"""Villians""" who did nothing wrong

"""Villians""" who did nothing wrong

>"tell that to zod's snapped neck"

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Tell that to Zod's snapped neck

tell that to Zod's snapped neck

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck


tell that to zod's snapped neck

Remember those two days when mad DCucks tried to force this into a meme because a reviewer made them mad as fuck?

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

Terence Stamp had more charisma

why was she put into the phantom zone?

I thought this for a while, but then I remembered that on Krypton he was a genocidal dickhead.

Jor-El: "This is a future for all of Krypton, Zod. Not just the bloodlines you deem worthy."

Still, everything he did was to ensure Krypton's prosperity.

GOAT villain

Jews fear the aryans

Yeah he seemed to have superiority complex because of his purpose and birth, definitely a fascist but one with the good of the people at heart

Howard, obviously

If he were used in a better context then it would be easier to align his motives with what humans did to Earth. He was all about survival of the fittest, willing to cultivate an entire planet to get his people to a strong standpoint. Kinda what humans do with war, to animals, to the environment itself. He's just taken to the extreme and humans aren't top dog in this regard.

>good of the people

I don't think you get it.

There is no "good of the people" in his mind. He's just doing his purpose, it's not good or bad.
That's his main fault, because he's designed as a blunt instrument and a tool he can't comprehend good or evil or whether he is helping Krypton as a whole or not.
Its also a (rather shallow) commentary on "I was just doing my job" excuse for committing atrocities.
In this case Zod has an added excuse of being designed that way from birth.

But overall Kryptonian society was decadent and on a wrong path and him being a slave to it, even after Krypton met its end, just shows you how wrong he was.

He would've turned Earth into a new Krypton with the same problems the original had and no ways to fix it since he doesn't get it needs to be fixed.

So he's a sociopath

Shame. He was the one to establish new Krypton but not the one to lead it, and he'd never accept thay



I think he was more focused on perfecting krypton and fixing it's errors by making it more like he was. He also saw superman as an embodiment of that perfection and resented humanity for its inadequacy. I do think he had the people at heart, either that or he was inspired by perfection of society or wanted everyone to be like he was so he had someone to relate with