What are some conspiracy theories you actually believe?

What are some conspiracy theories you actually believe?

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None they're for fucking retards. And they either believe them all or none. No one believes just one or two.

Fuck off reptilian scum




That all of Sup Forums except for me is one massive fucking samefag.

Denying them all is just as stupid as believing them all.

Actually, I gotta reword that. Believing them all is fucking nuts. It isn't stupidity.. there's some fucking screws loose if you're that mentally gullible. Denying them all, on the other hand, is undeniable stupidity. It's indicative of a profoundly naive mindset.

No, dude...

Calling it a "conspiracy" theory is a bit of a backhanded statement. People like to believe there is only 1 absolute answer and when we "find" a popular answer that continues to be repeated over and over it tends to become something it wasn't intended to originally. Also alot of the time we have conflicting information, this is where we have issues since we live in a capitalistic world. It is whomever has the most funds and connections is the one who gets their own personal information out first, with no consideration of other possible information that could contradict itself. This is the problem with people they tend to look at something once and belive that's it. I can bet the majority of the population believe that the sky is blue due to the oceans reflection. It's pathetic we live in a time where asking simple questions about even "well-known" things are scoffed at, especially When we really don't have a definitive answer for anything.

Michelle Obama is a man

I still believe that the moon landing was fake.

I honestly believe that huge corporations own us,and like seriously own us and that they can get away with pretty big shit.

Also I believe that our media is highly unfair to some countries like China,Russia and north Korea and most of the third world.The situation there is 1000 times better than what is reported and definitely all of them don't seem to hate us.

Debt is modern day slavery so its not exactly a conspiracy. Unless you are unable to comprehend words.

The moon landing video very well probably was faked. We did actually land on the moon. Just america was in a cold/tech war with Russia and trying to get to space faster and they made a propaganda video to 1. Boost U.S. economy and moral. And 2. Demoralize Russia to slow them down in the race to space.

That we're all puppets for the Jewish banking elite families as they push for centralisation with the new world order. Eventually the world will be one unified state, using a single currency and governed by a single force. Anyone who rejects the NWO will be wiped out, along with all forms of religion. The elite will instead force the anti Abrahamic version of Christianity/Judaism/Islam, something akin to what they themselves worship


are you an idiot?
stop deflecting
of course
shut up

i hate jews so much so no
i am drunk

Fucking jew

Only one I believe is that those organizations meant for government cooperation are just fronts for the unelected to hold power. UN, EU, and all the rest. Not some shadowy figures with evil agendas, just so the guys at the top can stay on top no matter how people vote.

Of course the jew would just bitch and moan and not post anything conducive to the thread

of course a dirty no good jew would say this

> Just america was in a cold/tech war with Russia and trying to get to space faster
rookie move tbqh

The US is manipulated solely for profit, and for the common citizen to ignore that, media prioritizes social issues as a distraction. That's why people like Bernie hardly get airtime. He's the only candidate not raving over social issues, and instead targets real issues. Not really a theory though, as it's been proven a hundred-fold.


Jet fuel can melt steel beams

jesus was taught by buddhist missionaries in alexandria


Used to just joke around with the meme, but the more and more evidence we get about it, the more I am inclined to believe.

I don't believe it to be true, because it just defies all logic, but I REALLY wish the

>flat Earth conspiracy

is true because it would just fuck everything we have come to know about our world.

It sounds like a fantasy tale.


George H.W. Bush killed John F. Kennedy at the behest of Lyndon B. Johnson

Farnsworth Bentley killed Christopher Wallace at the behest of Sean Colmes.

No one believes me. No one ever believes me.

Nice meme, how's that wall coming along?

United Airlines Flight 93 (Plane that crashed in a field on 9/11) was shot down by an American Jet and it was completely justified.

The Government covered this up saying that the passengers caused the crash while wrestling control from the terrorists.

This turned a national controversy on one of the most tragic days in American history into a final act of heroism committed by brave Americans.

P Diddy had Tupac and Biggie murdered

Well so were other countries. But no one was even close. Russia actually had a satellite already in space. Hence why America "had" to have the first human in space. What better way to slow other countries production than to see your competitors beat you to the finish line?

Not exactly a conspiracy if there's solid evidence to support a spherical world

Sup Forums Sup Forums is a AI chatbot experiment of Google

Pretty Well, Pedro


this isnt a conspiracy lol

none of us are real and this entire universe is a simulation

Why do you think that? I can probably explain common misconceptions about the moon landing.

They aren't all dumb. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the top richest and most powerful people in the world conspire with each other ways to continue making money at the expense of others. Why wouldn't they?

Btw did you hear about Trump changing some of his positions to more socialistic stances? He said recently he'd raise taxes on the rich. Guess the guy's not all bad. Better than the corrupt shillbag.

I think you should visit those countries and see for yourself.

My main argument is I've looked through a telescope that my family bought for christmas, we would bring it up north when we went camping.

I've seen Mars and Saturn, they're spherical, if they were flat what are the odds the disk is facing us directly?

It makes no sense to not believe that planets are spherical.

I think a simulation, even one designed to suck, would be better than this. I'm pretty sure only reality can be this shitty.

Kek is real

Fat people can't control themselves around cake

Did you see actual planets, or did you see balls of light that you have been told are planets?

I really would love to find out that this is true.

But it bears the question, I think, therefore I am. This is our reality, if it is a simulation, does that really take any credit away from what we experience?

Nope, I've seen planets.

Nice bait. They have colorations, and stars don't.

With a decent telescope, I think mine was around $500, you can see Saturn, It was yellowish brown when I viewed it, you can probably see the clouds on Jupiter too.

So yes, actual planets.

Yeah, he was way more fun when he was shitting all over the republicans and swinging his dick around like he didn't give a fuck. Now he got his free airtime by trolling the media in the primaries and secured the Nomination. Now he is appealing to the normies and is revealing his policies, they seem reasonable, on par or even more beneficial for working people than Shillary.

But how do you even know what that really is

i despise the jews more than anything
you neophytes can't be any more wrong. shame

Its too bad that was the only good part of that movie :/. I feel like this scene, along with the portion of "a space odyssey" where the AI tries to take over the ship were the only chunks of those movies that we're good. Its unfortunate he didnt focus of branching off of those parts and making better movies.

Shillary is a sellout to corporations, she'll cause only decline in working conditions.

Not the user you replied to, i have used some very high end telescopes. I could see saturn and all of its rings. I looked at mars also i could watch it rotate. You can also look closely at the moon with a crappy telescope, and as long as you have the majority of the planet in your view you can tell it is infact spherical with how the lighting is along the "edges".

But how can you be sure they're really plants man?
Its just the gummiment blue beaming that into you

Because I believe, and with my understanding of the laws of physics, space, planets, stars, matter, it makes perfect sense to me that we are correct in our observations of the universe.


Damn, I hope the FBI sends Shillary to the slammer. That prob won't happen though because she has shit on Obama.

Bullshit, have you ever been to a planet before?
How can you prove it?


Top jej

Apple is a company created by the anti Christ. Apple will play a part in the 'end of days' scenario from bible. Mark of the beast, controlling our trade, etc. the logo is a reference to o.g. Sin
It's true.
Scary, but funny how obvious and out in the open they are about it.

Math does say we would be in a simulation. But logically there couldn't be an infinite amount of processing power available in the universe. So untill we find the end to PI or the actual value of infinity i refuse to believe that we live in a simulation. But if there was an actual end to all of the irrational numbers then it would make sense that we infact are in a simulation.

>implying trump isn't going to do what's best for trump

yeah, hillary is gonna do what's best for corporations. do you not think trump will too?

we had our chance to pick a candidate who cared about actual people and would try to help the working class, but the dems fucked the pooch on that one. so now, they will taste defeat.

You can see the rings around saturn and the bands of clouds on jupiter with a

Is this the name for it? i never knew the people involved but I knew this existed. . . what about the rothschilds though arent they like head honcho

We stopped the guy on the june 6th. But since then we have still had more government power grabbing. Bombings, series of shootings all coincides with this screencap. Why are people not taking this seriously? Why has the OP not come back to restore some logic?

Saved for potential.

Heres the bluepilled version of the story

I completely agree, but Trump would be much less bribable.

Trump and Shilldawg are both fucking loaded already but it's well known that Hillary will still take more money from anyone and everyone. Why do so many people insist that Trump is any different?



That rapid collapse of dense hydrogen gasses earlier in our universe formed stars.

Through nuclear fusion they turn hydrogen into helium, and a variety of elements leading up to iron. (Not sure off the top of my head of the elements in between - google)

Eventually these stars run out out of hydrogen to fuse and the equilibrium of forces is broken, the star slowly dies as it burns its other elements leading up to a nova, our sun in this example - the average star.

The star dies and in the implosion, the immensity of force fuses elements further in trace amounts, and spews the elements out into the surrounding space.

Eventually the same process as the star formation occurs, forming planets out of the elements.

Gravity is pulling in multiple dimensions and axis's. X-Y-Z in 3D space causing a spherical attraction through the excitement of the molecules in high compression due to the excessive amount of said elements. This creates spheres of hot heavy elements that through gravity crushing them together, form compounds which become everything we know today.

In a sphere.

sorry high af brah

could you elaborate on the pffy/biggie part
i'm interested

If I believe them are they conspiracy theories?

the plane albeit destroyed was in fairly good condition to be shot out of the sky


care to elaborate behind this one for me?


not technically a word, but i'll allow it. bigly. but the point is, he doesn't need to be bribed by the corporate interests, he IS the corporate interests. lower taxes on the rich, raise them on the poor, cut public programs, dismantle regulations on outsourcing, etc. same dance we've been doing since that faggot reagan was in office. not to mention his disdain for freedom of speech. enjoy Sup Forums while you can, cause i can totally see a scenario where trump passes laws that peripherally make it an illegal site, and get it shut down.


>Raise them on poor

trips don't lie.

The TITANIC never sank... The ship that is at the bottom of the ocean was Titanic's sister ship, the Olympia that has previously been damaged to the point of being un-insurable.


Trump's tax plan is still garbage, the top is paying the same as the middle-lower.

Top 100 Richest Rappers

Rank Name Net Worth

#1 Sean Combs – Diddy $735 M

#2 Dr. Dre $700 M

#3 Jay Z $550 M

#4 Master P $350 M

Diddy has no talent, but co-owned the rights to ALL of Biggie's work, INCLUDING his image, likeness, the rights to his life story, etc. he was never investigated in the murder, and without hard evidence, no one would dare accuse him of murdering his "best friend". every celebrity account of an ineraction with him basically describes him as a sociopath detatched from reality.

No one had more motive or opportunity. he knew exactly where biggie was, which few people did.

Thank you for listening, please spread the word. i want that bastard to go down hard. i'd hate to see him die without the truth coming out. he crucified his own best friend for money, and put out that shitty "i'll be watching you" song/video to further capitalize on his death.

he's a fucking monster.

Are you questioning the Will of the Emperor?

They're all garbage. How much you make shouldn't matter.. and making more shouldn't mean you have to pay more in taxes. It's penalizing you for being successful. That's so anti-American it's insane.

It should be a flat 10% tax. If that isn't enough (do the math, that's a lot of fucking money).. then government is too big. Americans need to wake up and realize they're being fucked, big time.

Not questioning, refuting.


>Mean income for american household: $48,000

yeah, dickhead. sanders tax plan does what's best for most people.