What went so right?

What went so right?


do people actually think the horse thing could actually happen

It happens every day over the internet except instead of Greek soldiers it's dolphin porn

did the guy who played Hector ever play any other movies?

He was in Fight Club.

He was in Sesevenen.

Black Hawk Down, Lone Survivor, The Amazing Bulk, that film with the potato waifu

>'You know who wasn’t very pleasant, was Peter O’Toole,' Kruger said. The girlfriend of Joshua Jackson went on to detail how the silver screen legend - who died in 2013 at the age of 81 - was drunk on the set of their 2004 film Troy that also starred Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom.
'It kind of sucked,' she started. 'He’s dead, so I can say that. But he wasn’t the most pleasant person. He was just a drunk, and Peter O’Toole.'

She went on to describe his behavior.
'You know, he had a two-day part, and I played Helen of Troy and he was Peter O’Toole, and he just wanted to make sure that everybody knew that he was Peter O’Toole,' she stated.

'And he could barely make it up the stairs. We were on a set that was - you know, you have to climb, like, I don’t know, 100 steps to go up.'

Kruger then got more specific.
'He was just - first of all, everybody thought he was gonna die right there and then. Because it was, you know, 120 degrees, and he had to walk up 100 stairs. And he was very old, and very drunk,' Diane continued.

No sword and sandal film is complete without a drunk old washed up english actor

He really hammed it up in the film but she is a bitch to come out and rag on him post humorously. Her acting wasn't great either and she really missed the point of Helen

There was a point to Helen of Troy other than being hot?

jesus drinking right to the end amazed he made it so far. Based Irish blood I guess.


Eric Bana was good too

what do you mean don't you remember her timeless performance?

how do you go from this...

The contempt seems pretty obvious in hindsight

Nothing. It's a fairly poor adaptation of the Iliad.


who's the hot blonde girl in the background?

>Helen, the cause of the war, is so preeminent in her sphere, so far beyond competition in her beauty, her power to enchant men, that she is a sort of human Aphrodite.

>Her willful action is the cause of all the deaths at Troy, those past and those to come. When she left with Paris she acted like a god, with no thought of anything but the fulfillment of her own desire, the exercise of her own nature. But when the Iliad opens she has already come to realize the meaning for others of her actions, to recognize that she is a human being.

Basically her transition from god to human, the realization of her actions and their consequences

Literally nothing. I watched some of it last night for the first time since I saw it in a theater and it's genuinely awful. So dull, completely shallow characters, terribly acted by most involved (especially Pitt, a performance nearly as bad as the one he gave in Se7en), a garbage script, implausible relationships that evoke no emotional attachment, blandly shot, and tension-less action scenes.

It's a terrible adaptation of one of the greatest works of literature ever produced.

I'm sorry if this is a meme and I runed it but, wasn't Hector based Bana?

the only thing I didnt like was the way the gods were excluded

This movie annoys me a bit because of all the changes they made that were clearly for a "modern audience"

Stuff like Paris surviving and running off with Helen, Agamemnon and Mealaus getting killed during the battle. Omitting the gods was kind of weird but it worked fine, I guess.

Sean Bean

Diane Kruger

That's pretty much her only point even in the original story

no homoHas there ever been a more beautiful man on screen?

based Peter

Yes. But it's him in Thelma and Louise. Jesus Christ - it's like he is the ideal of man.

Never show your legs again

The only thing that went wrong is that we didn't get the odyssey sequel we deserved with based sean bean

truly suffering

As long as you commit to make a historically accurate movie based on the Greek history there will be profit.
The best Greek history/Mythology movie was The Odyssy with Assante and there hasnt been a good one since. Troy was okay but the fact that they changed so many things to appeal to the american audience (like Menelaus and Aggamemnon dying)(Paris killing Achilles) etc etc bothers me a lot

Hard to make an Odyssey without the gods and mythological beasts though.


that cast feels so 2007

>utterly white cast

that's not gonna happen ever in hollywood

>People are now referring to 2007 as some distant time in the past
>A time that had its own distinct culture and feel
>2007 was 9 (nine) solar cycles ago

nedd lannister

since when?