New thread, so much buttstuff!!

new thread, so much buttstuff!!

"Anyway, now that we're done saying dumb stuff, want to trade some pics? or get to know each other more? you can ask me questions about myself"



Nah that was just a joke lol


This sounds fucking gaaaaayyyy

Holy shit



Come on let me see what I'll be working with ;)

show me some ass

You are yet to send your butt pics, she's waiting...


Your tits if you please, I need them as im dying soon

you can just take a wood log and place it in my ass if you're a greedy jew cunt

>new thread starts with dubs

Lets see those tits



send pic to

pick a good one for me girl

this, don't fuck it up op you can still save it




lel fagget

this is why you're single user-kun you fucking baka


do this

Hell yeah

Yea we need this


i have a vast collection of dragon dildos you can strap on then we can go get some chicken nuggers afterwards

waiting on response

Stfu and shit in my mouth



do it op

dubs go

This bring our boy home

holy sheitttt

stop rolling dubs you beautiful bastard

Tits then dick

fucking send her a butt pic bro

I told you she's waiting on the ass pics, send em

is this real though? wish i could find a girl that would peg me

Send her an ass picture, or a dick picture to get on with the nudes. If she really is a chick, probably a catfish

Op if she is nearby you, just leave the thread now and do assplay with her

Did they go to wilmington??

i fuck myself with 12" cucumbers on the daily , is your dildo big enough for my whore ass?

OMG i hate niggers and jews so much !!! the jews are the worst cause they control TV and radio so they keep bothering me with some lame ass nigger entertainment i can't take it anymore all hail Trump to get rid of all this garbage

how many fucking dubs will it take for op to do this


send over a titty pic

Just search the Gifs for the best "ass" and send that one. Play it off as your own

Babe, can you just show me your body? Im so horny


Send goatse

rerolling for this!


let me see the dildo first.

my cock or ass? or both? or my cock in my ass?


send me a timestamp with your face- I think you catfish me D:


why does this have so many rolls?
that being said, roll.

I dont get it

Send a picture. who the fuck cares, at this point we should have seen tits and ass. Hell she is probably lurking this thread.

Show tits.


keep it up, lets get her number

hah, got it first try :P

it smells like catfish

still roll for this one

fuck her number we want nudes



if dubs skip this bs

Abandon thread. It's a catfish.

Of course it is, but it's funny.

Bring a gay friend so i can suck him off while you fuck me

That's not dubs.

roll fo more


winrar with dubs

now it is

From the last thread just before it 404'd. Do it.

uh oh guys, shes onto you faggots

Send me your digits and soon I'll put my dicket in your asset

Will I? I'd prefer to be a naughty naughty boy

send ass pic, get ass pic

Try this

rol l

I'm 99.9% sure the girl is a basement dweller with fake pictures as well and youre both laughing at each other

Bb, imma need them digits

Just give me your phone number and some noods. And we will take it from their

"I sure am. How about you show me yours so I can be sure about my sexuality?"

i sexually identify as an attack helicopter , of course I like girls

>Specially if they got a feminine penis



Female assholes feel much better than male assholes (I know from experience)

Send Goatse.png

dont you wanna find out?