I'm not here to talk about black people; I'm here to talk about diversity

>I'm not here to talk about black people; I'm here to talk about diversity.
>Diversity in the modern world is more than just skin colour- It's gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, social background, and most important of all, as far as I'm concerned, diversity of thought.

holyshit how based can one man be?


Other urls found in this thread:


>screams diversity


Fuck off, retard.

>I'm not here to talk about black people; I'm here to talk about diversity.
The main difference between real blacks and crybaby shitface murrican black.

ethnic west africans are red pilled

>mfw Nigerian tutor BTFO libcucks in our politics classes

what's he finna say?

What he means is anything as long as it isn't a white male.

Name ONE benefit of "diversity". You can't.

why does Sup Forums get so triggered by topics like this?

Pretty colors pretty colors ha ha!


>Niggers make up something like 4% of the British population
>There's a shitload of niggers in every single programme, especially soaps

You've already got your "diversity" you stupid cunt.

none of your beeswax, kid. now beat it.

Maybe we are tired of their constant racism and sexism.

Because once you know the truth it eats you up inside.

Diversity and multiculturalism is a tool used to weaken the masses to the powers that be. Once a civilization has lost it's identity it has nothing to fight for and no purpose.

Hollywood stopped forcing this cunt on us.

Diversity of thought gives room for different ideas which could benefit society as a whole.

niggers aren't the only thing he's vying for, sweetie.

Everything he said in that speech was intelligent and correct.

It won't matter one bit to the Sup Forumstard faggots in this thread.

My mother-in-laws daughter loves this guy

>protagonist is a rich, white, male
>he has a non-white (typically asian) love interest

is this why Sup Forums hates diversity in films and television so much? so they can live their weeb fantasy?

In genetics it's healthy because it provides protection from disease, and in art and culture it allows for incorperating different ideas and points of view that spawn growth that otherwise would not have been possible.

So your wife?


Sup Forums is as easily triggered as everyone else


Referring to his own experience, Elba will say: “I knew I wasn’t going to land a lead role. I knew there wasn’t enough imagination in the industry for me to be seen as a lead. In other words, if I wanted to star in a British drama like Luther, then I’d have to go to a country like America. And the other thing was, because I never saw myself on TV, I stopped watching TV. Instead I decided to just go out and become TV.”


diversity means 2 things:
less whites
more black males

>diversity is combining all the unique colors together to get a ugly mud color
The doublespeak is astounding. It's like I'm living in the worlds of 1984 and Brave New World.

Idris is based as fuck, you people are barking at the wrong tree.


I just saw him in Everest

He's 100% right.

I don't think that first point is true.

The second point is null because we have the internet.

>British television needs more blacks!
>Ignores all the token blacks and the show that he's starred in for half a decade.
>Also ignore that they are less than 5℅ of the British population

You've read neither of those books and browsed Wikipedia at best.


unless your society is superior (The West).
And why do people from other cultures have to live here for us to use their good ideas?

>Diversity of thought gives room for different ideas which could benefit society as a whole.

Yeah, like how Socialism doesn't work.

>TV, movies, music, commercials, print ads and any other form of "culture" is overly diversified
>complain about lack of diversity

What the fuck are these stupid liberals talking about? They have to find shit to complain about.

>In genetics it's healthy because

Christ fuck. Not this exaggerated phenomena, again.

>She takes her husband's white dick daily
This soul sistah shit is a cry for white cock

>Instead I decided to just go out and become TV

what the fuck does this even mean

>Name ONE benefit of "diversity"
weakens goy society, making it easier to manipulate and control

>In genetics it's healthy because it provides protection from disease
or it combines weaknesses.
Like a Mulatto having high risk of Sickle Cell anemia and Skin Cancer.

Why are you easily triggered?


This tbqh goys

Go out of the closet and become TransVestite.

Sup Forums as inspired by Sup Forums has seen the modern domination of white characters in cinema as inherent and inevitable. any removal or challenging of their narratives must be met with ironic agenda pushing responses and the soulless repetition of nonsensical refrains against the jews.

pls excuse their hypocrisy and adolescent behavior.

>implying im going to listen to a nigger making chimp noises

And as for the internet being a substitute for interacting with diverse populations or consuming art different groups have contributed to, just look at the self selection of information that's practiced because of it. People listen to the news that is biased the way they like it, listen to music made by people with similar thoughts and ideas, read books, watch movies even who they talk to on social media- all curated to filter out anything that would challenge or go against their established world view.

The new definition of diversity means anything but white, male and able bodied.

We've had diversity of thought in the West for millennia. Western cultures aren't the ones that stagnate without outside input.

>i posted the picture again! maybe one of these days it'll make all the bad meanies who dare to disagree with me actually leave!

>Once a civilization has lost it's identity it has nothing to fight for and no purpose.

such irony as many of you have only found your place in society due to a continual shifting and changing of identity constructs.

as long as you speak generically about multiculturalism and diversity in absolutes, you will always be wrong.

No, diversity just means black.

BBC isn't hiring Arabics in large numbers despite thousands at their front door.

>People listen to the news that is biased the way they like it, listen to music made by people with similar thoughts and ideas, read books, watch movies even who they talk to on social media- all curated to filter out anything that would challenge or go against their established world view.
That happens in diverse nations too. Plus they make ethnic enclaves, which leads to poverty and violence.

Just Sup Forums crossposters, that want to shitpost threads like this to death.

Pay them no heed and just tell them to fuck off to their containment board that as explicitly made for them since they are violating global rules 1 and 2.

What are you talking about? The dark ages is what happens to western culture with no diversity of thought. Global travel and colonization are what happen as a result of things like the crusades.

>the truth

You just spouted a bunch of bullshit that people with an agenda tricked you into believing. Congratulations on being too stupid to spot even the most obvious signs that you're being lied to.

>Reads from a paper
>uhhh, uhhh, uhhh

I was in Academic Decathlon in 9th grade and this is the first shit we were taught not to do.

Shut the fuck up Jada Smith. We're sorry your husband didn't get an Oscar plz go back to your "rock band" now.

Everything he said is wrong and bigoted and you are just a triggered child crying about the pol bogeyman.

>In genetics it's healthy because it provides protection from disease
Straight up lies.

Go on, tell us the hybrid vigour lie too.

>leads to poverty and violence

If their culture encourages it.

The East Asians being a clear contrast to your point.

Not a bad speech desu, wasn't the gibesmedat that I expected

>if I wanted to star in a British drama like Luther, then I’d have to go to a country like America

I warned you about the jews, man.

Sure, but it gets tricky when you try to only take in a specific ethnicity.
Better to just not let anyone in.

Good lord you tumblrinas are a cancer on the Earth.

>the people I disagree with are really from another board.

>people ITT don't even watch the video
>see the word black
>flip their shit
>Elba straight up says he's not talking about just black people

People like you are why BLM and radical feminists are seen as rational people

Give lefties an inch and they'll take a mile. Every nation that has fallen gave in to the left.

How is Global rule 1 & 2 tumblr?

Maybe you should obey the rules newfreinds?

The Dark Ages were named so because we knew so little about the period. Now we do know. The Dark Ages as a fedora meme, is a myth.

That fails as well because many of the great inventors of the patent boom in the late 1800's were immigrants who wouldn't have made a dime back home. They adopted the US and integrated.

I'm for stricter immigration laws, but keeping EVERYONE out looses a ton of growth potential on mere principle. Intellectual trade is just as important as the trade of goods in the market.

maybe you should gargle my egg bag

or do you only do that for janitors?

why do other countrys have better black people then we have in the states?

But the Islamic Golden Age!

They are just shitposters, ignore them.

Anyone who brings up Sup Forums as a catch all term for simply anyone they don't like, is just a shitposter with the maturity of a 12 year old.

>just people reacting problematically to a thread promoting our identity politics agenda on their tv and film imageboard

>do what you can to silence them

>Talk about the Prince, get an applause?

And Britfags give us shit for clapping

He did a great job here.

I watched the video and he is doing exactly what everyone here is complaining about. Blacks are massively over represented in British media and he is crying that he wants more blacks because blacks are so oppressed he has to go to America for roles.

It's pathetic.

The politically correct way to say it on Sup Forums




Muslims burned libraries, and only saved books that didn't contradict the Quran. They have always been a cancer.

This is what the tumblrinas do, they impose their fascism on everyone else and at the same time tries to rewrite history to suit his agenda, as a all fascists do.

>blah blah blah we need more niggers on tv

Finally, I have become Sup Forums

Jesus christ, really?

American blacks adopted the self destructive culture of the Ulster Scots in the deep South, mid 20th century activists ignorantly promoted it as the genuine culture of pre-slavery blacks.

As a contrast take the books Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison and Native Son by Richard Wright.

But the math! The uh...works they saved from themselves! The uh...Golden Age!

Women can actually be satisfied.

What's pathetic is your cherrypicking. He literally explained that the casting options would have him as a best friend or a gang leader wherever he'd go, whereas America was more open to fresh takes on characters played by people of color. And then he talked about how the BBC gave him a chance and he was grateful for it (cue Sup Forumstards guffawing at bbc).

>Muh Islamic Golden Age
>Get their shit pushed in by a horde ofdirty Chinks


I get that rules I meant to be broken, but Sup Forums is pushing a very specific ideology on this board, that makes the majority of us annoyed. If you cannot respect common decency and the rules , then maybe you should post somewhere where your behavior is tolerated among your peers.

What I don't like about his argument, at least towards the end, is that he wants content creators to target diversity.

I honestly thought it was some The Wire scene I missed of Stringer at some courthouse from the thumb.

>roman age
>perfect democracy
>get rekt by a group of bum-churning gauls