Was it rape, Sup Forums?

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All sex between a cis male and a woman is rape by definition

why did rick raped michonne?

Because that's what cis males do, it's all they do

So it was Abe right?

What about sex between a cis male and a effeminate male

Some guy with no life did an analysis on yt:

His verdict: Abe.

Though I thought it was gonna be Autismo as soon as he wrote down his bullet recipe and gave it to Rick.

unless said male is black, then it's automatically consensual

Steven Yeun was already spotted filming scenes for next season. So far Cudlitz wasn't

The only people getting raped in The Walking Dead are the audience.

still rape as the cis male has privilege


you cant rape your wife

it was obviously Glenn pham.

aside from all the foreshadowing throughout the entire season, it's clearly his POV since you can't see the RV in the background behind Negan and Glenn is the only one with it not directly in his sight.

>rape in a post zombie setting
Rape doesn't exist, It's just the weak getting fucked by the strong

Other than the governor putting maggie on the table that one scene, has there even been any implied or suggested rape in this show? Even when the wolves were I guess stealing people during their raid, they seemed to only be taking men

The terminus people were being raped by the gang that took them over before they became cannibals.

Also the one guy almost raped Carl before Rick ripped that dude's throat out with his teeth.

i don't know why people watch this shitty repulsive meme show

this, i gave up like a couple episodes into season 4 after i couldn't sit on one scene for more than a few seconds just because it was boring as fuck and stilted, not to mention side characters are made and gone as fast as rogue-like game runs last and the main character are pretty much unkillable

some people binge watch it but i watched three episodes and sorta fell asleep on the third one -- with all these zombie movies, you'd think someone would invent armor

Tell that to my grandpa in the 50's. They had 12 kids all by rape. I was the child of a rape baby. My grandpa would pick me up from jr high and burp horrible old man burps in his truck with the AC on recycle. I liked that rapist.