How do you turn this guy into a generic villain seeking revenge?

How do you turn this guy into a generic villain seeking revenge?

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cobra commander?

That looks retarded.

Movie version was better.

Because we wouldn't want to offend the great humanitarian Angela Merkle by making him German.

This and Spider-Man's Bieber voice were the only things I didn't like about the movie.

That's kinda what he was originally. He was butthurt Cap killed his dad.

He later became the Keikaku master.

Brühl is signed on for more movies too.

Thunderbolts and Songbird soon

tfw it's gone so far that it's not even PC to make Nazis villains anymore

Fuck off.


Amen. The worst part is that Bruhl is German and could have made a great Baron Zemo. Yet they decided to make him Whiplash 2.0.

Best Avengers media adaption by far.

>How do you turn this guy into a generic villain seeking revenge?
He was like that the first time he appeared.
>tfw no adhesive x

Can't wait

But Whiplash's plan was terrible, the character wasn't likeable at all and most importantly, he failed.

Unlike Zemo.

Yeah, but the difference is the movie version wasn't the son of Zemo Sr, Cap's second greatest enemy and big time Nazi.

Because they're setting Zemo up to become a multi-movie villain like Loki

i'm glad that they're moving away from their one-movie throwaway villain strategy

How can anyone take that clown seriously?


Soviets= Hydra

As opposed to comic Zemo who's also first appeared seeking revenge...?

Casual detected.

>Zemo up to become a multi-movie villain

why he has no powers and got what he wanted already

But they explicitly showed Hugo Weaving as a nazi in Winter Soldier.

Yeah, but for his father who was a Nazi. Civil War Zemo's family did nothing wrong, so his acts could be more easily perceived as justified.

Casual about what? Comic book lore? Are you seriously using that as an insult?

In The First Avenger, he wore a Hydra armband instead of Nazi and specifically said he broke off from the Nazis as a separate science group.

Yeah, but we don't know too much of his dad apart from dying protecting his wife, so there is still hope that he may had the royal lineage.

Not the same user, but thinking Zemo is too unserious for a world that has giant monsters, aliens, magic, evil robots, and size changing is the height of foolishness little buddy.

I think they will skip the purple sock and go directly to Citizen V in his next appearance.

Purple sock is so much better though.

>he didn't like Zemo

>he didn't like Spidey

these opinions are only valid if you think BvS is shit/aren't a DCuck. sorry

>Songbird/Moonstone bantz in live action

I don't know if I'll be able to handle them lads.

>these opinions are only valid if you think BvS is shit/aren't a DCuck. sorry
Don't worry. I do and I'm not.

He has the russian super soldier serum. Was whole point of going to there at end.

.....well i'm sorry to hear that

He'll be back for Cap 4.

> "Now, I can finally have my revenge"
Wow, yeah he's definitely not a generic villain seeking revenge here.

He is talking all about revenge in this clip. The only difference is he has a sword, dresses like a pimp, and just finished cumming all over Wasp and she hasn't been introduced in the movies yet so it's not like you can complain about that.

I think the whole revenge thing is a red herring.

>that was disturbing

what did she mean by this?

Hopefully it will change as we get more movies. He was really good. But I agree. There's no way anyone will be fooled into thinking he's not a kid. (and I mean the MCU public and villains, not us)

I hope so. He's a talented guy and it's a shame that his voice is so high.

To me it was more like they made him into one of the bad guys you see in a season finale of a cop show. Not one you see in a big budget superhero movie.

fuck that cunt shes killing deutschland


>not recognizing sarcasm when you see it

>3 Captain America movies
>no Red Skull

what an incredible waste of time

Reminder that Zemo took some of Starks Winter Soldier juice and will return in Thunderbolts

Adhesive X is a must use when it comes to Zemo.

>tore the Avengers apart and won

being a casual is a compliment when it comes to comics, you know

Only if you're one of those people so insecure that they think they're cool not to know stuff.

????? did you miss the first one ?????

can someone explain who this zemo guy is and what he wants

didn't see the movie but i'm interested in if they actually made a decent villain

wasn't he the computer guy from winter soldier?

It's not cool to not know comic stuff, but it's uncool to know comic stuff.

>tore the Avengers apart and won
>implying he didn't go to jail
>implying they won't get back together next year

>snuff film intro
Try Rocky Horror Picture Show, its not like Zemo is dead or anything

That is a good point. Zemo says did I lose at the end of it, but he did. We know they will get back together.

>>implying he didn't go to jail
>implying he didn't join to Thunderbolts

In the comics there are two major Zemos. The first one was a nobleman and a Nazi scientist who fought Captain America and got his hood stuck to his face in a fight and was the one who caused Bucky to presumably die. This Zemo resurfaced when Cap was defrosted and was alive because of scientific experiments he performed on himself. He then formed the Masters of Evil to take down Cap and the Avengers. He ended up dying when he he got crushed in an avalanche midfight. The second is his son who wanted revenge on Captain America for his father's death. His face became disfigured with the same adhesive that bonded the fabric to his father's face. He is now hideously scarred and wears the same purple head covering. The movie version was a Sokovian guy and former soldier whose family was killed in when the Avengers were fighting Ultron and he wants revenge.

Can someone explain why this animation is triggering me

Are any of the modern Marvel cartoons any good? It's a shame Ultimate Spider-Man is such trash after how amazing Spectacular Spider-Man was.

He's great.

>implying he is imprisoned
>implying they won't get together one last time and leave for good due to differences