Is this a normal result from a q-tip?

Is this a normal result from a q-tip?

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Yeah if you stick it up your ass.

the fuck cunt, do you clean your ears once a year?

No, get to the ear doctor and get your fucking earwax out of your ears. It will feel really good.

>Is this a normal result from a q-tip?
Yes, if it's the first time you ever cleaned your fucking ears

You need some debrox mate.

What kind of faggot cleans their ears regularly?

noe, you dont use it enough. visit b chat.

it feels fuckin good mate

People from civilized, first world societies.

yes and your thumb is perfectly fine too

From the build up and the fact you asked, I suggest you clean your ears more often.

Yes, that is normal for a NEET's yearly cleaning.

You are not supposed to use q-tips to clean your ears.

Don't use a q-tip. You're just going to end up with an impaction in the end, as it pushes wax further down the ear canal.

Use earwax softener then ear syringe.

From someone with nails that long? Yes.

Don't use q tips, they can push wax further down and compact it

you arent supposed to put them in your ear canal nigga you can block/fuck up your ears or cause an infection from compacting the wax.

if you wanna clean your ears you need to use sunfower oil or some shit from a chemist.

Then why does it say to do exactly that on the box?

You're just not supposed to stick it down in your ear canal.

I squeeze sanitary alcohol in my ear once a week. I never have stuff inside.

I used q-tips once and blocked my ear canal with wax. I was deaf in my right ear for a week, use drops instead, much better.

>ur not sposed to use q tips in ur ear meme
yeah, if your ears are jammed full, then i wouldn't or if your q tip is big enough to plug your ear canal.
ur supposed to get the small q tips so you can enter your ear without impacting wax.

>they don't do it after showering
>they don't spin the q-tip while inserting for maximum effectiveness and pleasure
>they don't do it often enough not to worry about pushing anything in

they just say that because retards do it wrong
that is literally why q-tips exist


OP's mom probably told him that because she knows he's a retard who can't handle doing it right.