Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: Rules:
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Hope everyone makes it back edition.

What happened?

Claiming best girlie!

>but y


this is the last thing that happened

Mods pruned or OP deleted.
Take your pick.

Cheshire either deleted it himself or mods are deleting.
So again, why up so late?

Butthuty Janitor Edition?

I will do no such thing!

Damn mods have nothing better to do

As I said last thread
>1 am here
You haven't slept yet?~

Cause fuck it. I dunno honestly. My sleep schedule has been fucked forever anyway. I am supposed to be working on references for my partner...

I've been playing a lot of Overwatch how long was I gone

i need new animes pls help

Cory in the house

Non Non Biyori.
A week?

Not quite. Will soon though. You gonna be a usual in the threads now~?

you will do such thing. i mean just think about it, free food! doesnt that sound good!?

Ika claim




I hope it hasn't been a whole week

I have been since last month so I don't see why not. Honestly I'm probably going to bed soon too.~


I could just go to the 7-11 and ask for a donut. They always give me free shit.

Mi Lou is chesire cat, just saying

I need to fight this need of sleep a little longer

>mandatory claim

whats a good romance anime u waifu lovers (i already saw all the major ones)

whats a good romance anime u waifu lovers (i already saw all the major ones).

Oh. I've never spoken to you so I never noticed~. Good to hear it. We'll have to speak more.

I made a bread m8


ooooooo! get me something! i want anything! but for real. if i went i would probably hang out in the vault.
>trips checked

Wtf is this trash

Getting jerked by a satanic magic energy orb is all was the best.

Ayy lmao.


That girl from Hotel Transylvania or whatever


Delete it? Everyone is in here and I made first.

Then ya, it'd have to be on a weekend, because the janitors are here on the weekdays at night and they could get me in trouble.

Ayyy Sanae!


This bread gave me cancer

Im switching
Akiko doesnt do it for me anymore

Alright I give in. Not many convos heading my way anyways. Night everyone!
>I'm coming after you soon Phoenix user~


I take akiko then

go play with your sword collection faggot.

ayy lmao!

do they clean the vault? i want to go on the week day and then hide in the vault and wisper something creepy down there. scare some janitors. or maybe YOU!

Good luck



Make akiko folder dump thread
I'll take her

When I find you, im going to lewd you up!

>dat blush

Why kouhai?

wasn't there a second movie?

>our conversation was ruined by the thread enders

You can try

Do it yourself

89 cent akiko

Isn't Mercy like 40

Unless you wanna get slugged with motogloves, I'd advise against that.
And hell no, I could get in trouble for having you down there at all, let alone with the risk of the janitors ratting me out.

I don't have Akiko's folder retard

How are ya?
I hope you're joking, if not you're dead to me....
Como va, kalamar?

Really tired claim
Probably gonna crash soon


ITT: akiko is a heretic

Rough pet.

Heyo Sanae, doing well?

Speaking of heresy

She belongs to me, bun bun Hamakaze.

>night night

well you could get in trouble for having me there anyways right? might as well go all out.

va bien. nomas estoy aqui hablando con Makoto.


N-never mind then..

Im actually crashing sooner than i thought
Good night /waifus/

Not too bad. Hearing the killing sound of the janitors vacuum against tile though.

>Gentle pet

With that attitude, I might not even do the weekend plan!
>I actually do very much need this job at the moment

37 to be exact

Goodnight wonderful.


Can i call you grandma?

we doing petting now?

fine... i'll stop...




Hello everyone

Rock > Jazz


I'm fantastic!
How are this fine evening?
Bien, algo paso in tu dia?
Rest easy and take care.
At your living quarters?
What time is it there?

non nazi discount azusa

I'm calling it a night. So, I'll chat with you tomorrow sometime!



Bunos dias!
How's the morning?


I was listening to America's self titled album earlier today, it was quite nice. I enjoy rock.
I'm good, listening to some jazz, twiddling my thumbs until it's time to go to bed.
Goodnight best girlie.

I see you have added more to my name huh.

Hello! It's okay, I just got a cup of tea like every morning. You?

find the pics yourself retard
No jokes here

Fine. Filthy heretic

You betrayed me ;-;

hello there

nada ha pasado en todo el dia. nomas estava aqui y jugando Smash.



ok guys im just going to say this now. my laptop charger is nearly broken and im having a hard time to charge my laptop. If i ever just go silent then that means that my laptop died. You can expect me to not be here in the coming days too for god knows how long.

If I was getting ready to leave this job with another one already lined up, I'd say lets go wild and have a party in the vault for all I care. But I don't which is why I'm a tad of a strict ass.

Heya Mio.

Nah, at work. It's about 2 AM now.

Wtf is America?
I mean Eric Clapton, Buddy Holly, U2, etc.

This is bait

The usual

Sir, this is a bank
You cannot order food at the bank