The Purge is real and it starts tonight. What are your plans?

The Purge is real and it starts tonight. What are your plans?

I'm gonna download EVERYTHING.

Hunt my co workers

Sit here and do the same shit I do everyday...

Kill myself

Pound NOS all night with my gun loaded

bring my pug back to life... miss him so much.

Go out for drinks and have a good time. Watch the news the next morning to see how the cesspool, I moved out of one the retarded law was passed, is doing.

Kill all niggers

> lock doors and load guns
>wait patiently until someone tries to kill me
>kill them or severely wound them
>Decide if I wanna rape or torture them
>why not both??
>finish with them
>steal wallet and guns
>sell guns and valuables from dead muthfuckas


Kidnap my neighbor and fuck her in my rape shed, let her live so she has to deal with the emotional damage.

Get my gillie suit and ar-15 and chill out in the woods til morning

Drive to Safeway, steal everything, spend rest of the time eating

absolutely barbaric

If you download cp during the purge and still have possession after, is it still a crime?

but then you'd have todo more work


Yup, because you still have it. The act of downloading and keeping it is illegal

I think so. I need to catch up on game of thrones though.

but there is no way for you to prove to the cops you downloaded it during the purge and your isp provider could state it was after

Going to drive someone's car, get something from any store and store everything on a truck then run over some people

The purge needs more non-murder crimes. I think I'll file my taxes.

PS nice dubs.

Can't people just go on vacation until the purge is over? Assuming they care for their lives more than damage to their property or whatever else

Practice my 1/2 mile shots.

Fuck.....finna get hella money fam.

Get killed on vacation son

Wait is the purge worldwide or just in America

There is this cute girl living next door to me. I would break in and take an axe to her family and rape her until the purge is over. When it is done, she can't call the cops on me and I can just enjoy watching her having an emotional breakdown.

You didn't say where you were going on vacation

Obviously, retard.

Go to the store and loot. Kill everyone that tries to get in my way.
Tear their bodies apart and eat their flesh, paint myself in their blood, let my laughs bring others to me so I can continue having fun.
Also I'd paint over the windshields of every car I see. Then go home with my goodies from the store and have some tea.

Kill the fuckimg dumb bitch that ratted me out in highschool getting me and several other fuckers expelled. Fucking smirk little bitch.

What did you do you little delinquent?

I'd hide in bed and hope nobody tries to slay my boipussy :3

Watch that edge

omg so funny XD

I bought everyone's aderall and Vyvanse and sold it to rich kids for like 3-4 times the money.


I know, stealing tea is bad, but we can do anything we want~

Rape everyone in site besides friends and immediate family

I'd rape. I'd fucking rape.

Form a kill squad. Plan with military precision and training and wipe out the scum of the city one maggot at a time.

Go to this uhaul place next to me, get myself a 16 ft and head to the two largest music stores in the area. pack that thing full of stuff, upgrade my home studio at no cost and have some stuff to sell for good profit afterwards. once i get beck if i have time ill swing by my coworkers house and rape his fiance and daughter. then go to my bandmates house and do the same to his wife and daughter.

forgot... id make some bomb ass smores afterward too. I forgot how much i love those. Shit is so good its a crime. Zing

Leave America today


hold hands

Taste good

go to canada

> scaredy cat FTFY

Map the shortest route to the home of Genevieve Hannelius.

start ripping tags off mattresses, handle hot coffee wrecklessly, maybe even text and drive

this man's thinking straight

once the purge ends, you'll be snowed under with work.. smh jamflex

Jerk off to cp.

shitpost on Sup Forums


>coworker sees uHaul pull up to his house
>"Daddy who's that"
>"It's my co worker! Maybe he's here to help"
>"Wait, what are you doing to my daughter-- OH GOD"
>Arrive to work the next day and you ask your co worker how his fiance and daughter are doing

kek, I haven't heard that term in ages


Buy gold on guild wars. I always was worriwd about the ban

Why don't you rape and pillage like everyone else

here is my question
Who the fuck cleans up after this shit?
In one of the trailers it shows people vandalizing the Lincoln memorial
Someone had to clean that
What about all those fucking dead and/or eaten and/or raped bodies all over the place
What about all of the mortally fucking wounded people stumbling to the hospital the next day
they have to be treated and they could be there for months, maybe even until the next purge
for that matter what happens to all the people IN hospitals, jails, ect during the purge?
The core problem with this shit is it operates under the assumption that the entire population going ape shit for a night will only have consequences on that night

I like the picture you are painting friend


when you can do anything su[er fucked up and its alright
how fucked up is it to want to walk on the grass around the stay off the grass sign

that's still illegal you sick fuck

dribe ofgf a cliff
not before attempting to drive to renton wa
and tryna rape this girl but id rape many girls along the wayand kill some fucking faggots and try not to get raped / killed, prob rape my friends mom or some shit

you should be fucking ashamed

At the end of the first movie, it was emergency response that cleaned up the mess

Anyone else here /mischief/?

It's more like. The purge is fucking stupid ass movie series.
The plots are week as fucking bloody salmonella shit. Would never fucking happens with cops being op as shit. Also fucking Niggers and wet backs "purge" every Fucking day faggot the only thing stopping you for going out on a killing spree is your own faggottry.

Lmao out of country

P sure it's just America, user. Given all the "liberty" "New founding fathers" and other mostly American symbolism.

You sick fuck

Look at user flipping pills over here. you still sellin chief?

Fucking calm down, Satan

Go to sleep.

Nigga it's 3 A.M., I ain't purging shit.


Rape my 5 children and kill them all since i have life assurance on all of them

Good thing you are unemployed welfare nigger.

I would rape you during the purge

Having sex outside of the missionary, purely for recreational enjoyment.

>Watch the purge movies
>Make fun of how badly written they are

I'm going to steal the Declaration of Independence.


Nobody is trying to take out both candidates to make a better future for our country?

This is why it wouldn't work.

Doesn't sound too assured in that case

send url of this thread to the fbi

Rape my sister

pics or u dont have a sister

If someone talked about their plans for the purge couldn't they be arrested for intent to commit a crime or conspiracy or something like that?

"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact"

The ones posting here are most likely fag got neckbeards that can't do shit, user.

here's a pic

Crack open a cold one.

I really like this post


Funny, I just watched the movie (1st movie) and thought of posting this on b/, we all know what we are gonna do.

Mail a bunch of bad cheques, barricade house, load all my guns, and sit around committing fraud on the internet and shitposting

I mean like hypothetically this is a problem that would show up with early purges.