Wazzup guys. My name is jamal brown and i am here to apologize to all of you people

Wazzup guys. My name is jamal brown and i am here to apologize to all of you people.
Over the last year i was posting racebaiting threads about us black people stealing all yo white wemen. I was mad well and let my blind emotions take the best of me. Now i see that it was childish and stupid. I am very sorry. White people are cool. Some of us black folks also dont like it when white boys take our black girls. But its all cool. Not all of us have big dicks. Some whites are bigger that us. Guess iz da way you are born. Take care and sorry again. Peace. Jamal out.


Why do white people keep pretending to be black?

Strange race we are

No nigga . I am really black. Truth hurts i guess

Prove it, time stamped pic

Fuck off NIgger no one cares

Iz okey ma man. We black folk cause much trouble to you white guys lately. I understand your aggression.

Okey i have a stamp and an envelope near me what is your address to send you my pic?

nice bait

You have already lost so stop embarrasing yourself


Wazzup guys. My name is jamal brown and i am here to apologize...

I bet no-one read any further. they know exactly what 3 directions this could take


a niggot?

I only got as far as wazzup guys
realised im on /b so it must be about niggers

Hakuna Matata, my name is Jumbo Gumbo

I'm a 27 year old American afriboo(african fan for you white devils). I draw with berries and maggots on my stone tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior African games. (Starving to death, Aids, Ball in a cup)

I train with my bostaff every day, this superior weapon can't cut clean through anything because it's a stick, and is vastly inferior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my bostaff license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak mouth clicking fluently, both Hibbity and Bibbity dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about African history and their tribal codes, which I follow 100%

When I get my African visa, I am moving to the Congo to not attend a prestigious college because there isn't one. I hope I can make it to age 50!

I don't own any clothes, so I don't wear anything around town. I want to get used to walking around butt naked before I move to Africa, so I can fit in easier. I make clicking noises and rape my elders and seniors as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Africa!

your spelling is too good soyou fail at being a nigger

You must be dem cuck crackers who pretend to be black niggas to make dem other white folk mad. Stop it you give us normal niggas a bad name.

"normal niggers"
chose one

Help me who is the blackest ebony?

they all look the same to me.