Im trying to remember what a certain fictional creature is called, but I cant remember...

Im trying to remember what a certain fictional creature is called, but I cant remember, it is either green or yellow and has two eyes going up their body, they also have 2 stump looking legs, can Sup Forums help me? pic unrelated

It's the green 2 eyed stump legged fagget.

>green 2 eyed stump legged
OH!! Thanks man, that was totally helpful!

Can you draw it? Even a rough sketch would help.

This is the basic shape i believe.


Sorry man I have no clue

Is it a traffic light?

Monitoring this thread

I guess they kinda do look like a traffic light yeah.

Any hints on what kind of fiction? childhood ect

Honestly no clue sorry.

Fucking maximum kek, you've outdone yourself.

Can you elaborate further? Where are the colors?

Can you draw something more detailed for us?

It's gotta be one of the pokemon, there are so many of those fucks now.

I believe that the main body is either green or yellow or some other bright color. that is literally the extent of my description.

>Sup Forums - Random
Scary or funny?

What do you mean?

Here you go

Here I made a more accurate rendering

How is this OP?

That is more like it but the eyes are kind of just dark holes in the creature, its weird.

day of the tentacle? The guy from monsters inc.?

How's this?

You need to lay off the hallucinogens

Are you just thinking of a woman's butt when bent over?

Thats more like it, I have just remembered there are a kind of border around the eyes, not sure of the color though.

Looks like my ex wife




It better not be this...

Make me

No problem. This is my request thread now.
Does anyone have a screenshot of the thread with "first of all you are a femanon, 'tis an awesome thing to see"...?

The Tree Rod from Maplestory?

Hey can someone help me with my science homework?
What's heavier, a kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers?

A kilogram of steel, because steel is heavier then feathers!

Weight only exists because of gravity.
Mass on the other hand.

The amount of space taken up by steele would be less then the feathers.

So the feathers

Right of course, that makes sense.
Thanks user.


underrated post