I really want to see a raping

I really want to see a raping

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Link ??


Here you go OP

my fucking dick is diamonds! OP WAS NO FAYGET TODAY!

Someone post rape porn


Haha it even looks like some got out of her ears

Did not notice that.

Looks like some flew out her eye

just the direction of some drops added to the fact that her ears are our of the field. Obviously didn't really happen

Here is a true raping. Viewer beware OP it's quite graphic.

I really don't want to see a raping. I only want to see a raping if I'm in public with at least one friend, so I may single handedly try to beat the shit out of the rapist, and have a friend there to call the police and or help out during the confrontation and if I happen to somehow lose the fight.

I'm disgusted by that criminal bullshit, and will not refrain from vigilantism, along with applying my own brutal form of justice, if I ever perceive that bullshit.

Even if I were alone, and I were to see 3 men, with at least 1 of them being armed with a knife, I would engage them in combat to apply my justice.

I'm too emotional, I'm too impulsive, so I'm willing to throw away all that I have, all of my dreams, to act upon what I believe is just.

You're not supposed to ruin a illusion with an explanation mate.

Did it come out her ears too?!

Idiot don't you have any fucking idea we can preview thumbnails. Good god you're so thick, it's a miracle you haven't glued your face to your ass by now.

I can only use logic.
I'm an atheist science is my bible tesla my god and this is my weapon.

you sound like a colossal faggot

I don't have a good enough hook picture for this bait


but I'd call the police BEFORE

You're a colossal faggot, faggot.

I'm the guy wearing the grey top. This video was of me after years spent not training martial arts, yet I still did damn good.
I've been training the last few months.
I can kick the ass of a majority of the humans on this planet, and that's without the use of a weapon.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

You sound 12

You wouldn't last one minute in the real world son



Mods mods mods!

really? hmm id probably ask if i could have a turn


nice meme bro!

Why are you such a big bitch

The world I create for myself is more difficult than that of the world a majority of people live in.
The standard I hold for myself is higher than that a majority of the people on this planet.

I constantly fail to meet my standard for self, I am a failure in my eyes, but even in failure, I've accomplished more than a large majority of people on this planet.

I'm not underaged b8, by the way, lol, senpai.

Haha trolle trolle trolled


>Disgusted by criminal bullshit
>Wants to beat the shit out of someone
>Not disgusted by own behaviour
kill self

If I walked in on that bullshit, I would not hesitate to kick you in the knee in an attempt to create ligament and joint damage, and I would not hesitate to throw you to the ground in which it would be very possible for you to fracture your skull upon impact.

wow all that just to get in on the action?

Thanks, man; but I'm also completely serious.

I aspire for things, I have dreams, I have goals, have things I want to do in life, but I could die one day from my recklessness.

If I really wanted to act against rape as a whole, I would be better off not risking myself like that, but I lack self control, my emotions are too strong even though they're shallow compared to a majority of humans, and I would kick some ass without a second thought.


>>Not disgusted by own behaviour
I think I'm a piece of shit. I think impulsivity is bullshit, but I accept it's a part of me.
Thought I accept it, that does not mean that I don't take measures against it.

I hate impulsivity, so, I hate a part of myself.
My mother was impulsive, and negatively effected my life multiple times and in large ways due to her impulsivity.
I hate my mother.

I would not rape the female. I don't pursue sex, I have little interest for such shallow bullshit.

Holy fucking gay

Jesus Christ shut up faggot you literally would do nothing

Bet you're some skinny weak fuck, that got the shit beat out of him in highschool. And would brag to his small group of friends about how he knew "mma" and "ninjutsu"

no real rape on the web. just staged shit.

I'm actually quite heterosexual.

Fuck you, faggot; I will not shut up. You shut up, faggot ass.

I would literally (lol, not literally) do everything.


Why are you a baby bitch?


dont fight guys!

>no real rape on the web

I found high school to be quite boring, and things were relatively peaceful, so I was never able to apply my martial arts skill throughout high school.

I started training from a young age, and am quite the ass kicker.

I'm a freestyle fighter, though, I've never trained Ninjutsu; however, I've trained MMA.

I may be skinny, but I'm not weak.
Also, skill is a much larger factor in the amount of force generated in a punch than strength.
In fighting, strength ends up meaning very little, especially because of how unskilled a majority of people are at fighting due to the simple fact that they don't train and practice.

I just want to see a raping, thats it

Hahahaha this has to be fucking b8

holy shit this just keeps getting better and better

you should learn a 3rd move, i think people would get onto the punch then kick every time routine


Thanks, faggot. We all thought life was like a cartoon until you showed up. Stop being an autismo.

Are you a baby bitch?

But it's not.


I have lots of moves.

>punch then kick every time
I mixed up my kickboxing relatively well while maintaining my personal style, I don't know what video you're seeing.

Horrible stance, bad kicks (no gyrating of the hips) and weak guard, kek.

I'm the guy with the lighter coloured top, and cuffed trousers.


Whatever you say, user.

Dude, I'm 6'5" and weigh 250, I'm built (all natural), I work as a bouncer and get a lot of guys in who box, MMA and more traditional martial arts.
I hit thyem once with my untrained, rule-less fist and follow them around raining them in and these guys want a break or a ref or some shit like that so they can regroup.
A real fight between two people who really want to hurt each other is unforgiving and visceral, practice all you want, train all you want, but people like me are in the majority if you get into a real fight and you will lose.
I'm not boasting, I'm just telling.
See you in the real world b8man.

Im legit right now, its the dead of night and you are arguing with strangers, you replied to four different comments fam. please stop bitching.

Xvideos /video14871531/sexo_rico_con_mi_novia_virgen
A church helper raped this virgin girl. Think he was from argentina and they used this video as proof in court, but it was reuploaded here

Not even kidding, based on that video a 14 year old girl would make you her bitch.

>Xvideos /video14871531/sexo_rico_con_mi_novia_virgen
Holy shit, Thanks finally!

listen mate, this website and especially this thread aint for idiots like you, you wont get support, you wont get praised, youll just get seen for the fool you are, i hear Facebook excepts people like you with open arms, and there you will get other idiots that believe your shit, the closest we want to come to people like you is when other Sup Forums users post screenshots of your pathetic conversations, good luck in your lonely deluded life

"Brazil have been humiliated, humbled and taken apart. In their own backyard".

That's a raping alright.

i got good webms for rapes...
brutal, violent, whatever you want etc etc etc
really depends on what your looking for?
do you want a murder to it to?
also if theres a gore thread later, look for my picture
(the pig butcher)
for some gorey violent action!
i have at least 5 files dedicated to these sick interests of mine...
not relevant, i dont get off to it, i just enjoy watching it...

you are right sorry, i saw your moves, you had
>punch then kick
>kick then punch
>punch, pause, kick
>kick, pause, punch

but i must say you cower and turn and run like a pro

Whatever is the longest to shortest

>Dude, I'm 6'5" and weigh 250
That doesn't mean shit.

>I work as a bouncer
Nice fake experience.

>a lot of guys who box, MMA and more traditional martial arts
>I hit them once and they want a break
You're either lying, but they don't train.
Through training, especially with Boxing and MMA, at least with a good gym, there's sparring at least once a week.
You get hit in sparring full force.
Through repeatedly getting hit, your brain processes less pain signals, and you feel less pain; you build bone density once the micro factures heal, and that bullshit you said wouldn't happen.

Anyone who's actually trained will not get hit once and then want a break.

If people trained, and then took time off, then their pain tolerance wouldn't be maintained, and that could possibly happen.
This is enhanced when they didn't train very much in the first place.

>but people like me are in the majority if you get into a real fight and you will lose

>see you in the real world
I used to be friends with gang affiliates, and general criminals.
I used to be a general shit head.
I've been in countless bare knuckled fights for fun.
I've been in melee weapons fighters where people had knives and there were no rules, I've been in fighters with multiple opponents.

If you're not posting bait, it is you who is living in a fantasy world.

Replace "material" with "fantasy," kiddo.

>living in a fantasy world

y she look so sad :(

Just post away

Your a sad bitch aint ya

Wtf is she fucking? Doggy girl's thigh gap?

Dunno found it on some thread on here awhile back, think it was BM

>please stop bitching.
I'm not even bitching, I'm just having fun with people who are most likely attempting to cause a negative emotional response in me through texted based communication.

You can think whatever you want about me, I don't give a single flying fuck.
I just have fun posting on an anonymous message board where relative randomness is permitted, it's even better if I get replies.

It's called out-fighting. My fighting style generally focuses on out-fighting and counter-fighting, though, I draw from a variety of strategies and tactics.

I direct you to:
>The Out-Boxer

Just go rape someone, all you need is a mask, a condom, and a knife.
Note, drawing fake tattos on hands helps too, creates a profile for a rapist that doesnt extist.

What the actual point there is in seeing raping? It's like you've just said: "I'd like to see an ice cream". Either devour the bitch or gtfo.

Hey whats that site that suppose to be like the old mother less?

"you get hit in sparring full force"
nigga what
you dumb
there is literally no benefit in sparring at full strenght against someone, you will learn literally nothing

Just search for Justin Lee at m o t h e r l e s s

Relatively. I'm not good enough for myself, I may never be good enough for myself.
As life has gone on, I've become less of the man I once was.
As life goes on, I keep losing my potential.
I think I'm shit, despite how people hold me in high regard.

Relative to a majority of humans, I'm the shit; but relative to my standers, I'm shit.

I consider myself to be a piece of shit.
I consider myself to be a failure.

But I'm not like those sad faggots that talk about killing themselves on here.
I like life way too much for that.

I'm an optimist, but that doesn't mean I completely ignore pessimism.

>raping with condom

Sparring full force aids in increasing pain tolerance.
Sparring full force reinforces full force technique.
Sparring full force often allows for a large majority of martial parts practices to develop knowledge of the application of techniques within various contexts.

Sure, people often fail to account for variables, but that's less when regular sparring is involved.

A lot of martial arts practitioners learn and develop hypotheses of fighting, but sparring, though not the best test, aids in testing those hypothesizes.
It's not scientific, but it's a step ahead of purely intellectual, and theoretical, testing.


uh... they use to have videos... maybe 1 or 2 still do...
but that african one doesnt...

try checking out the dad who tries to attack his daughter, that one made me laugh a lil

Cant find a vid

get a subscription lowlife inbred.


i dont wanna sound edgy and tell you to open your TOR browser, but if you venture far enough into that your bound to land on something that might catch your eye

try finding link sites off links sites for .onion

i heard theres this fucked site for mutilating women...
if thats your thing dude, id be searching hard on there, we can only give so much on Sup Forums

the video of a dad and a grill is deleted.

Like i said, no real rape on the net, it gets deleted by the ciberp police

they're not as exiting as you think they are. staged rape makes the fantasy seem much more appealing - footage of real rape is mechanical and sad.

mods mods mods

i dont see why?
i feel like there has to be some level of rape on the surface web...
i meant they have torture and killing and thats all find and dandy, im not surprised in the slightest that the dad and daughter rape video was deleted, pretty much straight CP right there, which in my opinion kinda fucked...
but i wouldnt watch it for the sexual pleasure, i just get in that rather grim mood sometimes...

pain tolerance you get no matter what from regular sparring
"full force technique" like what exactly? you cant do shit 100% because you practiced it at 20%? or if you mean just shit technique then sure.
the third statement is absolutely senseless.

you one of those dudes that put beginners to spar with people who have amateur score of 6-0, right?

please post a rape

So that's whee gel toothpaste actually comes from. Hmmmmm....

eugh, i remember people were trying mods with real CP and got there asses handed by them...
i dont know what the rules and laws are about rape tho?
i dont feel like taking a risk just for a few sexual assault films, tell me the rules/laws or whatever is on rape videos...
if it aint so bad i guess ill do it