God tier Jew jokes

God tier Jew jokes
How do you get a Jewish girls number, you role up her sleeve

That was the worst delivery of a joke that I have ever seen. Do not do it again.

Then show us how it's done faggot

The holocaust to much

Why is Hitler never invited to the BBQ?

He always burns the franks

how do you pick up that same Jewish girl? With a dust pan

what did hitler tie his shoes with?
little knot-sies

how was copper wire invented?
2 jews picked up the same penny

Whats the difference between jews and harry potter?

Harry potter came out of the chamber

also Check em

did you here about the new Jewish racing car? It can turn very well. It's capable of turning on a dime, while automatically picking up that very dime.

cheked and keked

What's the worst part about being a black jew?
You have to sit in the BACK of the gas chamber...

First of all I'd use some punctuation you God Damned cum guzzling retard.
You would be able to handle from there, but I already forbid you from trying again.

Whats the difference between a boy scout and a Jew?

Boy scouts come home from camp

why do jews have big noses?
because air is FREE

Shit man, if had a penny for every time I heard a Jew joke I'd never let go of them

this is actually fucking funny

what happens when a Jew reaches for a penny that being blocked by another Jew's nose?

The same thing that happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object

Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch

> Horribly clunky
> implying Jews would invest in new things

Exactly how many Jews died during the war?
I dunno, but OP sure loves sucking cock

Your garbage user.

A jew walks into a bar full of nazis. The Jew asked for a beer. Instead the nazis kill him. Kek.

Kek'd a little


Not Jewish but still a good racist dad joke

Why are black people so tall
Because their "Knee Grows".......carl......

It's 'you're' you fucking autist.

*summer new

The meek voice that I imagine you said this in turned me on a little. Like your a stupid little homeless girl and I just raped the shit out of you and there's nothing else you can do But call me garbage. Do it again.




How do you tell a successful Jew from an unsuccessful jew?

One is a soccer player, while the other co stars in "mamma mia" the musical every saturday night!


That wasn't me. This is another garbage person. Good attempt though. I guess.

nice trips

check me dubs

How do you tell a jew who flies?



Hear about the Israeli auto brakig system?
Stops on a dime.
And picks it up.

how do you drown a family of jews?

toss a penny into their backyard pool

Trips confirm, user is jew


I'm actually like 1/4th jewish, so should i kill myself or

I've been hearing a lot of Jew jokes lately, Anne Frankly, I don't like it.


He says, completely foregoing the use of said punctuation.

I swear that's Popopoka's art.


A priest is at a barber, and after he gets his hair cut, he asks "what should I pay you?" "No charge for a holy man like yourself," the barber says. Later the barber finds a dozen gemstones on his doorstep.
The next day, a monk is getting his head shaved, and asks "what should I pay you?" "No charge for a holy man like yourself," the barber responds. Later he finds a dozen roses on his doorstep.
The next day, a rabbi is getting his hair cut and asks "what should I pay you?" "No charge for a holy man like yourself," the barber responds. Later, he finds a dozen rabbis on his doorstep.


what's worse than the holocaust? 6 million jews

A Jew on Sup Forums...

Must be Aushwistic.

How are you 1/4 of a religion? That doesn't even make sense.


There are Jewish ethnicities because they're so fucking inbred. Like the ashnkenazi

Jewish boy goes to his Jewish father:
"Dad, can I have $40?"

HIs dad goes:
"$30? What the hell do you need $20 for?"


Bitch I'm not trying to tell a fucking joke, am I?
No. I'm berating strangers on the internet, and of this site has taught me anything, it's that you don't need proper punctuation or grammar to do that.
Fuck you cockmongler, I'm going to masturbate to women blowing dogs, then going to bed.

How many Jews can you fit in a Volkswagon?

2 in the front, 3 in the back, 36 in the ashtray



Careful with that one. It's an antique.