Open youtube

>open youtube
>it's a "late night talk show host talking about Trump" video

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's a "Rose ruins my life because I become obsessed with her for 3 years and attempt to get in touch with her in any way possible in order to get her to fall in love with me" episode
Glad that one is over.

>Glad that one is over.
is it though?

It finished when I finally got my hands on and took the time to read her travel blog. I found out she was a complete slut and that turned me off completely almost immediately. That and I got therapy. Turns out it may have been a symptom of OCD, specifically the Obsessive part. It was the same way with girls before her/him as well.

I wanna cuddle with him/her so bad ;_;


As if anybody cares

She's a slut? What are you talking about?

>It's "he/her" thread

It doesn't matter.
There a few hints towards her having one night stands in Spain (? possibly Italy), a story about her getting caught masturbating by some woman in a hostel, as well as her assessing the attractiveness of literally every male or female near her age that she meets. Also reading about how open and social she is with everybody is annoying because I had this image of her being an introvert like me but instead she's an extreme extrovert.


What do you mean in any way possible? You added her on Steam?

>tfw have been obsessed for 6 years
i still love her and her family

There was a dox way back in the day, and I was stupid enough to
>write her a letter telling her how special she was and all sorts of nonsense hoping she'd love me
>6 weeks after sending the letter and she didn't respond I used the phone number to call and check if she got the letter
>added on Steam
>messaged her on Youtube
I was really mentally ill. It's the part of my life I'm most ashamed of.

>write her a letter telling her how special she was
>6 weeks after sending the letter and she didn't respond I used the phone number to call and check if she got the letter

Good god

So did an intrepid explorer ever find out if Rose is really a dude?

at least you didn't send a copy of G.E.B. by accident to her parents

holy shit lol robots never fail to perplex me, its seriously just a fucking woman with nothing special about them 99% of the time. good thing you got help.

You should watch this movie

Yeah I don't get it either. Stop being hung up over one woman like losers and fuck as many as you can, no need to pointlessly restrict yourself.

not him but you have no idea how debilitating this obsession was with her. i even stopped watching her videos because they were too much for me to retread, and i would instead have conversations with her in my head.

i even wrote out by hand all the stuff she wrote and posted online (blog, diary, early internet posts) to try to get into her head.

her name is Rosemary

I know
My good friend wasn't right in the head.
I wish I could explain but I just can't. You will never understand it. Ever since I was in grade school, it's always been ONE girl is perfect, the rest I don't even notice. I had a crush on the same girl from 3rd grade to 7th. I've always been this way.
Thanks for the recommendation pham.
I did the same, wrote out things she would say in her videos. I have an old diary which is filled to the brim with literally 40 pages or so of me writing "Rose" over and over.

this is why I stay away from /r9k/.

if you said "way back then" when you sent her a letter, does that mean you were in the era of brian?

I never understood the obsession with her.
But I did laugh my ass off while watching one of her vids years ago. Not as funny anymore.

the threads (the fun ones at that) were made exclusively on Sup Forums, they were just supplanted to /r9k/ to take some advantage of a slower board (and since on any other board we would have been deleted)
this has nothing to do with /r9k/ culture, though you may see parallels with it

Fucking kek

All these autists who spent months obsessing over her, trying desperately to get her love and affection through any means when she was probably being banged by chads every other weekend after going clubbing, the same chads would then probably joke about it to their mates saying about how they didn't even call her the next day

A little bit after his whole fiasco but yeah that's when it began roughly.

>spent months
You're underestimating us man. I spent 3 years and most guys I know were at it for far longer. Nowadays there aren't more than 20 or 30 REALLY devoted people since it's been so long, but still. Also I doubt she's been banging Chads because she's been dating the same guy since the time she was regularly making videos. Before that though yeah she was a whore.

I never bothered to send her anything or add her on steam considering I came to be when brian was still around, and I knew that was a lost cause and ross would be too prudent for that.
gotto give credit to her for erasing most of the stuff about her off the internet.

I was just really delusional. I genuinely thought I could make her love me somehow. I even would go around reporting and getting a lot of her dox shit taken down from around Sup Forums/the internet in the hopes she'd be appreciative, which I made sure to tell her in my letter.
>gotto give her credit


what is her steam please

I had a strange happiness back then though. I'm much better off now but I'm slightly nostalgic for those times. I would sit outside in the middle of the night and stare at the moon imagining she was looking at it too. There were some good times, but mostly unending suffering.

She will never add you, I tried very convincingly for quite a while, but she's known for many years not to add anyone new. Also don't post it here or you will get banned. It's considered doxxing.