What exactly did they do wrong that kate was so fannyflustered about?

what exactly did they do wrong that kate was so fannyflustered about?

the only reprehensible things i saw were performed by del taco, mostly him killing silvio

Well they broke the law and were violating other country's authority, and that's only to begin with.

If you finish the movie it also becomes clear that the so-called "good guys" stopped being that and just became "bad guys" #2.

they are the law

>muh morals
>muh protocol
she ruined the flick for me tbqh .. pointless

They were actively helping one mob family take over another while breaking all the codes of conduct and using her along the way.

She was needed there to remind most of the audience that they were doing something wrong, otherwise the audience would have just sat through it all without batting an eyelid.

They didn't necessarily do anything wrong, the film does a decent job remaining unbiased in it's cinematography and editing, I never got any feeling that they wanted the audience to feel one way or another about what happened.

However they definitely meant to portray Kate as being incredibly naive about everything.

>they broke the law
Is it true that CIA can't operate inside US country ?

Yes. Officially. But they literally don't give a fuck.

Hard to when you have that much power. Basically US just becomes another country to them.

pretty much everything they did was illegal.

>going into another country to abduct someone
>torturing him
>killing Mexican police officers
>torturing drug mules
>outright assassinating a person in cold blood, along with his family

we have laws in place against this sort of shit to avoid killing innocent people.

>be big bad cartel boss
>only hire like 6 guards for your mansion

Yes and it's a really fucking big deal if they do.

thats weird, plenty of others countries have no problem with that. But i guess it make sens in the US considering the tons of agency you got + the fear of too much federal power.

no one in Mexico is innocent

>>outright assassinating a person in cold blood, along with his family
>a person

The guy was a piece of shit

Trump pls go

What a stupid ass complaint. Only a handful of people knew who this guy was let alone where he lived. He shouldn't need any guards at all.

Did you even watch the fucking movie? Because his reclusiveness was kind of what they were trying to break.

>the government can't assassinate foreigners

oh lawdy

>the law = becoming the bad guys
>giving a shit about a country's authority when you have the ability to fix issues that affect your people
>giving a shit about a country's authority when almost every inch of the country is infested with cartel or corrupt people on their payroll


I'm not saying they can't, I'm saying it's illegal.

Drone strikes kill innocent civilians every day. But people say "muh war!" so it's okay.

Del toro is from colombian cartel hitman. The u.s government basically hired a hitman to help a cartel war and destabalise a country and used kate as a patsy for their "paperwork".

She had every right to be pissed , but what everyone forgets is that she is still just a talented rookie that knew fuck all about the mexican side of drug trade or what she was getting into.

What are you talking about? Trump loves Hispanics!

Damn it


Literally no one they fucked uo was innocent not even the druglords family

She subconciously resented the idea that her presence there was only to grant U.S. access across the border, while she was there she got treated like an idiot, and when she tried to actually take some sort of action against the cartel she got told it didn't matter and made both Matt and Medellin think she was an even bigger idiot.

Not only did they operate way outside their jurisdiction but they made a power vacuum on purpose so a more reliable cartel could take Juarez, and that fighting is going to have an innumerable human cost. Hardly any good was done, I think that's what you see with the soccer game at the end. The machine keeps turning.

They didn't kill Alarcon because he was a bad man, either, they killed him because he refused to comply with the United States, and just managed to find a man with a personal vendetta to do it.

>I've met Trump because he was in one of my movies, Celebrity. He's very affable, and I run into him at basketball games and at Lincoln Center. And he is always very nice and pleasant — [which is] hard to put together with many of the things he has said in his campaign.

these posts are right, if mexico wasn't fucked before it's even more fucked after the black ops. Upsetting the status quo doesn't mean progress is gonna be made.

When they go crying to their boss about what's happening he explicitly tells them that everything has been authorised from the highest levels by elected officials and that they are not breaking the law. Kate was a silly bitch.


Are you serious?

They were literally operating way outside of their jurisdiction and violating another country sovereignty but it's not like the CIA gives a fuck cause they literally did that all throughout their existence when they spent their days toppling democratically elected governments. In fact what they did in the film was pretty much what they did in RL.

That's the entire point, user.

Medellin as Del Toro is called in the film is explained to refer to a time, not a person. A time when the CIA had some control over the drug trade and the ability to at least reign in the actions of the Colombian cartels when shit got out of hand. The Mexican cartels answered to no one but themselves and were constantly escalating the drug wars in both Mexico and the US.

So by disrupting the Mexican cartels and causing a cartel war in Mexico (the fireworks they listen to on the roof of the prison) and killing the cartel boss, the CIA are aiding the Colombian cartels--cartels that can be somewhat controlled.

They were still breaking the law. The will of the higher up is irrelevant to the law.

And that is why they used "Medellin" to do the dirty work.

>What is plausible deniability

It was a classic CIA move. They removed someone in opposition to install a puppet of theirs. Isn't there a second film coming out? I wonder if it will go into the consequences of what happened. Could be interesting if they went that route.

This movie kind of sucked. I was so hyped cause Prisoners and Enemy were great and Sup Forums memed about this non-stop.

Then I watched it and all I got was nice cinematography, the most ugly CGI ever (in the night vision scene), one cool action sequence shown in its entirety in the trailer and Emily Blunt on her period.

Oh gee I wonder why a moral law-abiding character would have a problem with that?

Watch it again pleb. It's really better on a second viewing.

I liked Sicario but yeah, it is his weakest film.

You and I did not watch the same movie apparently.

I'm not saying it was moral in the textbook sense but rather in a lions before lambs sense. War is hell. The only reason why, as Westerners, we get to live in relative peace and harmony is because of the foul, odious, morally reprehensible shit that dark elements of our governments are willing to do to maintain the status quo.

just stop posting


if you hated this character you didn't understand the movie

>emily blunt will NEVER step on your balls
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

>+ the fear of too much federal power.