1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Which side your country will be on in World War III

Neutral, sadly on range of nuclear fallout

Obama is pathetically trying to fuck with the next biggest allies on earth. Trump will hold hands with Putin

Funland will always be on nato side since a crisis in the baltic automatically means invasion of funland by ryssä. It's inevitable, but psychotics who hate the US for no reason still don't want to join nato.

Why is he such an arrogant lame duck

>CIA still hasn't delivered the slightest of factual evidence for Russian hacks
>election has supposedly been tampered with but for mysterious reasons (read: no evidence) remains valid
>Obama uses (most likely false) CIA claims to leave Trump the worst possible Russian relations
There, situation untangled for even the most naive Americans to understand.

no side, we will be the reason :^)

post fucking machines

We're literally just cannon fodder for the Brits to make use of.

But Ireland is ..neutral?

sory m8, on phone and lazy, also frozen fingers cz fucking cold outside

On Germany's side playing on a long term victory.

Proud UK patriot.

Just in time for my future navy career. We'll be boxing Russians into Vladivostok and cucking them at their own shores. And their Chinese counterparts.

Haha, no.

>A global superpower with top tier intelligence and large swathes of advisers knows less than a kraut on an anime imageboard

Russia's ships are not even worth criticism.

They know damn well, but they're not telling you.

>damage control
Whatever m8.

we will be a battlefield for ww3 much like vietnam or afghanistan before, it will be terrible, everyone will die, everything will burn, there will be nothing left in this country but ashes

Why are the demo's trying to push a war with russia so hard?

Why are Reps pushing so hard to suck Russian dick?

The good guys, i.e. the NATO

I hope I get hit by a stray bullet

We'll be the first to deploy.
Then have a civil war, swapping side once or twice and in the end side with the winners.

WW3 will never happen because China has nothing to win from it, and Russia won't fight without the support of China. With neither Russia or China, there's nobody who could possibly take on NATO+

>to leave Trump the worst possible Russian relations
You are fucking retarded Kevin. If anything, this move only helps Trump by giving him opportunity to show how different and reasonable he is against Russia than his predecessor.

>implying NATO won't scrumble with first shot fired

China isn't even in the position to fight a war. They're geopolitically in the middle of nowhere

Still has a few favors to pay off, and is furiously struggling to build a "legacy" now that nobody is watching.
Its all executive orders, which can be easily undone.
Or, maybe he's stuck in denial stage?

the best side, noone's side

How easy is it to immigrate to Argentina?

Schegen-Tier easy if you are south american :)

Pretty obvious putins going to play trump like a fiddle



Let me guess, it's american-tier impossible if you're not?

>Chile surrounded by enemies

pretty accurate

nope, at least in Brazil ist's pretty easy and there are several visas and you ca n get naturalization fairly easy

>election has supposedly been tampered with but for mysterious reasons (read: no evidence) remains valid
>Jill Stein and a bunch of conspiracy hippies are the entire U.S.
Even Obama's people said the actual election wasn't hacked.

Get the fuck back to RT Klaus Ivanovich.

I wouldn't count on it. At the end of the day Trump's still a con artist and Putin an assburger, Sup Forums memes about 'teh chessmaster who rides bare and doesn't afraid of anything' notwithstanding.

Do you honestly think that any world leader takes anything our outgoing administration says or does seriously by this point?
Bit of a double edged sword, isn't it?
They spend 8 years running around bowing and scraping to our enemies, pissing off our allies, fragmenting our culture and degrading our credit ratings in order to take us down to our "rightful level", and then complain endlessly because nobody cares about their opinions.
Own it, demoncrats.

Ah cool, that's nice.

Cheers my white friend.


Trump might be able to kind of Mr. Bean his way through global politics

but that was conventional wisdom about bush and he started the iraq war + helped tank the economy, while advised by much smarter people, so who knows

We're neutral.

t. Hans Slavrapebabycuckovich

Why do Russian always post this?

It means literally nothing, some dumb autists who don't understand the quality of the Type 23 say something?

t. RT

On the side of the proletariat

trump is just a putins bitch nothing more
obama is 100x better than them

There's a difference between conning dumb yanks and conning a ruthless ex-kgb maniac.

Trump has an IQ of 90 at most. Putin is much more intelligent.

We didn't hire Trump to be a politician.
Got enough of them (and their marginally less annoying cousins, the lawyers) to fill the channel, already.
He won the position because he's a damn good businessman and readily acknowledges that he can just as easily fired and replaced.
New paradigm time, bongbro.

I don't have high opinion of Trump but I think you're underestimating him.
Bush was no genius either and Putin could not control him either.

Plus he's not a dictator. Some of the people around him are actually intelligent.

Why are people rooting for ww3 so much?

>Putin is much more intelligent.
I get the sense that Putin's not particularly bright.

Because they are either basement dwelling neets or psychopaths who actually want to see people suffer.

You say that like hot, sweaty man-love is meant to be a bad thing.
My, how tolerant of you.

President Trump's side.

Can someone explain the reason diplomats/ambassadors get expelled the moment one country gets mad at another? Isn't the whole point of having them around to resolve disputes like this? Just seems like a petty move to stir more conflict.

Because they've grown to take their relative prosperity for granted and memories of how horrible war is have faded from collective memory. Along with horrors of oppressive and totalitarian regimes that stood a chance of winning but fortunately lost.


They've been doing nothing but throw a global temper tantrum since the American voters fires their ass.

We have a conspiracy that the USA need us as a canon folder to fight chinks.

Spain, tell your kids to behave. This is not a joke.


It's a strong message of disapproval. Actually it's the other diplomatic staff that's expelled, ambassadors are the last ones to be expelled, and that's usually just about declaration of war at that point.

Well in ours and Russian's case "ambassadors" are just a fancy name for spy.

But usually it's just places being a whiney little bitch.

When bad shit happens, you fire your accountant and hire new one.

You people are retarded.

With such easy communication methods between leaders now, ambassadors are largely for show.

I think that's true, in the sense that WW3 is going to be us and you vs chinks. I think u guys will have a reason to fight them, though.

Not really m8.
Imagine some shit happens in Ireland, that creates a public resonance and every country starts to criticize it. Now imagine our ambassador there call the president and tell not to. And then in a few weeks everyone found out that nothing bad happened and that was all misunderstandment, so everyone but us feels awkward.
Long story short, a good ambassador is the ears and eyes.

On China's side most probably.

and nothing of value was lost

good, kick those damn commies out

Why do you think this? The battlefield seems more likely to be in the east again.