Whoa, whoa, whoa

Whoa, whoa, whoa..
Where you goin' in such a hurry, boy?

Other urls found in this thread:


>doesn't put Trek in the title
>expects people to find the thread
Yet another in Dukat's long, long list of mistakes.

>user titles thread 'Star Trek', 'Star Trek General', 'trek', etc
>first comment is someone complaining that he put Trek in the title and the thread is going to be shit
>user titles thread ambiguously or not at all and just puts a Trek image
>first comment is someone complaining that he didn't put Trek in the title and the thread is going to be shit

Hey Benny!
Catch the game last night?

Compromise. Put "Star Trek" in the title but don't put "General" in the title.

Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

"You're awfully well-dressed for a janitor."

Fuck Kira's mom in the butt was kinda wrong but oh so right

>You will NEVER watch the DS9 spin-off Star Trek: Naprem, following the adventures of Kira, Damar, Ziyal, and Dukat in a stolen Klingon Bird of Prey.
>You will NEVER watch Dukat slowly work his magic on Kira and redpill her on the occupation
>You will NEVER watch the episode where Damar and Weyoun put aside their differences over a raucous 28 hour Kanar bender.
>You will NEVER watch the episode where Kira has to give Ziyal 'the talk'
>You will NEVER watch the infamous Kira-Damar bodyswap episode that would divide the fandom worse than Voyager vs DS9
>You will NEVER see Kira catch Ziyal smoking in the engine room and redpill her on the occupation
>You will NEVER watch tensions mount and loyalties questioned between the Naprem crew and the DS9 staff after Quark sells under par Kanar to Damar in an epic two part crossover television event.
>You will NEVER watch the episode where Damar and Dukat get trapped in Ziyal's romantic Garak themed romantic holoprogram.
>You will NEVER see the episode where Dukat attempts to seduce Ziyal after discovering (unbeknownst to him) false evidence that she isn't his daughter
>You will NEVER see the episode where Ziyal finds an encrypted holoprogram of her mother in the ship's files only for Kira to discover it's just another of Dukat's infamous sex programs.

>Let's bring him in, see if he's got any priors
Kek, OP are you watching this episode right now too?

>it's a "Benjamin Sisko is a crime writer in the 1940s" episode

never never?

Who /negrowithatypewriter/ here?

KC Hunter, best Kira.

Any episode that Avery gets really into is always good. Especially when he devolves into stammered SHOUTING, LIKE, THIS.






People love that episode but I thought it was a little bit on the nose.


He was a Science Fiction AUTHOR you cretin!

Good, that makes it classic Star Trek.

Star Trek should be blatant with its liberal values.

When it's subtle, we get people on Sup Forums insisting that Star Trek is conservative somehow.

Underrated: Enterprise

Overrated: TNG

Worst: Voyager

Best: TOS and DS9

Every Trek is at least good and they all have their flaws and strong points.

"Well I got news for you.. today or a hundred years from now don't make a bit of difference -- as far as they're concerned, we'll always be niggers."


Open in a new tab because doesn't work with timecodes.

You know if you want to do a "discrimination is bad" episode you should avoid fucking superpowerful aliens, because it would be 100% justified in Star Trek if you saw a half black half white alien nearby to run the fuck away before he starts dragging your starship across space with his mind powers.

A lot of the viewers actually are conservative. Star Trek is not an inherently liberal show, it's about showing a better humanity than what we have now.

Ooh, is this from The Negron Complex?

I'm watching season 3 of Enterprise now.

Is it ever explained why the Xindi made the first attack on Earth? Doesn't that first attack warn Earth to be prepared for the second attack?

Is it ever explained why the Xindi don't just blow up the Enterprise? They have no trouble finding it, but whenever they overpower the ship, they always just dock and board it.

New daily reminder that Star Trek is all a mental construct built around one mentally unstable black man's fantasy life to cope with the inequality and bigotry of mid-20th century America.

When are we going to get any information about Trek 2017? To write, cast, built the sets, film and do everything post like add effects and edit, not to mention a marketing campaign, it seems like they are cutting it close.

Star Trek is liberal paradise, run on liberal values, created by a liberal society. Rather than pursuing wealth and the accumulation of material goods, the society of Star Trek focuses on healing the sick, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, protecting the helpless, and bringing together all people regardless of shape/size/race/religion/creed in peace, love and harmony.

>b-b-but replicators
It was a liberal paradise in the 23rd century too.

Eddington really did nothing wrong.

The Fed and Cardies tag teamed those colonists.

Filming in September, airing in January, and you have to move to Canada if you want to be part of it.

Hearing the word "nigger" in Star Trek just seems wrong.

Wasn't it something like testing the weapon on Earths specific environment or something?

To answer your first question, it was a test because the sphere builders told the Xindi that the humans had barely entered space..

The actual weapon was in the process of being finalized when the Enterprise entered the Delphic Expanse. Basically, the Sphere Builders access to possible timelines and the Xindi's being coerced (to answer your second question) by the Sphere Builders being brought to their attention slows the progress of all the Xindi races working together.

Not to mention, the Enterprise was able to access one of the spheres and start collecting data on them during the entire season as well as find other races like the Mammalians who would come to consider their information on the Sphere Builders destroying the Xindi's region of space as a high probability.

As far as I remember there are a couple of episodes where it did seem like "Couldn't they have destroyed them.." but the writers did at least an okay job of finding some way of working around that, if a little half-stilted.

Yes it does.

But WHY test on Earth? Earth gets warned if you test on Earth.

Test on some other planet and then Earth will have no idea that it's about to be blown up.

The Federation needs men like you, Doctor - men of conscience, men of principle, men who can sleep at night. You're also the reason Section 31 exists. Someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your sense of right and wrong.

No, just DS9.

Somehow, his fantasy world was able to tap into the Star Trek universe, but nothing before or after DS9 was his doing.

>If only Dama- *COUGH* Dr. Wykoff would've let him keep going after "What We Leave Behind"

>Star Trek
Pick one.

Truly one of my all time favorite parts of Trek was Sloan and Section 31. It gave the Federation it's needed dark side (that actually was a necessary evil).
If you don't see it from Sloan's point of view, you're delusional.

Benny Russell created Quark, and then TNG and Voyager used Quark, so TNG and Voyager are spinoffs of DS9. TOS used McCoy, Spock and Scotty, so TOS is a spinoff of TNG. Benny Russell created all the Star Treks.

You might be thinking to yourself now "Waitaminute, that's not linear", and if so, you are correct.

No, it's not linear.

To any Combscore fans, his breakthrough movie is up in full on youtube:

>that rape scene at the end

But that means that Benny Russell is actually just another creation of Tommy Westphall.

oops, excuse me goy....I mean guys, just here to ruin your beloved franchise.

A trustworthy man

If holotech existed then we would get to see all this stuff.
Just approximate the appearances and personalities of the characters, dictate the situation, and you can watch as many seasons of Star Trek: Naprem as you like

>S1 finale part 1: Dukat and Kira's newfound romance is severely jeopardized when it is revealed that the Cardassian was in secret contact with the Founders, and had invited them to the Alpha Quadrant with the condition that they'd install him as leader of Cardassia
>S1 finale part 2: Damar's loyalist faction, Legate Broca's dominion faction, the Jem'Hadar, the Klingons, and the Defiant come to a standoff at the Wormhole entrance. Whoever fires the first shot may start an interquadrantal war

You're breaking Rule #1:
>Kira will never ever ever like Dukat.

Their romance only works if we discover that she's been replaced by Intendant Kira.

How can one post be so objectively correct?

Well don't forget the Mirror Universe episode 'Near Beyond the Moon', where the mirror versions of Kira, Dukat, Damar, Weyoun, and Ziyal are all working in a 1940s science-fiction publisher. It's the one that ends with Kira having a breakdown because she got sidelined for being a flaming homosexual

>You will NEVER see the epic twist when it is revealed that the Kira on the Naprem is actually Intendant Kira from the Mirror Universe, and Major Kira has just returned from there for vengeance.
>You will NEVER watch as THAT Kira is revealed to be a Changeling infiltrator sent to observe the Mirror Universe.
>You will NEVER witness the desperate search for the true Major Kira across time and space in an unprecedented cross-over with Babylon 5.
To be honest, I thought the last episode mentioned was when Naprem really jumped the shark.

>1940s science-fiction publisher
1940s crime publisher.

Looks like we've got ourselves a based user

>Dukat sells his soul to the Pah-Wraiths in exchange for Kira's love
>a new prophecy is written: "Kira will fall in love with Dukat"
>the prophecy is fulfilled with Mirror Kira falls in love with Mirror Dukat
>regular Dukat sold his soul for nothing
Good episode to be honest.

well when the society has the resources to run while using these liberal ideals, sure.

It echoes when Uhura met Space Lincoln, where she says in their time, words cannot harm them.

Talk about triggering.

>not-imgur shitposter is also a RLM shitposter
What a surprise

I have all 4 of those dvd cases lmao

Awful self-serving episode the writers slapped together from old tropes to try to tie themselves to the golden age scifi authors. Stargate SG-1 did something much smaller but along the same lines, and it was as much of a cringe:

On top of that they finally got to shoot their wad on human racism, something they approached a few other times on DS9 before and after this episode. And plebs eat it right the fuck up because not just because Avery belts IT'S REAL to the cheap seats, but because "it's real" in every fuccboi hipster sense of the term.

>it's cool to hate on RLM now and ignore their contributions to Star Trek fandom
Dumb newfriend.

it's a those gol darn kids are making mischief again at the shopping mall in outer space episode

That sounds like the type of half-crazy bullshit that would actually make a good DS9 episode
Bravo user, it sounds a lot better than the real one where Dukat ran the Bajoran cult on Empok Nor

Star Trek was always aspirational, not reflective. If you think Sloan was necessary in that world then the show was never for you.

>their contributions to Star Trek fandom

>doesn't know how to use Sup Forums correctly
Dumb newfriend.

>here since spring 2015
Try again

>here since spring 2015
>being this new

These posts are orchestrated events meant to affect a specific change.

Really, we're going to resort to false-flagging this fast?
This reeks of unironic autism

lol ya unless you came over on the good ship adtrw from sa youre not a oldfag user lmao owned u

What the fuck are you people talking about? Go back to Star Trek please.

I guess the 'if you don't put Trek in the title it keeps out the plebs' theory has been proven wrong

Commander tell me about your sexual organs

Do I have to fill out all the squares in order or can I skip some squares?

*nods approvingly*

>To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Trek they're releasing some new blu rays!
>... The Animated Series and the Director's Cut of Wrath of Kahn

I'm actually considering buying DS9 on DVD, it really looks like we won't get a blu ray ever.

this is a phony
>no punctuation

Sorry, fake meme guys.
Gonna have to wait for the real deal.

They'd have to hire an all new CGI-rendering company for the show, as well as compromise the fact that the Blu-Ray transfers didn't break profit with TNG (although, surprisingly, they did with TOS - not sure about ENT)

>>here since spring 2015
>not a newfag
Pick one.

I've only been here since January when I decided to re-watch DS9.
How new am I?

That depends.

Is it linear?

>fragmaster didn't personally invite you to SA from the planetfortress forums
>calling others new


I marathoned the first episode of Voyager while drunk last night. Should I keep going? Keep in mind I hate 7 of 9.

mfw I'm five mins from finishing this episode.

>he didn't serve in the airforce with Roddenberry
>calls someone new

Then watch all the way until Scorpion and then drop it.

>My people have a story about scorpions and foxes that my people like to tell to my people because my people are very spiritual and I am a person of my people.

If you need more alcohol, take a drink for every scene that relies on hacky half-assed treknobabble.

It cost 70k an episode to remaster for the TNG blu rays. Something on that scale for Ds9 and Voyager will most likely never happen.

>didn't make love to Roddenberry in one of his many extramarital affairs behind Majel's back
Wew u were missing out.

ya and then the guy spearheading the project on the fansites turned out to be a convicted pedophile

You've never played Bingo before?
There are a few variations but essentially you win if you get matches across an entire row, there's no order to it

As it currently stands, this thread wins a bingo in the O column and diagonally if you count that

U wot mate?

reminder that harry kim died and was replaced by a duplicate

Some of these are too vague or just a given

Some of these aren't even problematic
>it's a [X] episode

Will you be offended if I make my own competing bingo board with some different squares?

Go right ahead, bingo doesn't really work with just one board anyways.
I didn't put too much thought into it, though by 'autist' and 'shitposting' I meant a specific accusation of it rather than the notion itself


Aaron Nadler was a mod on startrek.com, smaller fansites and on SA and was going around doing a lot of online leg work and putting research into finding old TNG VHS copies of episodes to be remastered.

Turned out he molested children

I've got to agree - on a kneejerk level, section 31 and Sloane are quite cool, and hit that 'necessary evil' spot. Kinda gives the Federation some punch.

Buuut, it's not really necessary. Sure, the UFP is going to need an intelligence gathering network; but a dirty tricks department is not along the UFP's core principles. Moreover, I doubt they'd even NEED one. Remember, the UFP was founded by Vulcans, Tellarites, Andorians, Alpha Centaurans, and Terrans; and at least the first four were among the most powerful races in the known galaxy at the time. They came together and formed a super power. A super power SO powerful that they have a fleet of science/exploration ships that are also capable of doubling as warships. (NOT warships with science; science ships with extra added warbits that easily outmatch the warbits developed by pure-war factions like romulans and klingons.)

This is a big deal, and one which is often overlooked, i think. The Federation is SOOOO powerful that they can afford to completely do away with any notion of a proper military, while staring directly into the teeth of TWO hostile and armed empires.

THAT'S power. And that power combined with the UFP's principles seems, to me, to negate any necessity for a section 31.


Is this supposed to be a specific quote? I kept watching through DS9 expecting a "Khaaaan"-like moment where Sisko shouted his name but it never came

Why is he so smug bros?

I watched TOS and the the films and honestly it was a fun experience. Some episodes are the best examples of Sci-fi I've ever seen

But Jesus Christ is TNG boring. I forced myself through the first 2 seasons and it's literally destroyed my soul. The borg, data-human and Klingon exchange program episodes were good but beyond that