My wife and I have been trying for a baby for a long time. She and I had been told that we were unable to conceive...

My wife and I have been trying for a baby for a long time. She and I had been told that we were unable to conceive, but we didn't listen to what the doctors said. Each and every day we tried.
A few months ago was the greatest day of my life. My wife missed her period and she took a pregnancy test... it was positive.
I was going to be a dad, I was so happy. I was crying and so happy. For the next two months I fell in love with the idea of being a dad.

Today my wife went in for a checkup. When the nurse went to check the baby's heartbeat, she didn't hear it. The doctor came in and had the nurse leave.

I was told that my baby had miscarried today Sup Forums

I'm drinking now, having cried as much as I possibly could.
Cheer me up Sup Forums?

>Also, general feels thread.

Did you eat it to gain its power?

Shits tough mate. My sis been having the same problems. Just gotta keep at it. Maybe try for adoption, or if ha can't qualify maybe take a run at the fosters.

Might be what ya need to get fixed up.

I'm sorry to hear that op. My mother and her husband are trying to have a child but it's the same thing that happened with yours and it's happened twice, I hate seeing her sad because she wants to have another baby but what sucks more is that her husband has already given up on having kids poor guy.

Atleast your wife survived friend, thats what matters

About half of all pregnancies end in miscarriage OP

Its not your fault, and its not her fault, its just nature


Shit I have the exact opposite problem

Op this user is right. Also age and some other stuff can also cause complications so just stay healthy and keep trying I hope you get a healthy son.

Been there user.
Took my wife and I four miscarriages till we got our boy.
It's hard but don't stop trying.
Look after each other and you will feel better again.

Just fucking adopt, you fucking piece of shit. There are starving children in your country right now, and you don't give a shit. Why should I care about your woes if you care about no one else's?

>Just fucking adopt, you fucking piece of shit. There are starving children in your country right now, and you don't give a shit. Why should I care about your woes if you care about no one else's?
no one wants a nigglet

OP you cuck

people have their wives die during birth or misscarriage, your lil kid just ragequitted in queue.

>pro tip: fuck your wife again, you might have another

>be me
>trans fag, been one since age 12 - don't really give a fuck what anyone on here thinks either
>mother is super religious
>me Age 15 decides to come out
>mother awkwardly looks at me like I made the most offensive joke in the world and asks if I was being serious.
>I awkwardly laugh it off, and say it was a joke between me and my friends.
>time skip to age 16
>have a conversation with a friend on Facebook about possibly trying to come out to my mother again.
>tell them I didn't want to on account of my mother's upbringing.
>some time passes and my mum and I are in the car together.
>"so I read your Facebook messages"
>trust destroyed
>respect destroyed
>have an hour long argument on how I'm just confused and that it's just a phase.
>100% flew over my head I was still mad that she read my private conversations.
>time skip another year,
>total actual an hero attempts in between painful conversation and 17th birthday: 15
> for a week I would down like a bottle and a half of pain killers every Day or two in an attempt to overdose.
>anyways, in class I started writing a suicide note as I had planned on An Hero-ing that day.
>teacher catches me.
>"don't tell my parents please"
>"of course not user, we would never do that"
>next thing I fucking know I'm getting a call from my mother.
>in the car on the way home we have another argument about how I'm choosing to be trans.
>after being told that I was going to kill myself. My mother proceeds to say this to me.
>"your friends have made you this way, you shouldn't see them anymore"
>"you aren't normal"
>"people wanting to get their genders changed, it's just wrong"
>[email protected]
>all love I ever had for my mother is dead.
>sometimes I wish the cops would show up to the door to let me know my mum has died in a horrible accident.

i know being openly trans on Sup Forums is a stupid idea, but what the fuck ever.
Makes me feel unique hahaha.

Hi OP, my wife and I miscarried at 8 weeks, just after we saw the heartbeat. It was pretty traumatic, and I'm sorry you are feeling this way.

How old are you two - why can't you conceive?

you often miscarry at that stage - the good news is, it happened because the baby was not formed properly. The body self regulates that stuff.

It is also good news you were able to get pregnant at all. It is very positive.

Your mom is right tho.
Enjoy your mental illness fag.

dude. just stop fucking trying. if it happens it happens but you and you're wife getting worked up about it when being told that you're unable to conceive is going to just cause constant stress and eventually cause problems in your relationship. accept reality. get the fuck over it. be happy with what you have or adopt a kid but fuck man you two need to cut the shit.

Ask her when did she choose to be straight.

Guess you gotta keep trying then. All that "practice" must suck!

Wife and I are doing the same thing, it's been 5 months now and while she is 1 day late right now, her periods are normally irregular anyway. Here's to hoping we aren't shooting blanks huh?

When we have kids I'm still gonna tell them you get pregnant the first time, every time though.

I enjoy it rather well actually.
Also nice dubs.

>Trying to an hero on meds
>writes a suicide note in the car
>is a tranny
Don't kill yourself, you should just suffer until you die.

In school*

Hang in there buddy, I really do hope for you to have a kid.
Get out of that house as soon as you can, it's unhealthy and will drive you insane, and also good luck mate

Try again, the best pain killers to do that is bleach.

I'm really sorry, m8. I feel your pain.

Good to know.
Will keep this in mind

All you married folk here, how did you know your wife was someone worth marrying?

Same here bro
A few years trying now. IVF too.
$30k into IVF and no success. 2 miscarries. Latest attempt didn't even get pregnant.

I know the hope, and the joy, and then squashed. People say things like "you gotta keep trying", etc. But they don't know how hard it is putting everything you've got into a now hopeless cause.

Life ain't a movie. Some things you just have no control over, no matter how hard you try or what you go through.

Good luck bro.
We're gonna try once more and then that's probably it. Will just have to accept and move on.
If it's any consolation, you got much further than I did.

Oh mate! Funny you should say that! I recently knocked up my SO, shes getting a termination in two weeks, aint no way we're keeping that little parasite.

Hang in there man

>transfag here
Been planning on moving out as soon as I graduate high school
My brother said he's getting me keys cut for his apartment and that we'd split rent.
I swear to god though I cannot wait until I leave.

When you can successfully live with them, be yourself around them and them around you, and make each other laugh and smile even after years of seeing each other at their worst moments. There is also a level of risk because who knows what kind of person you both will be in 5, 10, 25 years. You need to know that you both will grow as individuals together.

t. 6 years with wife 3 years married.

Thanks, bro. That's some good advice.

I recently broke up with a girl whom I loved. We broke up because she basically took me for granted. So I'm just doing a little introspection and thinking. Thanks again.

Good luck to you out there. Getting over a lost love can suck but its always going to get better. 6 billion people and all.

I really should have mentioned communication as well because it is the cause and solution of probably every relationship problem imaginable.

Being taken advantage of can be a result of poor communication in that your girlfriend didn't know her boundaries so she continued to push them until it damaged the relationship. On the other hand she could just have been that type of person. However better communication would have revealed it.

Communicating in a marriage means telling your SO when you're made uncomfortable, and also being receptive when you're told you're making them feel uncomfortable. It's a two way street and if it breaks down then so does the relationship.

It'll get better user. Just get out of their house safely as soon as you can. Even if the thought scares you you will do nothing but thank yourself afterwards. Godspeed.