Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:



The buildup of things that I dont get to clean when its busy. The dirty ass fryer oil. The fridges. The walls, the floors. The dishes that still stack up.

Rory-sama claimed

I didn't say that at all.

Claiming best girlie!

Can't prove it!

I mean, as long as you're not making an ass out of yourself, being loud, or otherwise being a problem... ya, you could.

I completely agree, too fast is hectic, but too slow is boring. I like the speed of it right now to be honest.

Wanna give that a test ;^)



Why would you let a stranger cut off your penis?

I just don't get it :(


>That's a lot of foreplay man.
kek. theres other things you have to take into account like, how you want your pokemon to fight. or what moves you want it to have. whatever but thats the preparation. then the actually breeding happens where all you do is ride your bike back and forth untill the daycare person gives you the egg and then you ride more back and forth until it hatches. then you check in a different city to see if its actually a good pokemon.

sometimes i fall alseep because its so boring. then the battery dies and i have to start over because i didnt save. it just kills me.

oh shit. i can understand those. how long more to endure?

hmm, there was someone who said it i remember. the rory said that it was about 3 people per 30 minutes.

is there not a sign that says no loitering?


i love you

Ahhh... I don't mind Emi as much, she's cute and quite hyper, she has her charm. Though Hanako is still cute. Very cute.

Who'd you say is more rewarding? Not like I won't be experience all of them sooner or later, lol.

Page 5 is aight. Page 3 is pushing it and close to having randoms pop up. Not like I hate randoms, just the invasive ones.

Best Vocaloid claimed.

i wouldnt...

Im getting tired

>Hamakaze claimed

sachi? :o

circumcise :(

I'd like to take a moment just to point out that this was a really good QOTT.


Oh yes I can
I was supposed to leave 40 minutes ago. Ill stay for another 20 and do what I can, just the last of the dishes I guess.

Of the three I've done, Lilly, Hanako, and Emi, Hanako's route was definitely the most rewarding, even if it isn't my favorite route. Emi was really inspiring to me, that's why I enjoyed her's a lot.

I'm disappointed


now that's autistic.

Thank ya m8. Have a goodnight!

You're waifu a shit m8

What the fuck are those shins? Her lower legs look like a fucking yardstick

>inb4 mavis is garbage

oh that... i dont know.

Stay with us! youre going to be alright!


>40 minutes ago
damn. that sucks. dont tell me they told you to stay last minute. i hate that shit so much.

Uncut master race :^)



Katawa huh? Great game, downloaded it right as I lost internet. Best/worst decision I ever had. Enjoy it man, the game is beautiful.

Life's been the same. Getting by trying to make ends met and what not. Things have been mundane really.

But we already tested my PC specs :^)

So the preparation is where most of the work is done, the actual configuration and what not. While the breeding is the grind of it. God that sounds boring as shit.

>the battery dies and i have to start over because i didn't save

>Best idol claimed

Aaaaand 8 hours later she back!

Not as far as I know.

>Middle of the day
>Page 1 all day long

Oh god, I need to get back to watching the series. That episode's gunna be great.

i'm on episode 3 now.


Ill stay on for a few more threads maybe

Not yet

Says the guy hiding behind user status.

kill yourself

Bby I'll test ur specs ;^)

I'm not liking Shizuna(?)... Shizune? As much, she seemed cool, but... She seems... Bitchy? Sorry. Rin is interesting, someone I could relate to.

Katawa is very enjoyable. Can't wait to go feels all the way.

Agreed... This summer is way more uneventful... I feel horrible for saying this but at least when I was in summer school, there was something to do.

eat shit virgin.

Don't have to, looks like your 3D trash already ate my shit for me.

Nothing too apologize for, Shizune is pretty bitchy. Rin seems a bit too philosophical for me.


not necissarily. theres a website that shows you all the information of a pokemon all on one page. it shows you moves, stats, who it can breed with, abilities, etc. catching the pokemon takes like five minutes really. its just that stupid monotonous shit that lasts for hours that gets me. and if im unlucky then it becomes frustrating.

hello there

well shit. if i ever go i should go in with you to your work and just sit there and do nothing.

>you could leave if you want to.

This is me doing my job properly.
Well, it gets better. Much more violence and a lot of military porn.

Hey squid girl how are you doing tonight???

>tfw almost 30

not even a hand hold

Welp... At least the Intro to Philo class isn't going to be useless after all.

I still really like Lilly, Hanako, just a bit.

i don't know either :o
get memed on :^)

I'll be on for a little bit more, I'm enjoying myself right now. If I disappear its because I fell asleep though

You'd have to somehow convince them that you've been there since the building closed. Or just DO NOT show up in front of any of the cameras.


21. I shall have those overgod powers!

thats why god made anime

damn. working past your shift? well, i mean, its more money for you right?

im doing good. just sitting at home doing nothing. glad that i no longer have to do something for my friend. what about you?

is this supposed to be kirby?

no problem. thats something even i can understand.

do they check the cameras every night?

oh shit i remember my dream!

I think they're a little too advanced for you~

Hey Rikka! What's good?

It's a roller coaster man.

Wew, things are pretty damn boring then huh? Nah I wouldn't want that, I'd rather take my lazy Overwatch days.

Oh well that's a relief. Yeah there had to be a database or something out there. That's just too much though but hey if you can suffer through that more power to ya.

Goodnight adorable.
Sleep warm and well.


Off to sleep.

Have a good day everyone.

Night Koko.

Thats good to hear! Why dont you have to do anything for your friend now??

Hey Maki! I got the high score on Guitar Hero at work today and put your name up there, now I have Rikka and Maki on the top 10

I'm off to woolies to get some ingredients, be back later.

Ugh... I guess I'm just poofed and annoyed at horrible WoW players... If not that, then probably just tired of my current situation... I need a getaway from NYC.

And well, I didn't say I would prefer it, I just meant that it's more eventful before.

fuck you too then

I have no clue to be honest. But there's only one in the lobby, and it faces the front doors. The lower level doesn't have any as far as I'm aware, so you can use the restroom. So just chill in the lobby at the desk, and I guess you'd be fine. If it's not the weekend though, you'll have to be somewhere else by the time the manager gets here.

Night Kyokokokoko.

Maki pls

Have fun doing those sik woolies!

just a prank

See you late my love

so i remember being at my cousins old house and i opened the fridge and i got me some water. i drank all of it until it ran out. after that i left and i went to a bar that was made of glass and having lights all round the room so everything was glowing, i remember being really thirsty so i ran up to the guys begging them for water they gave me a big mug full og water and having ice. i drank all the water and then i asked them for more. they got mad but they gave me one more refill. as i was drinking it. people started to fight in the back so the bartenders left. i gave myself a refill and then i left the bar. then i remember my dad came in his car and me saying we had to leave. before we left i asked my dad if he had a water bottle. he gave me a 1 liter bottle with water and i drank it all. then i woke up

new pasta

You should go to sleep.

You should fuck off Shiro

yeah its not too hard or anything, just annoying.


he decided he was going to do it himself. i told him itll take longer but he still wanted to do it anyways so why not let him do his thing himself right?

alright later!


>only a camera in the lobby
>faces front doors
>manager only on weekdays
keep telling me about the security there. we might be able to do a good heist if you do.

most likely id do it on the weekend though. i'll just wait in the vault if anything.

so new its great. but its my dream.


I like water.
So rude!

Agreed, he should roll under a bus

Ara~ Ara~

I will soon.

Guts claimed


i could not quench my thirst in the dream dude. i remember just feeling shitty. As soon as i woke up i went to drink water because i think my body was telling me to drink water.

And what, steal the schools PB&Js? There's nothing here worth stealing really...

I drink about two gallons of water a day.

Ayyy you serious? That's awesome man, pretty damn cool of ya!. Appreciate that. Up to anything now?

Playing with shitty team-mates is never good. You can only carry the people around you so far. If it's the latter reasoning then have thought about visiting one of the other boroughs?

Understandable, gotcha.

It's just a prank bro.

Grinding or just doing mundane never appealed to me. Unless it's a game I enjoy, a lot.

Watch out best waifu is coming through

Thanks for making a path for me


aww :3

well done sir.

Shit I fell asleep. Cant stop wont stop!

School!? What does that building contain!?

i do love me my water. but that was just weird. lately ive been more lazy so i dont drink as much water as i used to

i like grinding in fire emblem.but in pokemon it feels SO good to use a pokemon you spent hours on and it does its job, EXACTLY like you wanted it to.

post lewds then

nigger thats not healthy

Yeah makes sense, leaves you with no pressure to do anything and hang out here!

Haha yeah man! No problem soon all our names will be in there, About to jump in to the WoW other than that nothing much, how are you??

Aye papi
Too much water

Saber claimed
Fixed my module files edition

Duuude... Brooklyn is eh, Queens is k, I guess... Bronx is ok, Manhattan I've seen too much of, and Staten Island, I don't even consider that a borough lol.

I'm thinking if idk... Canada, New Jersey or Cali getaway. Something far and fresh.

c-can anyone rate m-my desktop wallpaper?


Kill yourself/10

Lack of cum/10

what the fuck


If you are talking about water poisoning, I take precautions. This would only happen if I drank two gallons+ in less than an hour.

S..so lewd megumin

Totally a prank ;^)


School, fire/police department offices, lawyers offices, deli, dry cleaners, 7-11, just the typical stuff.
