You will never watch LOST for the first time ever again

>You will never watch LOST for the first time ever again

I have this thing where I watch it ever 10 years... it's like the first time, everytime.


I haven't and probably won't watch it. Seems leddit.

It's not the same man, I recently rewatched it and it's just not as fun the second time around. All the theorizing, the leaks, lostpedia, spending hours and hours speculating with Sup Forums. No show will ever capture the magic that Lost had ever again

>mfw I will never watch LOST for the first time ever



fuck off capeshitters

We can all agree that Lost is in the top 3 shows of all time, right?

The key is you watch it with someone that has never seen it.

>tfw started re-watching it a few weeks ago
>got to season 4 and couldn't stomach to watch any more

Jesus Christ it got so bad.

the appeal of watching it for the first time was that you had an expectation that it would all lead somewhere and have some kind of satisfying conclusion

it did not.


Thank god.


oh user

why did you have to make me so sad?

>eko will never live until the end and become the new jacob after killing the meme man
Fuck Jack


is this show good? now that i finished the vampire diaries and originals i need another timesink, supernatural seems pretty meh and i can't watch the 100 because of that dumb bitchface mc


go back to Sup Forums

jokes on you, ive never watched lost ;^))))))))))))))

literally not bait i watched the whole 8 seasons
now are you gonna answer seriously or not

If you're browsing Sup Forums and haven't watched Lost you are pretty much guaranteed to be underage given it was the only thing the internet discussed for 6 years



Lost is what happens when you're a genius at pitching shows but a hack at writing.




I usually stop there. Season 5 was kind of fun while it aired, but I don't think I've watched it since. Season 6 is probably unwatchable now. Seasons 1-4 I've probably seen around 10 times or so though.

Season 5 is by far the worst. The time jumps were just an complete mess, and Jack's plan to blow everyone up and reset the timeline was fucking stupid too. I know a lot of people disliked the alternate afterlife flashsideways but it was never as bad as S5

The timejumps weren't messy at all. They jumped to random times of the islands history. The end.

And the bomb wasn't Jack's plan, it was Daniel's... and it wasn't any more stupid than moving the island or pushing/not pushing a button that supposedly saves the world.

>The timejumps weren't messy at all. They jumped to random times of the islands history. The end.

Why not thousands of years in the past or future? Why convenient points in the islands immediate history?

ill never understand how can anyone not like season 5.
Even if the first few episodes were a bit shakey, there was a tremendous amount of payoff to time travel. The dharma plot was 10/10 and the finale was 11/10.

Also the 2007 stuff with Locke being "resurrected" is even better after knowing the twist.

It was a season with great payoff in the end. Very satisfying.

Messy is how id describe s6. The flashes were largely filler. Watch the first episodes flashes, 11's and the finales and its perfect and the reveal is just as effective in the end.

>lostpedia and lost chat rooms

rip :(

>and the finale was 11/10.

No it wasn't. Jack literally risked killing everyone and everything on the off chance his unsubstantiated theories about time travel were correct. It was pure lunacy and poor writing

>trying to make lost kino

You've picked the best screencaps the show can offer and it still falls short

>finale was 11/10
Literally the most retarded ending in the history of television. It was so bad that it retroactively destroyed the entire show and exposed Jew Jew Abrams for the talentless kike he is.

You simply don't understand the character of Jack then.

His doctor/leader personality is just a thin veneer over the insecure loon that's underneath.
That's basically what all his flashbacks are about.. him not being well adjusted or relaxed at any point in his life.

This is true. Lost the show is a pretty fun ride but without the internet fandom you're only getting half the experience.

The great thing about Lost's internet fandom is that people had such a fucking meltdown about the show being ruined and shitty in season 2 in the internet and media, by the time it got to like season 4 most of the fans were tired of arguing and instead of getting mad at dumb writing just made jokes about it

There was a bunch of time jumps that were unknown times or thousands of years in the past. But I do agree it was a bit too convenient.

>him not being well adjusted or relaxed at any point in his life.

Only spontaneously does he lose control. This was a plan he thought about and concocted for a very long time. You had multiple other people go along with it, despite someone questioning whether the timeline would simply reset. It was awful, poorly written tripe that made no sense and completely undermined the previous 4 seasons of character development

well damon lindelof pretty much admitted jack is based on him (hence why so much time is dedicated to his issues)

so when you think about it, it can be a metaphor for what lindelof did with the series... i guess

What are some good shows that have the mystery and allure of Lost...but actually deliver a satisfying conclusion?



I remember watching the pilot and hating it, I've never seen anything else and never want to

I've only seen a few episodes some years ago and want to get back into it.

Do you guys know where I can find forum discussions and stuff like lostpedia or lost chatroom archives where you see people arguing and theorizing.

Because I really want to get in the mood and read the discussions after every episode.

Is LOST worth it? Never made it past season 4 cus shit was getting seriously boring. I heard the ending sucks too. Should I continue watching?


didn't they remade this with james caviezel?

Wasn't really a remake and it was shit

Lost sucked

>muh smoke monster
>muh flashbacks
>muh shitty one dimensional love triangles

It was entry level garbage with a story full of plot holes and unlikeable static characters. Prove me wrong.

I never did, so I guess I could.

Do you envy me, Sup Forums?

>Prove me wrong

I can't.

People defend it to the grave because they invested 10 years of their life into it and refuse to acknowledge that it really was shitty. Some characters were ok though, Eko in particular.

No, because watching it along with the internet and discussing with your friends is what made the show truly stand out.

not if you don't want to see Juliet get hotter in every passing season

I didn't have a problem with the ending, but I didn't have a problem with the BSG ending either

no, probably because you're 16 years old too lmao

Not really, you missed out on the cultural zeitgeist and peak Sup Forums in 07 and 08 that accompanied the show

If you watched it now you'd be amazed by the first few episodes then wonder how the fuck they tricked the audience into 6 seasons

If it requires internet discussion to stand out then it wasn't very good to begin with.

I marathoned it and S1 was 9/10, S2/S3 were 7/10. S4-S6 were 5/10.

I've intentionally never rewatched any of the episodes so that I can go through it all after a very long time to try to experience it again. Hopefully with someone who's never seen it before.

Sadly I never got to really experience the metatextual stuff. I don't think I had discovered Sup Forums yet at that point and didn't read up about it online between episodes. But I remember seeing the pilot when it first aired in my country and I never missed an episode after that.

6 seasons is one thing. 6 seasons with 25, hour-long episodes each is another thing entirely.

I never said that it was only good with internet discussion. I said its what made it stand out.


>6 seasons over 6 years with on average an episode every two weeks that everyone eagerly anticipated

such a chooore

bullshit, no chick ever wants to be the big spoon.

>1 episode a week takes half a fucking year to finish ONE SEASON

what a chore indeed.

internet discussion made it stand out, it was one of the first shows that had normies get into that type of thing, people forget that in 04, 05 most people still thought of the internet was a place to steal music and post blog updates

Speak for yourself.

why? Are you one of these limp milennial faggots who prefers to watch 8 episode seasons once a year?

Lost is my favorite show of all time, but I don't consider it a 10/10. It's weird, I can see the faults clearly, and I didn't even enjoy the final season that much at all thanks to the flash-sideways taking up waaaay too much time, but still.

It's not the best, but its my favorite.

my gf always hugs me from behind in bed

>people forget that in 04, 05 most people still thought of the internet was a place to steal music and post blog updates

when did this change? If anything forum and chatroom discussion was much more popular in the mid 000s. Now everything revolves around le social media

Don't tell me what I can't do

you'e most likely a millennial too. stop trying to use it as an insult

Forum and chatroom discussion turned into social media/reddit. I'd say it was roughly around the time TWD and GoT came out.

I remember Lost S6 was still largely discussed on fan forums with thousands of new posts every day. Good times!

you can be a millennial but not be a cultural millennial, just like you can browse reddit but not be a redditor

>exposed the guy who had nothing to do with the show past the finale
ok bruh, I hate jj as much as the next neet on tv but he had nothing to do with the show other than developing the concept for the pilot

I'm glad I never cared about answers. The ridiculous twists and storyline in later season made this an excellent rollercoaster ride. And the characters being awesome helped. Seriously, best ensemble cast right here (ignoring the minor mis-step with Ana Lucia and NikkiPaulo).

The music was god tier too. Probabbly the best of any tv show.

Hell, I wish they actually showed less of the light-source thing. It was way too cheesy. But I guess people would be even more mad if they didn't.

Why is LOST the only "Great Show" that actually gets worse and worse each time you rewatch it?

>there was a point in time where the actors on lost were as hot as the GOT actors but none went on to do anything in hollywood

does it? how many times have you watched it? imo season 1 is the greatest season of television ever produced

but it gets better.

>who is evangeline lilly

Any of you guys watching The Leftovers? Feels like everything great about Lost minus all of the shit that dragged it down. I'm extremely excited for the last season.

why do people think that because they were in something popular once that they're entitled to have their careers blow up? Jin was just some asian extra and he became main cast. Fucking great. Same with locke. Evangeline was doing fucking phone sex commercials and look at her now. It's not like they were all great actors, they were decent and they have had decent careers post lost.

>Lindelof insists every single mystery will be clarified
>you trust him
Never trust a TV executive.

>bit role in the hobbit and a generic love interest in a marvel movie


>bit roles in pretty huge movies
how fucking embarrassing, right?

Jin probably ended up the best afterwards with a solid gig in hawaii 5-0, WALTTTTTTTs dad is or was on that shitty zombie show that had GRRM on it. Only other person I remember getting something was the hot blonde sister being in Taken as the daughter and boon being on that vampire show

>love interest roles

Yes, those are the signs of a dead career. See literally every other LI in marvel movies

I'm not a tv guy, but 3 or 4 years ago I asked people to recommend me something to watch. Of all the things suggested Lost and Sopranos seemed the most interesting. So I watched both. It took me like, 2 or so months. I was exhausted by the end, but also stunned at how great both shows were.

To this day I couldnt get through any other tv show. i always watch a few episodes and then give up. It seems like theres no point, those 2 shows cover everything. Breaking Bad just felt like a poor mans Sopranos for example.

>shitty zombie show

First, it's good. And second, he was in one episode

Never got in to this shitshow.

Check out both Mad Men and The Leftovers, both of them being spiritual successors to The Sopranos and Lost.

Thanks, looked them up, both look interesting. Will check.

>tfw i and dad were hyped af.
>staying late in the night to see the new episode.
>tfw you missed one episode you were fucked.

Great times lads.

Also i can't remember if i rewatch it or not, in the last 5 years.

But tbqf I'll rewatch it soon, i guess.

>tfw discussing and theorizing with all my bros after an episode
>all those retarded theories that somehow came true
>all those things we were completely certain about that didnt
>being more excited for a desmond/locke/ben linus episode than for fucking xmas

Fuck, it was awesome.

Oh man when they discover Desmond place , i thought he was the mastermind of the island, but he is just a lost soul.

When Ben ' manipulative master mind " Linus appeared, mind gaming all of them WOW.

When they found the old van with bones and booze.

">being more excited for a desmond/locke/ben linus episode than for fucking xmas"

That feel.

I guess that was the first episode since I only watched that before dropping it

he literally died in the first episode dude

Charlie was literally a main character in all 3 Lord of the Ring films, he was Merry. This was also BEFORE Lost