Hi everyone...

Hi everyone, unfortunately the owner of the cinema where I saw civil war on friday night is a damn son of a bitch and turn off the projector before the second post credit scenes. Have you a link or a video to see it? Thanks

Other urls found in this thread:


At my theater they had theater guys dressed as Ironman and Captain America. Anyone else have this? Was so nice felt like an event more than a movie.

In my theater people dressed up, my wife made me take a photo with them and her children


Peter lays on his bed and Aunt May comes in an starts blowing him. Pretty gud desu

Fucking whoops.

I went with my gf and her friend and every fucking time something mildly amusing happened the entire fucking theater laughed like hyenas.

They also clapped at the end.

Fuck people.

At my theater we had anvils and thor hammer replicas to smite at end credits
that was at Age of Ultron though.

yes, everyone is dumb except you


I went with my wife and her bf and everyone were discussing the physics of Cap's shield.

They also tipped their fedoras at the end.

Fuck Canada.

tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/sabesweetie/143861322806 Sorry. Know it's tumblr but it's the only place I found it.

you didn't miss much, it was just cap throwing his shield at spidey and him replying:

>"did you just throw a ginormous frisbee at me? the fuck..."
>"im supposed to be a spider, not a dog"

Bucky goes back under atvhis own request, in T'Chala's compound in Wakanda. Then May questions Peter about his black eye. Says some guy Steve punched him. He accidentally activates some Spidey logo laser projector on his web shooter. SPIDER MAN WILL RETURN

How about a not dashboard url champ. This is 2 fails in a row.

This might be a better working link for everyone interested:


How about you do shit yourself you fucking ingrate

How is he an ingrate?
You completely fucked up twice. Why should anyone be grateful when you can't do shit? Shitdick.

>So was I :(((

jesus christ, does it really matter what happened after the credits. Marvel is the most reddit shit in existence and the only comeback you faggots have is

>b better than DC! xDD

so your shit smells better than another pile of shit, nice comparison

Why so cynical?
I've never seen any of these comic-book movies but it just seems like a waste of time to get mad at them.

I don't know if you watched the Kentucky Derby, but there was an Iron Man jockey and a Captain America jockey.

I'm not even fucking joking.

Thank you! I missed this bit. O my dick Marisa Tomei. That smile she gives saying "Ok tough guy." Instant boner and love.