I'm not crazy, right?

I'm not crazy, right?
This is one of the weakest Marvel Movies and basically on par with Thor: The Dark World.

oh god, no, but not far. i wouldn't say par, only because the movie was at least coherent and had better cast line up.

this is honestly one of the worst movie's i have ever seen

watch more movies....???

>better cast lineup

>le silly aggressive raccoon man
>le goofy kind tree man
>shitty WWE actor
>tsundere green alien with pink highlights
>fat ginger quiplord

Awe, you fit in here! I think you know that and you just want that sweet sweet le karma!

But in reality it's arguably their best along with Ant-Man. The laughs trigger you guys, but it has terrific world building, action, direction in general. inb4 the ridiculously overrated Winter Soldier.

it's time for bed, kiddo.
you've got school in the morning.

this, kids like that didnt get that TWS was actually a timely political thriller without quips

I agree with you OP

>terrific world building
My reddit sense is tingling


No it's actually one of the better ones.

Thats not what my bros on Sup Forums said. I asked if I liked it after I saw it and they made it very clear I didnt.

Nah, its great film making and funny.
Meme some more.

It was pretty enjoyable but really the Marvel Tie in shit was awful (who cares about evil eggplant man floating in space)
And while I enjoyed the light hearted jokes of the film it does detract from the seriousness of the plot and main villain in the long run
Pretty good overall though . Not as well made as Winter Solider but more memorable and enjoyable . Winter Solider being a well constructed film but fairly bland

World Building is more of a Sup Forums meme as it applies to video games more than film

>the seriousness of the plot and main villain

It wasn't serious and the main villain was just a straight man foil for the comic proceedings.

It's applicable. Nova Corps and a lot more.

>>Edgy Shitpost

This movie is incredibly average to me. It's not as great as literally everyone would try and have me believe. The humor and characters all seemed like they were trying to appeal to children. Not even teenagers, but actual children:

>I am groot
>dance off!
>CGI talking raccoon
>Big wrestler guy who can only speak literally

The entire thing felt like a children's movie that was forced to be linked in the MCU.

on its own, without the MCU , I think the GotG could have been it's own little successful series of movies. Shame that everything Marvel HAS to be linked now.

That's why it detracts from the film. The plot has no weight to it

>I'm far too mature and pretentious for your silly children's' jokes!

Also, please convince me that the Pollock joke was aimed towards children.

Its link to the MCU is the only reason to actually watch it if youre following the mcu storyline as a whole.
It wasnt a bad movie at all, just a generic ensemble adventure movie

I actually liked Thor 2 (mostly for its Loki scenes), and I think this is unwatchable shit.

The movie was by-the-beats the most generic Marvel movie ever made, and comes across like a warmup round for Star Wars while also being a victory lap for the MCU as a whole.

It does nothing new or exciting. It's shot through with generic shit, from le quirky jokey main character dude, the hard and serious female character, the big dumb brute bruiser, the offensive rat sidekick and the nice and silent big bruiser.

The main villain was forgettable. The setting was forgettable. It had schlocky action sequences.

It was well-executed generic trash, but still generic.

Yeah, I didn't like it either, was very disappointed.