Is India the greatest country on Earth?

Is India the greatest country on Earth?



fuck no

No. Russia is.

lol you're kidding right?

If you mean stinkiest then yes. Fucking curry niggers smell like shit.

Deal with Pakistan first

Poo in loo

How can non-Indians even compete?

Absolutely...... not

No, and stop shitting in the streets.



>be Indian


India invented yoga


worse than goddamned Japan and that's saying something

they know.

india invented the bubonic plague

Definitely no, but if dubs, gayest place on earth



Fucking shithole

does anyone have the screen cap of some Indian guy probably from Sup Forums or Sup Forums he was literally and unironically defending the fact that they actually eat shit.

All I can remember if how awful it was and how someone made a very similar comment to my own (literally and unironically defending eating shit)

>doesn't even mention the UAE
Dubai is literally referred to as the city built on slavery


>designated shitting streets.

UAE pays poorly. In India you can own a person.




>World Super Power 2025


no OP


Best designated country on Earth.


Nope. One of the worst. Indian here who lives in India and is going to for the rest of his life.

>no data
>ocean is filled with piss and shit from aquatic life
>chart is a bunch of fucking lies
Also I think Florida should be slightly darker than that, Florida is a garbage state

I too often live on the ocean and defecate directly into it


i am indian and let me tell you, being indian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off. suck my dick op suck my dick.

then why don't you use toilet paper OR toilets, and why do you rape people constantly?

Also, what did bathing ever do to your people that was so bad that you outlawed it forever?

>USA wants to keep India close
>China wants India gone
>Trump and Obama consistently saying India is going very well
>7.6 GDP growth while the World is going to shit
>Ikea and Apple are basically kissing their asses to let them open stores in India

They recently took down many FDI restrictions and the response was better than good. So India is not the greatest country in the World but its definitely going places

Why do you people use toilet paper? Bidets are cheaper and a lot more hygienic than toilet paper.

why do you use your fucking hands? And why do you actually eat human feces? Animals don't even do that unless they're so starving that their minds have gone to hell

This one?

omg yes thank you I've been looking for months and nobody has ever posted it.

>implying that Indians are people

Greatest toilet maybe.

Just spit at a Pajeet to return the favor

OP has gay cancer

Indians are the scum of the fucking earth

How will whiteboys even compete?


Some tribe under some mountain in some corner of the country accounting to

I need your guys' help. I have NEVER seen an attractice Indian girl. Not even in pictures. I've tried looking, but Dravidians are just plain nasty, and northern Indians look sickly. They seem to be the only race with absolutely zero attractive women. Prove me wrong Sup Forums.

>Hand is more hygienic
>Im proud to drink piss


This is me and my group of friends. We are very nice people and take care of each other. We haven't even raped a girl. Not even once. Make fun of Indians drinking cow piss all you want but it is a part of my culture and I am proud of my culture. Proud to be an Indian. Fuck you all. White people are ruining this world

underage b&

Changed your mind? Bet you're gonna fap to that till your dick falls off....

I am 19 you fag. And what does b& even mean?

Indians like to think so but that's mainly because they're uncivilized mongrels that shit in the streets.

What is retarded about it? You americans also eat cow meat right? Cow is sacred over here in India and you would be hung for eating cow. Are you also retarded?

YES! You see in India, its actually a privilege to POO IN THE LOO!

>You americans also eat cow meat right?
yes but what the body of the cow has decided to store as muscle is not very much the same as what its body has decided to shit out.

Literally degenerates. LITERALLY.
Poop smells bad for a fucking reason.

Could the fact that you eat shit and piss be evidence that your cuisine is literally shit; since you don't find the smell/taste appalling?


But cow is sacred in India and it would be taboo. Fuck you stupid American. You guys are the worst people in the planet. All white men should be killed and white women should be kept as sex slaves for the superior Indian race.

India IS the greatest country. Fuck America

Cow is sacred for Hindus, not indians n muslims can cut that shit up!

Besides ramdev exports cow piss to all western countries anyways, don't see anything there.

So you Americans drink cow piss as well. Why attack India?

Pajeet. This is not good for your heart; here have some cow piss to calm your nerves.

Why are all the American pussies gone? Scared? You will all go to hell while your women have no other option than to suck the dicks of Indian men

indians are the ugliest smelliest people i have ever seen. i feel sorry for them.

Post big Indian tits

Drink my piss you American faggot. You would be stoned to death if you were here in India

I feel sorry for the next white bitch I am going to see on the streets of Mumbai


I would tell you to eat shit, but you probably would.

Tbh I think that guy was trolling and the joke was on you

Me and my friends are going to beat the shit out of any white guy we'll see roaming around in India and rape a white woman and make a video of it. I'll see who will be laughing then. Proud to be an Indian

ya she will probably get raped.

>I would tell you to eat shit, but you probably would.

And india will finally be annexed by the UN for being a third world country incapable of 'steering' (wheel in flag pun) its plebs.

Go ahead. And make sure you eat their white and superior poop. It is very good for you.

I would tell you to go fuck your sister but you probably would

Fuck you Pajeet

They will be drinking my superior Indian cum

Oh yeah. Do you drink the cow bulls' cum as well considering you like everything else that comes out of them not meant for eating? Or do you just let them ram you in the ass and fill you up that way with cum?

Go ahead. I'm black so knowing that your race is considered more degenerate than my own makes it even funnier

Whos a good country oh whos a good country you are! thats right you are! Now sit!


>indians are literally defending drinking piss

meme magic

That's a pretty impressive sentence to construct for a person of your colour. By the way, your kind is called "Habsi" in India. And trust me, it is way worse than nigger


Shit aside, is the "poo in loo" thing real? i always thought it was a meme.


and yes, it's real

curryniggers are ugly and smell like shit women too.

Asbestos ridden, nuke holding, poo in street, my name is steve hellhole


shekels shekels shekels