Is this art?

is this art?

no but your a fucking memespouting hyperfag with no sense of being a moron

puffy work of art


is this art?


is this art?

It's a ban

is this art?


no. she's too fat for real ballet and this dance mom, pop music shit will kill any chance she has at a serious career in the future. i have no fucking idea what I'm talking about


This is what you Whiteys have fallen to. Debased and morally bankrupt. Yet you blame Jews, niggers, muslims, pajeets, even Australians (they're not white) for your failures. Goodbye whitey. History will remember your Fall.

Not Television & Film

it's television

do you have more by any chance?

She looks naked.

what's next in her career? forever acting like an autist in shitty music videos?

is this art?

is this art?

need more examples to decide if this is art

is this art?

is this art?

is this art?

is this art?

It's only a matter of time before some CP gets posted asking if it's art.

is this art?

looks like a terrified child surrounded by weirdos.


thanks god i'm not sexually aroused by those pictures

feels good not to be a pedo, i had some doubts

that's definitely art

what is this hairstyle called?


you're not supposed to

beauty is a spiritual thing, not a sexual thing


who are you trying to convince?


genuinely made me laugh. cheers m8

Gymnasts nowadays use pussy shields so you can't see their puffiness. It's weird that Sia made her not wear those. I think she knew her audience. I'm not complaining though, i like to look at puffy pussy slits.

is this art

Here, this is 4u.


i wonder if her future bf/husband will make her wear the wig

i know i would


so much art

now that's art

I don't know, but the engorged snake in my pants sure is

it's a great look for her

Stap et benis

>5 minutes into dance practice she gives you this look

