Oklahoma thread. Get in here, faggots

Oklahoma thread. Get in here, faggots.

405, Warr Acres here.

Fuck this. 405 and I should be asleep

But you're awake. So that "Should" don't mean shit.

Lol i WAS going to bed, then I was commanded to check in! I gotta say hi

Whats in Warr Acres?


Cops with a hard-on for speeding tickets, a 24 hour whataburger, and a mexican Buy for Less.


Damn bruh. Im over in Norman. Got 5 fucking starbucks and all of them are at least 20 minutes from where I'm at

Well howdy ho neighbor

That's somewhat sad. Then I realize that there's a college in Norman full of white girls.

Starbucks is making fucking bank.


I've bought my fair share of basic-bitch frapadingos.
>sometimes you gotta unleash the inner white girl

Tulsa here.




That anchor is terrible. She should get it fixed.

anyone else from midwest city?

How's the weather over there?


okc or tulsa?


I'm guilty, but mostly because of this hellfire raining down on us recently. Summer heat sucks ass.

i'm moving back in two months from KC

El reno here;-;



Ha yea dude. Ive been going to the pool a lot because of this. At least it isn't humid too

dam son solid 7.7/10

Whats her last name?
Any more from Edmond?


Hint: Edmond North Class of 2009

gonna have to bump for this




Any win on Reagan Adams from Edmond?



come on guys lets get some more wins


Damn, wish I knew her! i'm from tulsa so no idea about the edmond shit. not pro-google material over here.


norman - class of 05



I'm going to Tulsa University later this year, what's the party scene? Coming from a large city in the northeast, will Tulsa feel small?



El Reno here.

I would love to see that ass bounce on my dick.

kik: MTCkitten :P for more

Used to go there. Not really a party university. Frat row has some after things like football games, but campo there cracks down on it pretty hard. (Biggest party event when I was there was a girl passed out drunk, they stuffed her in a closet and campo found her there after several noise complaints prompted an investigation.)

Course that was two years ago, if they got a new dean of student affairs (iirc that lady was hard against fun) that might have changed.

Piedmont here. It's literally the worst place here I swear.


Grove checking in. Anyone else? It's mostly old fags in this town

Not trying to derail the thread, but did you enjoy your time there? I was a bit concerned, as I'm going clear across the country and starting fresh. Are the people in Oklahoma really friendly, or is that just a meme?

Aisling from Enid tits


people in my small town usually are