Prove to me this guy is worse/more cancerous than Leafy, GradeAUnderA or Pyrocynical

Prove to me this guy is worse/more cancerous than Leafy, GradeAUnderA or Pyrocynical.
Protip: You Can't


Get off /b Keemstar

shoved a fucking icecream in the face of a crying kid while laughing about it. fuck this guy


White knight.

Sup Forums really has become cancer

No he didn't. That was OnlyUseMeBlade and also had the parents permission and they paid him like $120 or something

paid that kid $120 and his mom was watching the whole thing

No one except fucking 12 year old faggots gives a shit about your youtube cancer, kys.

he is fucking cancer, leafy is Sup Forumsae and pyro and grade are good youtubers get of /b you newfag


You're no older than 16.


Prove to me you fags aren't obsessed with this guy, and leafy and grade are in the same boat becsuse they all profit from drama and talking shit about people. That's easy to see.

yup, they're all in it together

what a terrible mother

GradeA is pretty interesting. Don't know the rest apart from OP and that's only due to GradeA's recent video

Grade can be funny sometimes
The others are cancer, no one more or less than the others though

i bet you like girls faggot

Jesus Christ,

Leafy - Looks like a 16 year old basement dweller. Has shit jokes but his Tween fans eat it up.

GradeAUnderA - Literally weddit. Get's his opinions from leddit, gets his video ideas from seddit, got famous from geddit and doesn't do anything to piss off meddit.

Pyrocynical - Literal 16 year old chump who copies everyone eles because he has no style or originality but his Tween fans eat it up.

Keemstar - 40 year old Autistic manchild that makes drama videos on shitty YouTubers. Needs validation from Tweens and kids on Twitter to put his mind away from the car crash his life has turned out to be.

Now fuck off.

>mfw people actually make threads about keemstar



Pyrocynical is creepy making ltcorbis popular and he also uses people

we get it, you wanna suck Keemstars k-k-k-k-k-kock

Honestly any one who watches keemstar is 12 he reports video game news and gossip how do people enjoy that. Enjoy your underage ban op

YouTube is cancer

The kid was an actor.

this. hasn't been remotely ""good"" since 2007.

fuck off you cancerous gnome

Gotta admit, I love the way he says Nigger. It's like his voice slides down extremely smoothly. Leafy is actually better than a ton of youtubers and I don't watch a lot of GradeA because of how much he talks about how much he hates drama, yet continues to talk about it. Pyro's content has gotten better lately, I will admit.

Watch MinnesotaBurns's video on keemstar.

>dur hur i say everything went to trash before 2007 so i look cool
Youtube was made in 2007 you mong

Agreed. It's just gotten worse and worse. Finally hit the drain in 2011-2012.

GradeA's a censoring piece of shit.

Nice bait m9

>Samefagging this hard

>ice cream in the face
>terrible mother
Kek, look at bubble boy with the helicopter mom

>leafy is Sup Forumsae
>Sup Forumsae

>thinking youtube has only two people on it
Get real and support world peace

You know boi

Sage ma boi

Not even dubs makes that true

we got a youtuber loving cuck op in here

*2005, genius.

12 year old posting shit like this on Sup Forums is enough of a prove, isn't it? Newfag


Found the spoiled brat.
How old were you when mama let you stop sucking on her tits?


If you are that blind OP not sure if anything in this world can prove to you. Even ignoring all the false accusations and all the shitty things he has done in the past, he is still talentless and his content is just boring and uninspired.

even as a jaded Internet fag, seeing that old man cry was fucked up

I'd stab this guy for that

Grade A:
>constantly bawwwws about drama, never shuts the fuck up or tries to stop drama from starting.
>sucked keems dick until he realized his dumb fucks teen fans would abandon him quicker than shit, so he did the equivalent of high schooler making fun of his best friend to gain popularity same as leafy did. Completely threw Keem under the bus. Not that he's totally innocent, but leaf and grade are back stabbers and bandwagoners.
Idf keems new show gets huge and he get at least a fraction of his original fan base back, Keem and leafy will be right back under keems desk sucking that gnome dry. Though I'd say leafy enjoys it more.

And I am so fucking sick and tired of hearing Grade whine and cry on his twitter and videos about how "I didn't get no sleep mate! I haven't slept in days roght! I need sleep roght mate?!?!" Faggot, you upload a fucking slideshow like twice a week if that. I refuse to believe it's that hard once you have the full idea of what you want in your video


Leafy, Pyro, and Keem are all pretty shitty.
Grade just calls people out on their bs

He continues to exist

>70+ year old man
>wears paper/plastic gold crown
>playing fucking runescape with little kids.
>makes "gaming" videos for same little kids

Yeah, no, there was no justifiable way in thinking he could have been a pedophile. Get real user. Keems only fault there was listening to someone else who had wrong info and pissed off a elderly autist. Just like leafy made no mistakes when picking on tommynyc2010 or whatever his name was, until it was discovered he was literally autistic, and even now there is skepticism if he really is or not.

Man this is the problem, right here

Maybe the guy just fucking likes kids. That's a thing. Some people like children, and want to do nice things for them. Some of these people are men. Gasp, shock, amaze, most of these people don't want to fiddle these children, just like most males aren't paedos. Stop contributing to a society of paranoia.