Haven't seen one of these in a while. Fluffy thread GO!

Haven't seen one of these in a while. Fluffy thread GO!



>Haven't seen one in a while

Dude, there are about three a day anymore. Not that that's a bad thing....


Really? Damn maybe I haven't been on as much as I used to




Anyone lurking?

Thank you, I love these threads

Three a day, but never at the same time

On a slightly related note, I have a sudden craving for Italian for lunch but there's not a good place to get it around here.

I so love the "wan die" mentality they get into. Really good stuff.








Fluffy gets FUCKING C U C K E D


Especially when winter is coming.


Self drawn. Opinions?


Love it when they plead mercy to inanimate objects

Looks like Seth Rogen nigga


No half bad; I really want to hurt it. Good job!

show us how you draw genitalia abuse

Next, she'll force the foals to fetch her food.

Feral mummahs really make my blood boil sometimes.

Nah mate, too busy at work

My internet is like the last fluffy in this

They do, don't they?

Well what else is the foal going to do?


THIS FUCKING MARE! If a mare is pregnant, and can't walk, I get it, she needs a special friend to fetch her food. But for god sake! She is more mobile then her foals, she is more capable to do anything, her babies need her! Not the other way around!

By the amount of text I just wrote, you can judge my hate for their shitty behaviour


Did you work 9 to 5 as a toddler to make sure your mother could live?

Well look at what happens when mares try to find their own food

What artist is that? I've seen a lot of it.

I ain't a horse

How come no one ever posts the pic before that one.

Good ol' Carpdime I believe. Home of the cutest foals known to man.

Carpdime I think
Quickhorn's got the best art in my opinion though.


Point is, every baby needs its mother to take care of IT, as mother you can't expect the thing you shat out a minute ago will care of you. It doesn't even know what solid food is

I'd say he draws the best adult fluffies, but Carpdime's foals are second to none.


Requesting Mummah abandoning her foals to save herself

This shits pretty cute though

Ask and ye shall receive.




That's cuz you havent seen McGonagall's. They're the cutest.



Little fluffs.

McGonagall is a damn good artist in general and probably my favorite artist of them all. If any artist could make actual money off his fluffy art, McGonagall could.


Thank you user,I love stories which show how self centered Fluffies are

It nice to remember that these cuties are, in essence,just neon colored raccoons.

That dude is cuter than any fluffy


Best Fluffy Mom

Nigga u gay
I like to imagine him having a Ramsay accent




Gordon Ramsay or Ramsay Bolton?

Because if the latter, then I'm in a flaying mood.



>human has long hair


Punk or goth maybe?


Gordon, u cuck


Fluffies getting other fluffies killed




Your wish is my command

Is the captcha acting up for anyone else? Like not loading images, or loading two blank pages ta once

Story time? Story time
>It's winter time and you know what that means
>Yes, your job at the Pet Store gets a whole lot, mind the pun, shittier
>Now, you don't just work at a Pet Store, you work at a ~*Fluffy Pet-Store*~!
>As if that's suppose to make it better
>Well, yes and no
>Yes, in that every day you walk in you will always be greeted by adoration, expressions of love, and when you go to change their food or litterboxes, your hand is mauled by hugs
>It's cute, but in a sicking way
>These Fluffies are all strays, and have never known human affection outside of their genetic programming
>See, your store functions as a Shelter of sorts.
>People find strays to sell or give to your store
>You clean them up
>Feed them
>Make them happy
>And they, in turn, find new homes
>Now, the store normally doesn't care who buys a Fluff
>But you can't stand the thought of some going home to abusers
>Any big tough guy that walks in, any teenager with a shit-covered grin or bad mustache, any Canadian, all have to go through more paperwork then most people
>Now yes, you're aware it's unfair
>But that's the store policy, mostly so that you don't have abusers trying to stuff mangled and horribly tortured fluffies down the Rescue Chute
>Oh yeah, for quick abandonment, lets put a book-chute right outside the door
>Whoever thought of that was a bloody genius
>Well, you think so at least
>It makes separating a Fluffy from it's owner so much easier, since most don't want too
>Oh, here's a new arrival
>You can hear the chute opening up
>You wonder who the new arrival will be

Let's see what I got.


I love the karma abuse

yeah, I thought it was just my shitty computer


Fuck 'em all. Except Rush. They're good. But fuck the rest of them.


I love it when wolfram makes me sad.

Speaking of which, does anybody want to see "The Farm"? Its a bitch to post it all but its damn good.

There needs to be a movie made about this one...

Its been happening for a week.
But for some reason people are only speaking up now.

Fist I've seen it get this bad.


Please do continue.

I'm good, but post it for the classic factor.
Wolfram makes the best sadboxes