protections are valid ones or not. If we are asked to consider whether "Protecting Women's Rights in Japan" requires us to "Ban the Sale of Manga and Video Games Depicting Sexual Violence," then we must reply that that is an absolute "no."
>Reasons for Our Opinion:
>Reason #1 - The so-called sexual violence in manga and video games is a made-up thing and as such does not threaten the rights of actual people; therefore, it is meaningless in protecting the rights of women.
>Reason #2 - In Japan, and especially when it comes to manga, these are creative fields that women themselves cultivated and worked hard by their own hand to create careers for themselves. If we were to "ban the sale of manga that includes sexual violence," it would do the opposite and instead create a new avenue of sexism toward women.

That's the short version, there's a more detailed response aswell

Not him but I believe he's talking about this.

>women's UN

>needs more pixels

Gotchu fampai




>cyber violence

haah waaw

>survivor of cyber violence

That Zoe chick could get it. How do you woo a woman like this? Like any other woman by nodding your head in agreement?

If you experienced it that way, good for you, but I experienced it differently and, in my opinion, it's a heavy subject that has no place in a light-hearted adventure movie, wasn't tackled in an appropriate way, and really added nothing positive to the film. That's just my opinion.

He did his best to showcase badass women and was actually kind of a positive influence with representation of females.

His main problem is that he didn't realize how much shit has changed since the 90's when he was making Buffy and all the needless bullshit that's going on now.

You can't appease an audience thats only goal is to be offended by shit.

He cucked himself.

>the girl behind anita

Modern American Feminists literally have no goals and are a fractured collective at best.

They don't want to solve problems, they don't want to mobilize against anything real. They want to pretend as if their life is hard, and that their struggle is real, when they live the most sheltered and coddled lives of anyone.

>The End


Dude made a billion dollar movie not a few years before Age of Ultron, you can't tell me that doesn't give him some sway to do his own shit.

You can't blame everything on producers, you have plenty of clout to do what you want, no other serious director would put up with that level of shit if it was actually harming the film itself.