Who is the Hopsin of television & filmaking, Sup Forums?

who is the Hopsin of television & filmaking, Sup Forums?

Probably this whole board

>Wah i'm white and some female minor actress made a joke about white males!

>Wah there's a few movies that exploit the rise of feminism for money and it hurts me!

>Wah we're not sexist at all despite 90% of threads depicting jail bait and irrelevant threads about porn

>Wah the jews!!!

L M A O.

no one

a person like hopsin only exists because music costs nothing to make. none of the jews who hand out the cheques needed to make films would approve of something as cringeworthy as hopsin

even jews know hopsin is poo poo

Wow, post here

Already predicted what this thread would be about.

I predict you're a wagecuck, white, lazy, unemployed, piss bottles and neckbeard.


my nigga hopsin is redpilled tho, and has a moral agenda. call it corny but atleast he's socially aware and not just spouting mindless nigger nonsense. the fact that he isn't more popular amongst todays youth is just a sign of the times.

McG. He's never made anything of worth in his entire life, but his "yes men" will chant endlessly about him.

Zach Snyder

I think you meant to say that he bit Eminem's entire style and you're surprised more people didn't eat it up. The guy's a hack.

Stanley Kubrick
>No, i'm not joking

tips hat

lmao holy shit shut the fuck up. hopsin isnt that popular because hes trash.

All this faggot does is cry about how bitches won't fuck him for being "too nice".

lmao his rap belongs at a fucking middle school assembly

Someone mediocre and pretentious. Likely an Arthouse director

Having a rough mother's day because of your awful, well-deserved childhood?

Bummer :(

I'm not the one with folders full of cunnys and actresses' feets.

fight me nigger
fight me
fight me
fight me

>i predict a bunch of buzzwords

Not true at all



>He's never made anything of worth in his entire life.
>hasn't heard ill mind of Hopsin 4

That was an awful attempt at trying to sound enlightened by him tbH

a pretentious hack with a cancerous fanbase

Terrence Mallick or Charlie Kaufman

fight me
fight me

I'm actually offended by how retarded that line is

Try a better attempt at promotion hopsin