On a serious note

On a serious note...

He will win, won't he.?

hope so

fuck i hope not

how could he possibly not win with the entire internet, and all smart Americans on his side?

he will lose by 49% of votes

why? cuz it's fake


Yas I suprot troomp. obooma ne'er din dun hyea berth sertrifickate!

Maybe. Doesn't look good.

He's been polling behind Hillary since the beginning.

fuck off

Another segment of Fox News "War on math"

That's what I mean. In my gut I feel that he will win.
But everyone I've talked to have no idea what either ones stand on anything is.

Most can tell me Trump wants to build a wall and keep wetbacks out and Mexico is going to pay the bill. But when I ask them what they think he means, most think that he going to give them an actually bill like a fucking Home Depot.

And if I ask about Clinton, it's almost the same kind of stupid, most just give me "Trump is an idiot!"

I mean come on people, its the fucking next president.

showwe ma hew meny wimmin haz bin en biwll!! HUE! GET U

^Learn how to fucking speak.

But yeah, I want trump but in reality, Hillary will probably win. Gonna be some shitty days

the fuck is wrong with you?

Think of all the groups that are highly unlikely to vote for Trump, and highly likely to vote for Hillary

muslims, blacks, hispanics, gays, women...

Now take another substantial portion of the people left out of the equation of Trump voters (being straight white fucking male /= automatic Trump supporter)

And after all that, you really still think he has a chance?


on a serious note... I feel like this election was literally just a test to see how fucking easily swayed the American population can be by the way the goddamn media/social media constantly streamed these two motherfuckers doing ridiculous bullshit while other candidates were legitimately trying to run respectable campaigns. Now they know the general pop. will lap up whatever is set down in front of them despite it being fucking poison. I hate the blind followers of this once great nation. I fear what lies ahead. I yearn for the sweet release of death. Let's purge.

Ladies and gentlemen, the average Trump supporter.

Oh, he'll win.


No doubts.

HE will make Hitler Proud



I hope so too, he will take away my food stamps and deport me back to africa - fuck that, I want slavery reparations here in america

Load of shit lol.

There are millions of retarded Americans, but not enough to elect this imbecile. Come election day, more than enough people will have a sudden attack of common sense and vote from their head, not their hate.


democrats are scumbags though.

>trusting the lugenpresse
>not reading the sample data

I won't pretend that my own emotional biases don't influence my positions, but I have nothing but contempt for the sort of white trash who tries to spin his self-hatred and shitlib ideals as rational.

Not only are you wrong, because everyone holds opinions according to emotion, but your opinions are dysfunctional and stupid.

I have a feeling if he does win, regardless of any personal opinions about him, he'll be made a lame duck by Congress. Plenty of executive actions ordered, but no real movement for those 4 years.

Hillary is who politicians want because she'll play the game their way. Trump would just be on the sidelines shouting.

Oh you mean that thing congress does to every president because they don't know how to make deals?
Trump has a lot of support because he knows how to make good deals.
Are you so fucking young that you don't remember Obama literally crying to the media because congress made him a chump for 4 years?

>he knows how to make good deals.
indeed, mexicans will fund his wall

Yes, and I'm sure you'll agree that it happens to some more than others. The first two years especially are a big cockblock on the new president. I just think that will happen more so to Trump. As far back as I remember, from 1993 to 1995 it happened a lot to Bill Clinton, it happened in 2001 quite a bit to G.W. Bush, and it certainly happened to Obama. I just don't see it stopping if it's Trump.

I hope so. Because we deserve this. After Trump destroys this country maybe we can rebuild into something worthwhile. He'll Make America Great Again.

Hillary is awful in her own special way, as well, but her presidency will not be the wake-up call we need as a nation, just more of the same.