What's up Sup Forums I need help. I want to do a Crossfire. Which graphic card do I get, RX 480 or R9 390?

What's up Sup Forums I need help. I want to do a Crossfire. Which graphic card do I get, RX 480 or R9 390?

Whichever's cheaper

I think you should better get cancer.



Shit is fucking cancer there

Duh, RX 480. Cheaper and better performance

Crossfire really isn't worth it considering you never get the driver support until it's too late.

Pretty much this. Nvidia or go home

390 unless you want your card drawing too much power from the port and randomly shutting down your pc mid gameplay ;) Also shit performance, get a 970 instead,

You're gonna need to upgrade power service at your house to run those cards user.


Master race reporting in

lol goodluckfindingoneattheproperprice

A single 1080 will outperform two 390's. Guaran fuckin teed

If you want a card that will give you nothing but driver issues and make you curse the day you were born then buy and AMD.

If you want a video card that actually works like it's supposed to then buy NVIDIA.


>If you want a card that will give you nothing but driver issues

Funny, I've been using AMD cards since they were ATI, yet the only issues I run into that I have trouble with are when nVidia shills out on games and pays developers to hardcode their exclusive shit and make it impossible to turn off.

Whatever you say man but it's a well know fact that ati/amd chippers are synonymous with driver issues. I've had them, my friends have had them and I just got a call from my cousin last night asking me to help trouble shoot his and driver problem and he said "I know I got a really good deal on this cardd but you were absolutely right about the driver problems. This is the third time he's had to wipe his drivers completely and install fresh.

Not OP, but go twin 970? Or just wait for the the new line of cards to come out with the custom branding and just get a single card?

sli gtx 1070

and hilariously enough, every single customer I've had that has had performance issues and has had an nVidia card had their problems solved by rolling back to drivers from months previous.

But, you know, pretend that nVidia literally can't have driver issues, despite nearly every release requiring a rollback.

corssfired 2 Rx 480 yesterday, on what mark are you aiming. mybe i can help you out

I love that you had to resort to a straw man argument to attempt to make a point. I never said Nvidia cards were incapable of having driver issues. I said that through their history as a company ati/amd have been synonymous with driver issues.

Why are you trying to argue with a well known industry fact? It's not a secret or anything. We've all known for years and years going back to the early 2000's.

>I never said Nvidia cards were incapable of having driver issues.

No, you just dance around it and pretend that AMD is the only one that has problems.

>You'll have driver problems if you buy AMD, buy nVidia to not have them!

Well, its also more expensive than two 390, so that's kind of to be expected